200 Matching Service Providers
Additional providers are available. Please narrow your search by entering a more specific search term or including a zip code.
The Midwife Center
Office and Birthing Center, Strip District - Wellness Walk-In Fridays
Offers pelvic exams and Pap tests, contraceptives, STD testing and treatment, physical exams, basic menopausal care, mammography referrals, and health information and education.
2831 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Eligibility: Femmes experiencing barriers (financial, class schedule, uninsured, child care, transportation, etc.) to getting quality healthcare
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm

for Wellness Program begins at 11:30am.
University of Pittsburgh
Bakery Square - Experiential Learning for Veterans in Assistive Technology and Engineering (ELeVATE)
Provides program designed to re-integrate veterans to college through a three-phased program.

Phase I: participants will complete a ten-week paid research experience, complete a team project, learn 21st century skills in workshops, and prepare to begin classes at a local college. During this time, program participants are offered housing and other family assistance. Participants are also paired with rehabilitation counselors for individual and group counseling sessions to ensure the adequate supports are in place for academic success.

Phase II: participants will continue to refine their academic interests and apply for a formal program at the University of Pittsburgh or an institution of their choice.

Phase III: participants will enroll in a university and prepare to graduate from the ELeVATE program. Participants stay linked to their cohort through study and other support groups. The program encourages past participants to stay linked to the program by serving as a mentor for new ELeVATE participants.
6425 Penn Avenue
Suite 400
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Eligibility: Applicants must have some experience in the military. If currently on active duty, provisions may be made to enable participation; the program will work with participants on a case by case basis.
Ursuline Support Services
Administrative Headquarters, Squirrel Hill - Supportive Living Enhancement Program (SLEP)
Links older adults to community resources and provides advocacy. Coordinates services and assists participants in acquiring adaptive equipment, in-home support, and other health and financial benefits.
2717 Murray Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Eligibility: Residents of Allegheny County age 60 and older.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Veterans Leadership Program
Erie - Veteran Services
Provides transitional assistance to military members who are reintegrating back into civilian life. Provides essential housing, employment, and other vital supportive services to eligible Veterans, service members, and their families to improve self-sufficiency, sustainability, and quality of life.
406 West Eighth Street
Erie, PA 16502
Eligibility: Veterans and military families where veteran is head of household.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Veterans Leadership Program
Administrative Headquarters - Pittsburgh - Veteran Services
Provides transitional assistance to military members who are reintegrating back into civilian life. Provides essential housing, employment, and other vital supportive services to eligible Veterans, service members, and their families to improve self-sufficiency, sustainability, and quality of life.
2934 Smallman Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15201
Eligibility: Veterans and military families where veteran is head of household.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Veterans Leadership Program
Administrative Headquarters - Pittsburgh - Job Clubs
Offers career seminar series and job fairs for veterans.
2934 Smallman Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15201
Eligibility: Veterans and military families.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Veterans Leadership Program
Administrative Headquarters - Pittsburgh - Victory Housing Program
Provides housing as well as life skills training, individualized goal setting, job preparation, and/or employment to homeless, disabled veterans.
2934 Smallman Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15201
Eligibility: Must have Veteran status, court appointed custody of dependent children (if applicable), have a VA determined disability, and a certificate of homelessness.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Veterans Leadership Program
Johnstown - Veteran Services
Provides transitional assistance to military members who are reintegrating back into civilian life. Provides essential housing, employment, and other vital supportive services to eligible Veterans, service members, and their families to improve self-sufficiency, sustainability, and quality of life.
727 Goucher Street
Hiram G. Andrews Center
Johnstown, PA 15905
Eligibility: Veterans and military families where veteran is head of household.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Veterans Place of Washington Boulevard
Pittsburgh - Employment Services
Offers programs to assist veterans to obtain stable and competitive employment. Services may include resume development, job search assistance, job placements, and assistance paying for work-related expenses. Various levels of support are available.
945 Washington Boulevard
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Eligibility: Veterans, regardless of length of time in service, who are seeking employment.

Please Note: Individuals who were enlisted but received a Medical Discharge, Entry-Level Separation, or other administrative discharge under honorable conditions are eligible for some services.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 3:00pm.
Allegheny County - Achieva Family Trust
Counsels people on disability-based issues (including public benefits, financial and estate planning), manages affordable special needs trusts, and helps to create support plans with public and private resources for the care of people with disabilities.
711 Bingham Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Eligibility: Individuals with any type of disability and their families.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Allegheny County Office of Developmental Supports
Greentree Office - Outreach and Education
Provides presentations or host information tables for schools, for community events and for parent/professional groups. Printed information can also be provided. Fact Sheets, available online, are brief explanations of important subjects regarding the Office of Developmental Supports and the service system.
100 Roessler Road
Suite 300D
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
Eligibility: Available to all Allegheny County residents.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm, excluding holidays.
Cambria County Veteran Services
Administrative Office - Veteran Aid and Attendant Benefits
Provides information about, and helps individuals apply for monthly allowance for wartime veterans' spouses, parents, or other family caregivers who have unreimbursed expenses.
200 South Center Street
Ebensburg, PA 15931
Eligibility: Spouses, parents, or other family caregivers of wartime veterans.
Hours: Call to Schedule an Appointment: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 1:00pm

Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Cambria County Veteran Services
Administrative Office - Veteran Pension Program
Regular monthly payments for retired veterans aged 65 and older.
200 South Center Street
Ebensburg, PA 15931
Eligibility: Retired veterans aged 65 and older.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Cambria County Veteran Services
Administrative Office - Veteran Benefits Assistance
Provides assistance for veterans who are having difficulty understanding and/or obtaining the full benefits to which they are entitled by law, including regular monthly payments to compensate veterans who are disabled by injury or illness incurred in, or aggravated by, active military service.

Provides information about, and helps individuals apply for regular monthly payments to compensate veterans who are disabled by injury or illness incurred in, or aggravated by, active military service.

Provides information about, and helps individuals apply for special monthly allowance for wartime vets, surviving spouses or parents who are housebound by reason of one or more disabilities.
200 South Center Street
Ebensburg, PA 15931
Eligibility: Veterans
Hours: Call to Schedule an Appointment: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 1:00pm

Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Lawrence County C.A.R.E.S.
Administrative Headquarters and Drop-In Center - Lawrence County Representative Payee Program
Assists consumers receiving Social Security benefits and who are struggling to manage their Social Security and Disability payments. Consumers are provided with hands-on assistance with monetary tasks such as budgeting, paying bills, enrollment in assistance programs and debt reduction.
708 West Washington Street
New Castle, PA 16101
Eligibility: Lawrence County residents age 18 and older who receive SSI or SSDI benefits.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Tuesdays, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Administrative Headquarters - Home-Based Family Resource and Referral
The Home-Based Family Resource and Referral program helps families to find the resources and support they need to work through life's challenges. Services can be provided to families that may benefit from more intensive case management within the home.
383 New Castle Road
Butler, PA 16001
Eligibility: Referral from Children and Youth Services
Hours: Weekdays, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Somerset County Government
Domestic Relations Department - Veterans Affairs
Assists veterans and their dependents in processing claims against the Veterans Administration, such as compensation, pension, widow's burial and educational claims.
300 North Center Ave
Ste. 200
Somerset, PA 15501
Eligibility: Veterans and their dependents
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm
Administrative Headquarters - Employment Program
Ticket-to-Work service provider. Offers benefits counseling, career assessment, employment skills development, guidance and self-advocacy skill building in the job search process.
831 Harrison Street
New Castle, PA 16101
Eligibility: Serves individuals with disabilities.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Penn Hills Office - Center for Independent Living
Offers advocacy, peer support, skills training, information and referral, and transition services.

Services include, but are not limited to: assistive technology training, waiver enrollment, HCBS advocacy, understanding and navigating services and benefits in the community, connection to appropriate services or agencies in the community, transitioning out of a nursing home to a community based living environment, and special education advocacy.
12140 Frankstown Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15235
Eligibility: Any individual with a disability or a family member with a disability who lives in the service area.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Veterans Promise
Dickson City - Hardship Grant Program
Provides financial relief in time of hardship to eligible veterans and their families as a secondary resource when a need has been demonstrated and Veterans Affairs assistance is not available. Hardship grants are reviewed by the board of directors and approved on a case-by-case basis.
737 Main Street
Dickson City, PA 18519
Eligibility: Veterans and their dependents.
Hours: Varies by need
Veterans Promise
Dickson City - Wall of Heroes
Maintains a memorial for the heroes lost on the homefront. Honors the veterans on the wall at the Shine the Light Ceremony. which gives the community a place to remember our fallen soldiers and brings awareness to help those in need
737 Main Street
Dickson City, PA 18519
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Varies monthly, check Facebook page for updates
Social Security Office - Towanda
Towanda - Social Security Benefits and Information
Provides in-person services for programs managed by the Social Security Administration.
1 Elizabeth Street, Suite 1
Towanda, PA 18848
Eligibility: Residents of Bradford, Sullivan, and Tioga counties.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Paralyzed Veterans of America
Works to maximize the quality of life for veterans and all people with spinal cord injury/dysfunction by advocating for health care, spinal cord injury/dysfunction research and education, veterans' benefits and rights, sports programs, disability rights and accessibility and removal of architectural barriers.
1875 Eye Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
Eligibility: Veterans of the armed forces who have experienced spinal cord injury or
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Northumberland County Area Agency on Aging & Veterans Affairs
Northumberland County Veterans Affairs - Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Assists veterans with compensation and pension benefits .

Can provide contact information for assistance with VA Benefits, GI Bill Benefits, and VA Healthcare.
322 North Second Street
Sunbury, PA 17801
Eligibility: Must be a veteran; veteran's dependent; surviving spouse, child or parent
of a deceased veteran; uniformed service member; present or former
reservist or National Guard member
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Social Security Wilkes-Barre Office
Social Security Office
Processes and makes determination on all types of application for Social Security Retirement, Survivors Disability and Medicare Benefits, Processes claims for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Informs employers, employees and self-employed persons of their rights and responsibilities under the Social Security Program, Assists beneficiaries with necessary reporting of events which may affect continuing eligibility, Accepts applications for original and duplicate social security numbers.
7 North Wilkes-Barre Blvd.
Wilkes Barre, PA 18702
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm;
Recorded information available 24/7
Northampton County Department of Veterans Affairs
Bethlehem - Veterans Benefits
Assists veterans and their family members with information regarding federal, state, and local benefits. Services include assistance in filing for and accessing compensation for service connected disability, pension for veterans unable to work, vocational rehabilitation and counseling, payment for education and job training, home loan guaranty, life insurance, "wheelchair homes," burial benefits, dependency and indemnity compensation, and death pension.
2801 Emrick Boulevard
Bethlehem, PA 18020
Eligibility: * Veterans, their dependents, and survivors

* Residents of Northampton County
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Homeless Advocacy Project (HAP)
Philadelphia - Legal Services to End Homelessness
Provides civil legal services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless. Helps establish eligibility for benefit programs such as SSI, TANF, medical assistance, SNAP, and veterans compensation and pension; upgrades discharge characterizations; enforces custody and other family law rights; assists with shelter and supportive services; helps with replacing or correcting identity documents; and preserves private and subsidized housing eligibility.
1429 Walnut Street, 15th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Eligibility: A) Residents of Philadelphia County
B) Experiencing or at-risk for homelessness
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 5:00pm; Friday, 9:00am to 3:00pm
Veterans Multi-Service Center
Women Veterans Center - Veterans Benefit / Entitlement Assistance
Assists veterans and their families with service-connected disability claims, VA pension claims, veteran burial benefits, education benefits, home loan guarantees, healthcare eligibility, and appeals.

Helps with completing required federal paperwork applications and obtaining documents needed.
259 North Lawrence Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Eligibility: Serves military veterans.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Veterans Multi-Service Center
Administrative Headquarters, Philadelphia - Veterans Benefit / Entitlement Assistance
Assists veterans and their families with service-connected disability claims, VA pension claims, veteran burial benefits, education benefits, home loan guarantees, healthcare eligibility, and appeals.

Helps with completing required federal paperwork applications and obtaining documents needed.
213-217 North 4th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Eligibility: Serves military veterans.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Veterans Multi-Service Center
Lock Haven Office - Veterans Benefit / Entitlement Assistance
Assists veterans and their families with service-connected disability claims, VA pension claims, veteran burial benefits, education benefits, home loan guarantees, healthcare eligibility, and appeals.

Helps with completing required federal paperwork applications and obtaining documents needed.
8 North Grove Street
Suite 2
Lock Haven, PA 17745
Eligibility: Serves military veterans.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Veterans Multi-Service Center
Suburban Philadelphia Office - Veterans Benefit / Entitlement Assistance
Assists veterans and their families with service-connected disability claims, VA pension claims, veteran burial benefits, education benefits, home loan guarantees, healthcare eligibility, and appeals.

Helps with completing required federal paperwork applications and obtaining documents needed.
797 East Lincoln Highway
Suite 12
Downingtown, PA 19335
Eligibility: Serves military veterans.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Veterans Multi-Service Center
Harrisburg Office - Veterans Benefit / Entitlement Assistance
Assists veterans and their families with service-connected disability claims, VA pension claims, veteran burial benefits, education benefits, home loan guarantees, healthcare eligibility, and appeals.

Helps with completing required federal paperwork applications and obtaining documents needed.
21 South 3rd Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Eligibility: Serves military veterans.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Veterans Multi-Service Center
Reading Office - Veterans Benefit / Entitlement Assistance
Assists veterans and their families with service-connected disability claims, VA pension claims, veteran burial benefits, education benefits, home loan guarantees, healthcare eligibility, and appeals.

Helps with completing required federal paperwork applications and obtaining documents needed.
645 Penn Street
Reading, PA 19601
Eligibility: Serves military veterans.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Veterans Multi-Service Center
VMC Edison 64 Veterans Community - Veterans Benefit / Entitlement Assistance
Assists veterans and their families with service-connected disability claims, VA pension claims, veteran burial benefits, education benefits, home loan guarantees, healthcare eligibility, and appeals.

Helps with completing required federal paperwork applications and obtaining documents needed.
700 West Somerset Street
Philadelphia, PA 19133
Eligibility: Serves military veterans.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Utility Emergency Services Fund
Philadelphia - BenePhilly Center
Offers free, one-on-one help to enroll Philadelphia residents in a wide range of public benefit programs that assist with prescription drugs, health insurance, food, property taxes, heat and other utilities, paying for college, disability benefits, and more. Assists with applications and follow up on application status.
1608 Walnut Street
Suite 600
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Eligibility: Residents of Philadelphia
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
AMVETS implements programs for and advocates on behalf of veterans and their families.
AMVETS National Service Officers (NSOs) are stationed at VA regional offices and medical centers and provide information, counseling and claims assistance to all veterans and their dependents in matters concerning education, disability compensation, employment, hospitalization, rehabilitation, pension and other benefits.

Annually awards scholarships to veterans and their dependents.

Automobile donations are accepted through the national office.
4647 Forbes Boulevard
Lanham, MD 20706
Eligibility: Veterans and their families.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
AMVETS Department of Pennsylvania - AMVETS
AMVETS implements programs for and advocates on behalf of veterans and their families. A network of AMVETS National Service Officers (NSOs) are stationed at VA regional offices and medical centers and provide information, counseling and claims assistance to all veterans and their dependants in matters concerning education, disability compensation, employment, hospitalization, rehabilitation, pension and other benefits.

Annually awards scholarships to veterans and their dependents. Also conducts programs to teach children about American heritage, civics and citizenship.

Pennsylvania AMVETS CODE Career Center provides asset assessment, resume writing assistance, interview skills training, and exploration into education, training, licensing, and certification opportunities.
Fort Indiantown Gap
Building 3-97
Annville, PA 17003
Eligibility: Veterans and their families
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
AMVETS - Philipsburg Post #159 - Philipsburg Post #159
Offer assistance in filing claims and employing veterans
16 West Presqueisle Street
Philipsburg, PA 16866
Eligibility: Veterans and active duty, reserves and national guard
Hours: Call for more information.
STEP, Inc.
STEP Office of Aging - Lycoming County - PA MEDI
Provide free, confidential, objective, easy-to-understand
information about Medicare, Medicare Supplemental
Insurance, Medicaid, PACE (Pharmaceutical Assistance
Contract for the Elderly), and Long-Term Care Insurance. Counselors explain benefits, assist in evaluating different insurance plans (including Medicare Advantage Plans, Part D plans, and more), assist in Medicare enrollment and application for financial assistance for Part B and D plans, assist with the lottery funded PACE applications and questions, and assist with the Medicare appeal process.
2138 Lincoln Street
Williamsport, PA 17701
Eligibility: Medicare Beneficiaries
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
Devereux Pocono Center
Newfoundland - Vocational Training
Offers pre-employment vocational training, supported employment, and school-to-work transition services.
1547 Mill Creek Road
Newfoundland, PA 18445
Eligibility: * Adults age 18 and older

* Residents of Wayne County
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Intervention Associates
Conshohocken - Care Management and Health Care Navigation
Provide care managers to advocate for the individual and work with family members, legal professionals, and financial advisors to understand the individual's specific challenges. Offers support to navigate the health care system, understand health insurance benefits, and determine residential options. Provides education with obtaining referrals when needed.
100 East Hector Street, Suite 205
Conshohocken, PA 19428
Eligibility: Individuals with challenging mental, cognitive, emotional, and physical issues who are residents of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties
Hours: Monday through Sunday, 8:00am to 5:00pm; on-call support 24/7.
Private Industry Council of Lehigh Valley
Easton - Ticket to Work Program
Offers assistance to individuals with disabilities wanting to better their employment situation, increase hours, and/or become independent of Social Security benefits.
72 North Second Street
Easton, PA 18042
Eligibility: * Adults age 18 and older

* Recipients of SSI or SSDI

* Residents of Lehigh Valley
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
YWCA Greater Harrisburg
Employment Readiness Services for Homeless Veterans
Offers a full range of employment readiness services to eligible homeless veterans seeking employment.
1101 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17103
Eligibility: Homeless Veterans
Hours: Call for information
YWCA Greater Harrisburg
Homeless Veterans Housing
Offers transitional housing. Provides case management, goal planning, transportation, referral, and other supportive services.
1101 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17103
Eligibility: A) Homeless Veterans
B) Single Male
Hours: Call for information
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
Information and Referral
Provides Information and referral about services and benefits.
1100 Claremont Road
Carlisle, PA 17015
Eligibility: Anyone with questions about services for seniors, persons with disabilities, and families
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
West Chester Office - Employment
Employs individuals who are blind in manufacturing, food processing, administrative services, and leadership roles. Offers a comprehensive benefits package that includes Paid Time Off (PTO), holiday pay, insurance for medical and dental, short-term disability, and more. Benefits vary slightly by position, length of employment, and job status, such as full-time or part-time.
137 North High Street
West Chester, PA 19380
Eligibility: Adults age 18+ living in Chester County
Vision loss that cannot be corrected through standard eyeglasses, contact lenses, or surgery
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Perry County Literacy Council
Newport - Perry County CareerLink
Provides a range of employment and educational services. Offers training programs for certifications, support for dislocated workers, and job retraining assistance. Also assists with applying for benefits through the Department of Human Services, filing an initial Unemployment Claim, and Workers' Compensation Benefits.
133 South 5th Street
Newport, PA 17074
Eligibility: Residents of Perry, Upper Dauphin, and Western Juniata counties
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm; Other hours by appointment.
Southeastern PA Region - Adult Services at Southeastern PA Region
Offers adults with disabilities various opportunities for pre-employment activities, community work assessments, benefits counseling, job placement, job coaching, and follow-up job support services.
115 West Avenue, Suite 116
Jenkintown, PA 19046
Eligibility: Must have a disability and a desire to become employed
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
Western PA Region - Employment Services
Offers a variety of individualized services to both youth and adults with disabilities and employers. Those seeking employment can receive assistance with resume preparation, appropriate completion of job applications, job interviews, training assistance at the job site, counseling for job-related concerns, transportation training, and follow-up services to ensure that the individual is satisfied with their job and meeting the expectations of the employer. AHEDD also helps SSA beneficiaries understand how earnings will impact government benefits as they move toward greater independence.
900 Sarah Street, Suite 202
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Eligibility: Programs currently operated by AHEDD target in-school youth (at least 14
years old) as well as adults with varying types disabilities. The
basic criteria for individuals referred to AHEDD are that they must
have a documented disability that interferes with his/her ability to
secure and maintain employment and be interested in working within the
South Central PA Region - Adult and Youth Services
Provides adults and youth with pre-employment activities, community work assessments, benefits counseling, job placement, job coaching, and follow-up job support services.
3300 Trindle Road
Camp Hill, PA 17011
Eligibility: Age 14 years or older with a disability
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
South Central PA Region - York/Adams County Area - Adult and Youth Services
Provides adults and youth with pre-employment activities, community work assessments, benefits counseling, job placement, job coaching, and follow-up job support services.
2550 Kingston Road, Suite 225
York, PA 17402
Eligibility: Age 14 years or older with a disability
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
Fulton Office - Client Assistance Program (CAP)
Assists individuals with disabilities who have difficulty understanding and obtaining the full benefits and services. Under federal and state laws, protection and advocacy programs provide legal representation and other advocacy services for all people with disabilities and endeavor to ensure full access to inclusive educational programs, financial entitlements, health care, accessible housing, and productive employment opportunities.
116 West Market Street
Suite 201
McConnellsburg, PA 17233
Eligibility: Contact agency for more details.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
Bedford - Client Assistance Program (CAP)
Assists individuals with disabilities who have difficulty understanding and obtaining the full benefits and services. Under federal and state laws, protection and advocacy programs provide legal representation and other advocacy services for all people with disabilities and endeavor to ensure full access to inclusive educational programs, financial entitlements, health care, accessible housing, and productive employment opportunities.
240 Wood Street
Bedford, PA 15522
Eligibility: Contact agency for more details.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
Huntingdon Office - Client Assistance Program (CAP)
Assists individuals with disabilities who have difficulty understanding and obtaining the full benefits and services. Under federal and state laws, protection and advocacy programs provide legal representation and other advocacy services for all people with disabilities and endeavor to ensure full access to inclusive educational programs, financial entitlements, health care, accessible housing, and productive employment opportunities.
307 Tenth Street
Huntingdon, PA 16652
Eligibility: Contact agency for more details.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Anthracite Region Center for Independent Living
Skills Training
Provides help in learning skills to become more independent. Staff member can provide assistance in your home to acquire those skills. Such skills could include budgeting, preparing meals, shopping, using public transportation or finding employment.
8 West Broad Street, Suite 228
Hazleton, PA 18201
Eligibility: Call for information.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:30pm
Anthracite Region Center for Independent Living
Information and Referral
ARCIL can help answer our questions about support services, government benefits, adaptive equipment, accessibility and other topics related to disabilities.
8 West Broad Street, Suite 228
Hazleton, PA 18201
Eligibility: Info available for anyone.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
PA CareerLink - Chester County
Exton - Financial Stability Center
Provides service navigators and coaches to clarify financial goals, give support, and connect clients to services. Creates access to a coordinated network of employment and financial stability services. Provides various educational sessions, workshops, and events each month. Services, provided by various partners, include job seeking clinics, legal clinics, computer tutoring, family benefits program, disability resources, credit counseling, adult english language tutoring, and tax preparation.
479 Thomas Jones Way, Suite 500
Exton, PA 19341
Eligibility: Residents of Chester County
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Division of Drug and Alcohol Program Licensure
Overseeks standards for licensure, complaints/questions concerning a faciliyt/regulation.
625 Forster Street
Health and Welfare Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Eligibility: Persons, partnerships, corporations, and other legal entities that
provide drug and alcohol services
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute - Penn State Health
Harrisburg - Division Street - Partial Hospitalization
Operates a short-term treatment program designed to help clients through an intensive treatment option.
401 Division Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Eligibility: Adults from age18 to age 65 with acute psychiatric symptoms
Hours: Day partial runs 8:00am to 2:30pm - Call for information
Esperanza Health Center - Hunting Park Office
Fifth Street - BenePhilly
Offers free, one-on-one help to enroll Philadelphia residents in public benefit programs that assist with prescription drugs, health insurance, food, property taxes, heat and other utilities, paying for college, and disability benefits. Assists with applications and follow up on application status.
2940 North 5th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19133
Eligibility: Residents of Philadelphia
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Mazzoni Center
Bainbridge - Case Management
Offers case management services to assist HIV-positive individuals with obtaining medical care, insurance, public benefits, food, housing, mental health treatment, substance abuse treatment, and other resources.
1348 Bainbridge Street
Philadelphia, PA 19147
Eligibility: People living with HIV and AIDS residing in Philadelphia
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:00am to 9:00pm; Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
Horsham Clinic
Ambler - Adult Partial Hospitalization Program
Provides short-term, highly structured behavioral health treatment that addresses the emotional and behavioral needs of adults ages 18 and older in the least restrictive setting. It is designed to benefit those who need a higher level of care than outpatient treatment but whose symptoms do not warrant inpatient treatment.
722 East Butler Pike
Ambler, PA 19002
Eligibility: Adults ages 18 and older who need a higher level of care than outpatient
treatment but whose symptoms do not warrant inpatient treatment.
Hours: Facility open 24/7
Special Equestrians
Warrington - Therapeutic Riding Program
Offers therapeutic riding lessons conducted by nationally certified instructors; tailored to each client's needs. Benefits include: increased tone, range of motion, and endurance; improved speech, behavior, and social skills; and safe, unique, educational fun for children over 3 with almost any disability.
2800 Street Road
PO Box 1001
Warrington, PA 18976
Eligibility: Call for more information.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 7:30pm
Saturday, 9:00am to 2:30pm
North City Congress
North Broad Street Senior Center
Offers programs, activities and services including: Support with individual, group, and caregiver counseling, information and assistance with benefits counseling, veterans support group, caregiver information and support, grandparents raising grandchildren information and support.
827 North Franklin Street
Philadelphia, PA 19123
Eligibility: Ages 59+ within Philadelphia County
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Greater Carbondale YMCA
Carbondale - Exercise Classes
Offers a variety of classes and activities to promote a healthy lifestyle to persons of all ages and abilities.
82 North Main Street
Carbondale, PA 18407
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 5:30am to 8:00pm; Friday, 5:30am to 7:00pm;
Saturday, 7:00am to 4:00pm; Sunday, 12:00pm to 4:00pm
Lycoming County Government
Lycoming County Veterans Affairs - Veterans Service Officer
Assists veterans and their dependents and survivors to obtain benefits from the federal, state and local agencies administering programs for veterans. Assistance includes: Preparing and submitting Compensation and Pension applications, Education and GI Bill information, Veterans Health Care, Prescription Enrollment, Burial Benefits, Veterans Headstones, Markers, and Flags, Veterans Widow Benefits, Discharges and Medals replacement, Real Estate Tax Exemption for VA Disabled wartime veterans, Blind or Paralyzed Veterans Pensions, Hunting and Fishing Licenses for Disabled Wartime Veterans. Answers questions concerning Veterans' Benefits and Services.
330 Pine Street, Suite 401
4th Floor
Williamsport, PA 17701
Eligibility: Veterans and their dependents who are residents of Lycoming County.
Hours: By Appointment Only: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
No Appointment needed, In-person Visits: Wednesday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Carbon County Veterans Affairs
Jim Thorpe - Veteran Benefits Assistance
Assists veterans and their family members with information regarding federal, state, and local benefits. Offers assistance in filing for and accessing the following benefits: compensation for a service-connected disability, pension for veterans unable to work, vocational rehabilitation and counseling, payment for education and job training, home loan guaranty, life insurance, "wheelchair homes," burial benefits, dependency and indemnity compensation, and death pension.
76 Susquehanna Street
Jim Thorpe, PA 18229
Eligibility: * Veterans, their dependents, and survivors

* Residents of Carbon County
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Chester County Health Department
West Chester - Chronic Disease & Injury Prevention
The Health Dept. offers a wide variety of educational and preventive programs and consulting services. Programs are available to schools, businesses, community organization, etc., and can be tailored to fit most health topics. Available programs include cancer prevention, cardiovascular health and screenings, childhood lead poisoning prevention, dental health, falls prevention, tobacco control, nutrition and physical activity, Lyme Disease and osteoporosis.
601 Westtown Road
Suite 290
West Chester, PA 19380
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM-4:30 PM
Berks County Veterans Affairs
Reading - Veteran Benefits Assistance
Administers benefit programs for veterans and assists with applying for these benefits.
726 Cherry Street
Reading, PA 19602
Eligibility: * Veterans and their families

* Residents of Berks County
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to noon and 1:00pm to 5:00pm
Kennett Area Senior Center
Kennett Square - Reassurance Program
Offers friendship and companionship to homebound individuals due to an illness or disability and/or nursing homebound individuals. Those who are not normally homebound, but, due to a short-term illness or injury, must stay home for a limited period of time, may also receive this service. Those who live alone may also benefit from this service.
427 South Walnut Street
Kennett Square, PA 19348
Eligibility: Call for eligibility information.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 3:00pm
Variety - The Children's Charity of the Delaware Valley
Worcester - After School Program
Variety After School Program offers a wide range of Educational, Recreational, Therapeutic, Cultural and Social activities during the after school hours in locations throughout the Greater Philadelphia Region for children with disabilities. Students benefit from high staff to student ratios. Activities offered at Variety help meet or exceed appropriate state and local academic achievement standards in reading and math (based on criterion found in each student's IEP) and improvement in school attendance, classroom performance as well as reduced disciplinary referrals. After school programs can play a key role in engaging youth in the learning process by providing opportunities to explore interests, gain competency in real work skills, solve problems, assume leadership roles, develop a group identity with similar aged peers, connect to adult role models and mentors, and become involved in improving their communities. The program also offers parents and families educational workshops, a Community Advisory Bo
2950 Potshop Road
Worcester, PA 19490
Eligibility: Serves residents in Philadelphia with children that have disabilities.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm. Program Hours vary
call for more information
Planned Lifetime Assistance Network of Pennsylvania (PLAN of PA)
Wayne - Special Needs Trust Services
Allows individuals with lifelong disabilities to set aside resources without impacting their eligibility for government benefits such as SSI and Medicaid. Funds held in trust are used to improve the beneficiary's quality of life. Common uses of trust funds include transportation costs, counseling/therapy, medical expenses, clothing, and computer and electronic equipment.
230 Sugartown Road
Suite 140
Wayne, PA 19087
Eligibility: Persons with lifelong disabilities
Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm
Planned Lifetime Assistance Network of Pennsylvania (PLAN of PA)
Wayne - Fee for Service Care Management
Provides care management for persons living with mental and/or intellectual disability, mental health diagnosis, and brain injury to support independent living, stability, and security. Assists with applying for public benefits; finding and staying in appropriate housing; coordinating medical care, social services, and transportation; managing finances; and exploring vocational, recreational, and social opportunities.
230 Sugartown Road
Suite 140
Wayne, PA 19087
Eligibility: Persons living with mental and/or intellectual disability, mental health diagnosis, and brain injury.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Lehigh County Veterans Affairs
Assist veterans and their family members with information regarding federal, state and local benefits. Services include assistance in filing for and accessing the following federal benefits: compensation for service connected disability; pension for veterans unable to work; and burial benefits. The benefits for family members of deceased veterans include dependency and indemnity compensation and survivor's pension.
17 South Seventh Street
Room 230
Allentown, PA 18101
Eligibility: Lehigh County veterans and their family members
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Adams County Veterans Affairs
Gettysburg - Veterans Services
Assists war veterans and their families in securing their rights in matters relating to their person, property, and care of family. Offers one-time benefit payment of up to $1,600.
117 Baltimore Street
Suite 201-A
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Eligibility: Residents of Adams County
Wartime Veterans (including honorably discharged)
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
New Hope Ministries
New Oxford Center - Workforce Development and Adult Education at New Oxford
Prescreens and check pre-requisites for class opportunities in nursing aide, trucking, and forklift.
Eligibility: Meets income guidelines
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 1:00pm
Janus School
Mount Joy - Co-Curricular and Summer Programs
Offers a core academic, co-curricular program for students in grade K through grade 12 with learning differences. Admission to the school is based on a formal diagnosis of a specific learning disability or Asperger's syndrome, and on the student's ability to benefit from the school's program. Summer programming includes afternoon programs such as outdoor adventures, Esports, D&D club, and theater. Afternoon program offerings vary each year and may depend on enrollment. Bus transportation is available from Berks, Harrisburg, Lebanon, and York.
205 Lefever Road
Mount Joy, PA 17552
Eligibility: * School-aged students

* Individuals with a diagnosed or suspected learning disability
Hours: School Year Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:30am to 4:00pm; Summer Hours:
Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 3:00pm
Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry
Unemployment Compensation Service Centers - Unemployment Compensation Services
State unemployment compensation benefits are available to Pennsylvania residents who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. Residents may be eligible for up to 26 weeks of regular state-funded benefits. During high unemployment periods, additional weeks of Extended Benefits are available for a limited time depending upon Pennsylvania's total unemployment rate. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
1316 State Street
Erie, PA 16501
Eligibility: Individuals who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. Visit
the PA uemployment wesbite on eligibility:
Hours: Call for more information.
Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry
Unemployment Compensation Service Centers - Unemployment Compensation Service
State unemployment compensation benefits are available to Pennsylvania residents who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. Residents may be eligible for up to 26 weeks of regular state-funded benefits. During high unemployment periods, additional weeks of Extended Benefits are available for a limited time depending upon Pennsylvania's total unemployment rate. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
14 North Linden Street
Duquesne, PA 15110
Eligibility: https://www.uc.pa.gov/unemployment-benefits/Am-I-Eligible/Pages/am-I-eligible.
Click here to visit the PA unemployment website page on eligibility.
Hours: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 11:00am to 3:00pm
Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry
Employment, Advancement and Retention Network (EARN)
- Prepares job seekers for the global workforce through employment and job training services for youth, adult, older adult and dislocated workers
- Enforces regulations and safety standards in the workplace and administers the Commonwealth's programs for community service by young Pennsylvanians
- Administers benefits to unemployed individuals, oversees the administration of workers' compensation benefits to individuals with job related injuries and/or illnesses, and provides vocational rehabilitation to individuals with disabilities
651 Boas Street
Room 1700
Harrisburg, PA 17121
Eligibility: Pennsylvania employers and workers
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
Bellomo and Associates
York - Estate Planning and Elder Law
Provides services related to estate planning and elder law. Specializes in asset protection, wills and trust planning, powers of attorney, elder law, Medicaid application and qualification, long-term care planning, probate and estate administration, Medicaid crisis planning, special needs and disability planning, veterans’ benefits, including aid and attendance qualification, charitable planning, and business succession in conjunction with estate planning.
3198 East Market Street
York, PA 17402
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:30am to 5:00pm; Friday, 8:30am to 12:00pm
Social Security Administration
Online Services
Provides a website where individuals can apply for retirement, disability, and Medicare benefits online; check the status of an application or appeal; request a replacement Social Security card (in most areas); print a benefit verification letter; and more, from anywhere and from any of your devices.

The services and benefits include:
* Social Security Number applications
* Replacement Social Security cards
* Retirement Benefits
* Medicare applications
* Social Security Disability (SSDI)
* Social Security Burial Benefits
Office of Public Inquiries
6401 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21235
Eligibility: United States Citizens and Legal Residents with Social Security Numbers
Hours: Online Services are available: Monday through Friday, 5:00am to1:00am
Saturday, 5:00am to 11:00pm Sunday, 8:00am to 11:30pm
Social Security Administration
Local Office Locator and Services
Allows individuals to search for the local Social Security Administration office that serves a particular area. Once the local office is identified, individuals may contact that office for assistance in applying for the variety of benefits that are available through the Social Security Administration.

The services and benefits include:
* Social Security Number applications
* Replacement Social Security cards
* Retirement Benefits
* Medicare applications
* Social Security Disability (SSDI)
* Social Security Burial Benefits
Office of Public Inquiries
6401 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21235
Eligibility: United States Citizens and Legal Residents with Social Security Numbers
Hours: Website available 24/7
Goodwill Keystone Area
Goodwill Keystone Area - Lancaster - Work Incentives Planning and Assistance Services
Work Incentives Planning and Assistance or WIPA is a free service for individuals who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and want to go to work to increase their self-sufficiency. WIPA is funded by the Social Security Administration and helps SSI/SSDI beneficiaries understand the impact of earnings on their cash and health care benefits and access valuable work supports offered by Social Security.
Various locations
Lancaster, PA 17601
Eligibility: Individuals, between the ages of 14 and full retirement age, currently
eligible for SSI/SSDI and interested in or currently working
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Goodwill Keystone Area
Lancaster - Employment Services
Assists youth and adults with disabilities to prepare for, secure, and maintain or advance in employment in the local community to support their financial self-sufficiency. As part of their service delivery, they provide benefits counseling support to those individuals who receive SSI and/or SSDI to understand work's impact on their cash benefit and healthcare.
1048 North Plum Street
Lancaster, PA 17601
Eligibility: Individuals age 16 and older who possess a documented disability and are
interested in employment
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:30am to 4:00pm
Social Security Scranton Office
Social Security Office
Provides in-person services for programs managed by the Social Security Administration.
300 Lackawanna Avenue
Suite 117
Scranton, PA 18503
Eligibility: Residents of Lackawanna, Pike, Susquehanna, Wayne, and Wyoming Counties
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm, by appointment
Social Security Bloomsburg Office
Bloomsburg - Social Security Office
Provides such services as: application for retirement benefits, SSI and disability benefits, survivors' benefits, and Medicare. Assists with checking application or appeal status, replacing Medicare card, obtaining SSA forms, and a new or replacement Social Security card.
700 Market Street
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Social Security Selinsgrove Office
Selinsgrove - Social Security Office
Provides information about applying for retirement and disability benefits provided by the Social Security Administration (SSA).
150 Susquehanna Valley Mall Drive
Selinsgrove, PA 17870
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Advocacy Alliance - Scranton
Scranton - Representative Payee
Provides representative payee services, a system of financial and budgetary management for individuals who have a mental illness, individuals who have developmental disabilities, and older adults who are unable to manage their financial affairs or Social Security and other benefits..
846 Jefferson Avenue
Scranton, PA 18501
Eligibility: Individuals age 18 and older who have mental or physical impairments, who
are unable to manage their financial affairs.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:30pm
Pennsylvania Department of Human Services
Centre County Assistance Office - Medical Assistance / Medicaid
Provides health care benefits for older people and people with disabilities.
2580 Park Center Boulevard
State College, PA 16801
Eligibility: Click here for eligibility and benefits.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
United States Social Security Administration
Schuylkill Office - Social Security Administration
Provides the following services:
* Processes and makes determination on all types of applications for Social Security retirement, survivors disability, and Medicare benefits
* Processes claims for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits
* Informs employers, employees, and self-employed persons of their rights and responsibilities under the Social Security program
* Assists beneficiaries with necessary reporting of events which might affect continuing eligibility
* Accepts applications for original and duplicate social security numbers
* Explains the right to the appeal process to dissatisfied clients
* Investigates possible collusion, impersonation, misrepresentation, or fraud in connection with claims under the Social Security Act
* Maintains an informational resource file and makes appropriate referrals
* Accepts initial applications for Black Lung Benefits
* Burial Benefits:
2221 West Market Street
Suite 200
Pottsville, PA 17901
Eligibility: Open to the public
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Wednesday, 9:00am to 12:00pm
United States Social Security Administration
Selinsgrove Office - Social Security Administration
A national program of contributory social insurance. Employees, employers and the self-employed pay contributions that are pooled in special trust funds. These funds provide income to workers and dependents in the event of retirement, disability or death. SSA also administers Medicare and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program for the aged, blind and disabled. Local offices accept applications, determine eligibility, hear appeals and are available to assist individuals trying to access benefits.
150 Susquehanna Valley Drive
Selinsgrove, PA 17870
Hours: Weekdays, 9:00am to 3:00pm
United States Social Security Administration
Chautauqua County Office - Social Security Administration
A national program of contributory social insurance. Employees, employers and the self-employed pay contributions that are pooled in special trust funds. These funds provide income to workers and dependents in the event of retirement, disability or death. SSA also administers medicare and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program for the aged, blind and disabled. Local offices accept applications, determine eligibility, hear appeals and are available to assist individuals trying to access benefits.
321 Hazeltine Avenue
Jamestown, NY 14701
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Wednesday, 9:00am to 12:00pm
United States Social Security Administration
Cattaraugus County Office - Social Security Administration
A national program of contributory social insurance. Employees, employers and the self-employed pay contributions that are pooled in special trust funds. These funds provide income to workers and dependents in the event of retirement, disability or death. SSA also administers medicare and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program for the aged, blind and disabled. Local offices accept applications, determine eligibility, hear appeals and are available to assist individuals trying to access benefits.
1618 West State Street
Olean, NY 14760
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Wednesday, 9:00am to 12:00pm
United States Social Security Administration
Clearfield County Office - Social Security Administration
A national program of contributory social insurance. Employees, employers and the self-employed pay contributions that are pooled in special trust funds. These funds provide income to workers and dependents in the event of retirement, disability or death. SSA also administers medicare and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program for the aged, blind and disabled. Local offices accept applications, determine eligibility, hear appeals and are available to assist individuals trying to access benefits.
302 Liberty Boulevard
DuBois, PA 15801
Eligibility: Call or visit website for more information.
Hours: Call for more information.
United States Social Security Administration
Venango County Office - Social Security Administration
A national program of contributory social insurance. Employees, employers and the self-employed pay contributions that are pooled in special trust funds. These funds provide income to workers and dependents in the event of retirement, disability or death. SSA also administers medicare and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program for the aged, blind and disabled. Local offices accept applications, determine eligibility, hear appeals and are available to assist individuals trying to access benefits.
80 Regina Drive
Cranberry, PA 16319
Eligibility: Call or visit website for more information.
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Wednesday, 9:00am to 12:00pm
United States Social Security Administration
Erie County Office - Social Security Administration
A national program of contributory social insurance. Employees, employers and the self-employed pay contributions that are pooled in special trust funds. These funds provide income to workers and dependents in the event of retirement, disability or death. SSA also administers medicare and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program for the aged, blind and disabled. Local offices accept applications, determine eligibility, hear appeals and are available to assist individuals trying to access benefits.
717 State Street
Erie, PA 16501
Eligibility: Call or visit website for more information.
Hours: Call for more information.
United States Social Security Administration
Crawford County Office - Social Security Administration
A national program of contributory social insurance. Employees, employers and the self-employed pay contributions that are pooled in special trust funds. These funds provide income to workers and dependents in the event of retirement, disability or death. SSA also administers medicare and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program for the aged, blind and disabled. Local offices accept applications, determine eligibility, hear appeals and are available to assist individuals trying to access benefits.
19063 Park Avenue Plaza
Meadville, PA 16335
Hours: Call for more information.
United States Social Security Administration
Franklin Program - Chambersburg - Social Security Administration
A national program of contributory social insurance. Employees, employers and the self-employed pay contributions that are pooled in special trust funds. These funds provide income to workers and dependents in the event of retirement, disability or death. SSA also administers Medicare and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program for the aged, blind and disabled. Local offices accept applications, determine eligibility, hear appeals and are available to assist individuals trying to access benefits.
50 North Third Street
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Eligibility: Open to anyone who is of retirement age or has a disability and can not
work due to that disability.
Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Wednesday, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
United States Social Security Administration
East Stroudsburg Office - Social Security Administration
Local office for national program of contributory social insurance. Employees, employers and the self-employed pay contributions that are pooled in special trust funds. These funds provide income to workers and dependents in the event of retirement, disability or death. SSA also administers medicare and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program for the aged, blind and disabled. Local offices accept applications, determine eligibility, hear appeals and are available to assist individuals trying to access benefits.
9090 Franklin Hill Road
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
United States Social Security Administration
Lancaster Office - Social Security Administration
Provides the following services:
* Processes and makes determination on all types of applications for Social Security retirement, survivors disability, and Medicare benefits
* Processes claims for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits
* Informs employers, employees, and self-employed persons of their rights and responsibilities under the Social Security program
* Assists beneficiaries with necessary reporting of events which might affect continuing eligibility
* Accepts applications for original and duplicate social security numbers
* Explains the right to the appeal process to dissatisfied clients
* Investigates possible collusion, impersonation, misrepresentation, or fraud in connection with claims under the Social Security Act
* Maintains an informational resource file and makes appropriate referrals
* Accepts initial applications for Black Lung Benefits
* Burial Benefits:
1808 Colonial Village Lane
Lancaster, PA 17601
Eligibility: Open to the public
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 3:00pm
United States Social Security Administration
Lebanon Office - Social Security Administration
Provides the following services:
* Processes and makes determination on all types of applications for Social Security retirement, survivors disability, and Medicare benefits
* Processes claims for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits
* Informs employers, employees, and self-employed persons of their rights and responsibilities under the Social Security program
* Assists beneficiaries with necessary reporting of events which might affect continuing eligibility
* Accepts applications for original and duplicate social security numbers
* Explains the right to the appeal process to dissatisfied clients
* Investigates possible collusion, impersonation, misrepresentation, or fraud in connection with claims under the Social Security Act
* Maintains an informational resource file and makes appropriate referrals
* Accepts initial applications for Black Lung Benefits
* Burial Benefits:
924 Russell Drive
Lebanon, PA 17042
Eligibility: Open to the public
Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00am to 4:00 pm
United States Social Security Administration
York Office - Social Security Administration
Retirement benefits
Medicare- health insurance to those over 65 years or disabled
SSI- assistance to those over 65, blind, or disabled
Disability benefits
Survivor benefits
Black lung benefits - birth certificate, social security card, physical exam required

To report suspected fraud call (800) 269-0271.
2670 Industrial Highway
Suite 2
York, PA 17402
Eligibility: Varies by program.
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday , 9 AM - 3 PM; Wednesday, 9am - 12pm
United States Social Security Administration
Bethlehem Office - Social Security Administration
A national program of contributory social insurance. Employees, employers and the self-employed pay contributions that are pooled in special trust funds. These funds provide income to workers and dependents in the event of retirement, disability or death. SSA also administers medicare and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program for the aged, blind and disabled. Local offices accept applications, determine eligibility, hear appeals and are available to assist individuals trying to access benefits.
555 Main Street
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Eligibility: Older adults or individuals with disabilities
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
United States Social Security Administration
Easton Office - Social Security Administration
A national program of contributory social insurance. Employees, employers and the self-employed pay contributions that are pooled in special trust funds. These funds provide income to workers and dependents in the event of retirement, disability or death. SSA also administers medicare and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program for the aged, blind and disabled. Local offices accept applications, determine eligibility, hear appeals and are available to assist individuals trying to access benefits.
134 South Fourth Street
Easton, PA 18042
Eligibility: Older adults and individuals with disabilities
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
United States Social Security Administration
Allentown Office - Social Security Administration
A national program of contributory social insurance. Employees, employers and the self-employed pay contributions that are pooled in special trust funds. These funds provide income to workers and dependents in the event of retirement, disability or death. SSA also administers medicare and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program for the aged, blind and disabled. Local offices accept applications, determine eligibility, hear appeals and are available to assist individuals trying to access benefits.
41 North Fourth Street
Allentown, PA 18102
Eligibility: Older adults or individuals with disabilities
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
United States Social Security Administration
Carbon Office - Social Security Administration
A national program of contributory social insurance. Employees, employers and the self-employed pay contributions that are pooled in special trust funds. These funds provide income to workers and dependents in the event of retirement, disability or death. SSA also administers medicare and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program for the aged, blind and disabled. Local offices accept applications, determine eligibility, hear appeals and are available to assist individuals trying to access benefits.
88 South Laurel Street
Hazleton, PA 18201
Eligibility: Older adults or individuals with disabilities residing in Carbon or
Southern Luzerne County
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
United States Social Security Administration
Berks Office - Social Security Administration
A national program of contributory social insurance. Employees, employers and the self-employed pay contributions that are pooled in special trust funds. These funds provide income to workers and dependents in the event of retirement, disability or death. SSA also administers Medicare and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program for the aged, blind and disabled. Local offices accept applications, determine eligibility, hear appeals and are available to assist individuals trying to access benefits.
201 Penn Street
Suite 200
Reading, PA 19601
Eligibility: Open to the public
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 9:00am to 3:00pm; Wednesday, 9:00am to
Philadelphia FIGHT
Community Health Centers - BenePhilly
Offers free, one-on-one help to enroll Philadelphia residents in public benefit programs that assist with prescription drugs, health insurance, food, property taxes, heat and other utilities, paying for college, and disability benefits. Assists with applications and follow up on application status.
1207 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Eligibility: Residents of Philadelphia
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
York County Government - York County Human Services Department
York County Human Services - York County Area Agency on Aging - Care Management Services
Offers comprehensive needs assessment and periodic comprehensive reassessment. Developes a plan of care and discharge when appropriate.
2401 Pleasant Valley Road
York, PA 17402
Eligibility: County adult residents age 60 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Columbia County Government
Veterans Affairs
Provides information and assistance in applying for Veteran's benefits including aid and attendant care, health care, home loans, education loans, emergency funds, service connected disability, non-service connected disability, pension, funeral costs and grave markers.
35 West Main Street
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
Eligibility: Columbia County Veterans, their spouses, widows and children.
Hours: Tuesday through Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm.
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - Office of the Deputy Adjutant General for Veterans Affairs
Provides information on benefits and services for veterans and their beneficiaries in Pennsylvania.

Main Office
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
Building S-O-47, Fort Indiantown Gap
Annville, PA 17003-5002
Phone: 717-861-8901
Fax: 717-861-8589
Toll Free: 800-547-2838

Philadelphia Field Office
Veterans Administration Center
PO Box 42938, Philadelphia, PA 19101-2938
Phone: 215-381-3040
Fax: 215-381-3492
Toll Free: 866-754-8637

Pittsburgh Field Office
Moorehead Federal Building
1000 Liberty Avenue, Suite 1612
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4003
Phone: 412-395-6225
Fax: 412-395-6224
1 Garrison Road
Fort Indiantown Gap
Annville, PA 17003
Eligibility: You may be eligible for DMVA benefits if you are a: veteran; veteran's
dependent; surviving spouse, child or parent of a deceased veteran;
uniformed service member; present or former reservist or National
Guard member.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:15am to 4:30pm
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - Persian Gulf Conflict Veterans Bonus
The Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs provides resources and assistance to Pennsylvania's one million veterans and their families, and provides quality care for aging and disabled veterans.

On April 24, 2006, House Bill 1820 was signed into law as Act 29 of 2006. This Bill establishes the Persian Gulf Conflict Veterans Benefit Act. On November 7, 2006, Pennsylvania voters gave overwhelming approval to a ballot question to fund the program. The bond issue created a fund for the payment of compensation to, or on behalf of, eligible current and former members of the United States Armed Forces, a reserve component of the United States Armed Forces, or the Pennsylvania National Guard.

Eligible Pennsylvania veterans of the Persian Gulf Conflict are entitled to receive:
  • A one-time benefit of $75 per month for each month (or major fraction thereof) of active service in the Persian Gulf Conflict Theater of Operations during the covered period. The maximum compensation is $525.
1 Garrison Road
Fort Indiantown Gap
Annville, PA 17003
Eligibility: The program allows for compensation to be paid to eligible service
members (current and former) as well as certain surviving relatives of
deceased veterans. In each case, the service member/veteran must have:

* Served with the United States Armed Forces, a reserve component of
the United States Armed Forces or the Pennsylvania National Guard.

* Served on active duty service in the Persian Gulf Theater of
Operations during the period from August 2, 1990 to August 31,

* Received the Southwest Asia Service Medal (SWAM) for the period
from August 2, 1990 to August 31, 1991.

* Been a legal resident of Pennsylvania at the time of active duty
service in the Persian Gulf Theater of Operations during the
period from August 2, 1990 to August 31, 1991.

* Been discharged from active duty under honorable conditions, if
not currently on active duty. Eligible beneficiaries of deceased
veterans include, in the following order of precedence:

* Surviving spouse.

* Surviving
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:15am to 4:30pm
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - Blind Veterans Pension
Provides eligible blind veterans a pension of $150.00 per month.
1 Garrison Road
Fort Indiantown Gap
Annville, PA 17003
Eligibility: Served in the military honorably. Resident of Pennsylvania upon entering
the military. Suffered a service-connected injury or incurred a
disease which resulted in loss of vision:

* Visual acuity with correcting lens is 3/60 or 10/200 or
equivalent, or less normal vision in the better eye or,

* Includes circumstances where the widest diameter of the visual
field of the better eye has contracted to an angular distance of
not greater than 20Ă‚Âş.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:15am to 4:30pm
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - Paralyzed Veterans Pension
Provides eligible paralyzed veterans a pension of $150.00 per month.
1 Garrison Road
Fort Indiantown Gap
Annville, PA 17003
Eligibility: Served in the military honorably. Resident of Pennsylvania upon entering
the military. Suffered a service-connected injury or disease resulting
in the loss or loss of use of two or more extremities (arms/hands or
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:15am to 4:30pm
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - Disabled Veterans Real Estate Tax Exemption Program
Provides real estate tax exemption for any honorably discharged veteran who is 100% disabled, a resident of the Commonwealth and has a financial need.
1 Garrison Road
Fort Indiantown Gap
Annville, PA 17003
Eligibility: Served in the military honorably. Served during established war service
dates as determined by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs **The
following decorations can also be used to establish wartime service:
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal or Navy Expeditionary Medal. Must
have a total or 100% permanent service-connected disability rating by
the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or as the result of military
service the veteran is blind or paraplegic or has sustained the loss
of two or more limbs. Blind: Visual acuity of three-sixtieths or ten
two-hundredths, or less normal Vision. Paraplegic: The bilateral
paralysis of the upper or lower extremities of the body. Must be a
resident of the Commonwealth. Must occupy the real estate as his/her
principal dwelling. Dwelling is owned solely by the veteran or as an
estate in the entirety. Must prove financial need: Veteran must prove
financial need according to the criteria established by the State
Veterans Commission if their annual income exceeds $
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:15am to 4:30pm
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - Educational Gratuity Program
Educational Gratuity program provides financial assistance to children of honorably discharged veterans who have service-connected disabilities and served during a period of war or armed conflict or children of veterans who die or died in service during a period of war or armed conflict.

Payment will not exceed $500.00 per term or semester per qualified child to each approved educational institution upon submission by that approved educational institution of proof of matriculation of the applicant. Educational gratuity payments are paid directly to the Educational Institution and may not be made for longer than 4 scholastic years.
1 Garrison Road
Fort Indiantown Gap
Annville, PA 17003
Eligibility: Veteranâs eligibility criteria:

* Died in service during a period of war or armed conflict or,

* A veteran who has: An honorable discharge from the U.S. military

* Served during established war service dates as determined by the
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. **The following decorations
can also be used to establish wartime service: Armed Forces
Expeditionary Medal or Navy Expeditionary Medal

* Veteran must have a 100% permanent and total service-connected
disability rating by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Childâs eligibility criteria:

* Must be between the ages of 16 and 23, living within the
Commonwealth five years prior to application and must attend a
school within the Commonwealth.

* Applicant must have a financial need.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:15am to 4:30pm
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - Returning Veteran Checklist
Welcome Home Checklist

Please Note: If you are a severely disabled Veteran and need any special accommodations, please identify that to your service officer or career counselor when making appointments.

Receive your DD 214

Things to do within one year from Separation

Have your DD 214 recorded in the County Recorder's Office for FREE
  • Safeguard all your records. You will need them again.

Visit your County Director of Veterans Affairs (normally located in the County Courthouse) or Accredited Service Organization Representative for FREE
  • Take a copy of all your records with you for your appointment: Service Medical Records; Personnel File; Dental Record,
  • Have your County Director of Veterans Affairs or Accredited Veterans Service Officer review your records and advise you on the benefits you qualify for,
  • File for disabilities through an Accredited Veterans Service Officer.

Fill out VA form 10-10 EZ for
1 Garrison Road
Fort Indiantown Gap
Annville, PA 17003
Eligibility: You may be eligible for DMVA benefits if you are a: veteran; veteran's
dependent; surviving spouse, child or parent of a deceased veteran;
uniformed service member; present or former reservist or National
Guard member.
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
The Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs provides resources and assistance to Pennsylvania's one million veterans and their families, and provides quality care for aging and disabled veterans.

The Department also prepares and deploys the Pennsylvania National Guard for worldwide combat and combat support operations and provides trained personnel to state and local authorities in times of natural disaster or civil strife.

It provides financial assistance, in the form of grants, to eligible Pennsylvania service members and their eligible family members through the Pennsylvania Military Family Relief Assistance Program (PA MFRAP).

The Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs offers its veterans six extended care facilities throughout the state. The level of care provided includes personal care, skilled nursing care, domicilliary care, and dementia care. These facilities offer qualified veterans and their spouses dedicated, superior care.
1 Garrison Road
Fort Indiantown Gap
Annville, PA 17003
Eligibility: You may be eligible for DMVA benefits if you are a: veteran; veteran's
dependent; surviving spouse, child or parent of a deceased veteran;
uniformed service member; present or former reservist or National
Guard member.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:15am to 4:30pm
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program
Provides information on benefits and entitlements, services referrals and proactive outreach programs that are available to the Service and Family member during all phases of the deployment cycle.

The Branch also consists of the Employment Outreach section which assists members of the Pennsylvania National Guard and their immediate Family by providing tools necessary to gain meaningful employment.

Outreach Program services include:
  • Career Assessment,
  • Individualized Employment Plans,
  • Job Seekers Workshops,
  • Search Engine Navigation Help,
  • Job Search Help,
  • MOS/AFSC to Civilian Job Information,
  • Education Entitlement Information,
  • Certification Resources,
  • Resume Preparation,
  • Transition Resources,
  • Employment Preparation.
1 Garrison Road
Fort Indiantown Gap
Annville, PA 17003
Eligibility: You may be eligible for DMVA benefits if you are a: veteran; veteran's
dependent; surviving spouse, child or parent of a deceased veteran;
uniformed service member; present or former reservist or National
Guard member.
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs - Information and Referral Hotlines - Caregiver Support Line
Toll-free support line for those who provide care for veterans living with the effects of war, disability, chronic illness, or aging. The support line provides information on VA caregiver support resources and "warm" referral to caregiver support coordinators located in all VA medical centers. The support line is also available to respond to inquiries about the caregiver benefits associated with the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010.
Eligibility: You may be eligible for VA benefits if you are a: veteran; veteran's
dependent; surviving spouse, child or parent of a deceased veteran;
uniformed service member; present or former reservist or National
Guard member.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 10:00pm Saturday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Fayette County Veterans Affairs
The Allegheny County Department of Veterans Services provides assistance in applying for county, state and federal veteran’s benefits. Veterans Services provides a wide range of benefits, resources and assistance.
County benefits include:
- Burial Allowance
- Burial Plots
- Headstones and Installation Allowances
- Flags and Emblem Markers
- Safeguard DD-214
For more information visit Allegheny County Department of Veterans Services - County Benefits

State benefits include:
- Blind Veterans Pension
- Emergency Assistance
- Educational Gratuity
- Paralyzed Veterans Pension
- Real Property Tax Exemption
- State Veterans Home System
- Widow's Real Property Tax Exemptio
For more information visit Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs

Federal benefits include:
- Disability Compen
22 East Main Street
Uniontown, PA 15401
Eligibility: You may be eligible for VA benefits if you are a: veteran; veteran's
dependent; surviving spouse, child or parent of a deceased veteran;
uniformed service member; present or former reservist or National
Guard member.
Hours: Weekdays, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Allegheny County Department of Veterans Services - Veteran Services
The Allegheny County Department of Veterans Services provides assistance in applying for county, state and federal veteran’s benefits. Veterans Services provides a wide range of benefits, resources and assistance.
County benefits include:
- Burial Allowance
- Burial Plots
- Headstones and Installation Allowances
- Flags and Emblem Markers
- Safeguard DD-214
For more information visit Allegheny County Department of Veterans Services - County Benefits

State benefits include:
- Blind Veterans Pension
- Emergency Assistance
- Educational Gratuity
- Paralyzed Veterans Pension
- Real Property Tax Exemption
- State Veterans Home System
- Widow's Real Property Tax Exemptio
For more information visit Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs

Federal benefits include:
- Disability Compen
4141 Fifth Avenue
3rd Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Eligibility: You may be eligible for VA benefits if you are a: veteran; veteran's
dependent; surviving spouse, child or parent of a deceased veteran;
uniformed service member; present or former reservist or National
Guard member.
Hours: Weekdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Westmoreland County Office of Veterans Affairs - Van Service
The Westmoreland County Office of Veterans Affairs provides transportation on each Thursday for veterans traveling to medical appointments at the V.A.'s University Drive and H.J. Heinz facilities from northwestern Westmoreland county.

Passenger pick up locations are:
Magisterial Court 10-03-05
4066 Route 66
Apollo, PA 15613

115 Logans Ferry Rd
New Kensington, PA 15068

Transportation is limited to appointments scheduled between 9:00 am and noon only (except when clinic hours require a 1:00 pm appointment). This is to ensure that the driver and the
Veteran passengers will not have to endure rush hour traffic.
2 North Main Street
Suite 205
Greensburg, PA 15601
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Indiana County Department of Veterans Affairs
The Allegheny County Department of Veterans Services provides assistance in applying for county, state and federal veteran’s benefits. Veterans Services provides a wide range of benefits, resources and assistance.
County benefits include:
- Burial Allowance
- Burial Plots
- Headstones and Installation Allowances
- Flags and Emblem Markers
- Safeguard DD-214
For more information visit Allegheny County Department of Veterans Services - County Benefits

State benefits include:
- Blind Veterans Pension
- Emergency Assistance
- Educational Gratuity
- Paralyzed Veterans Pension
- Real Property Tax Exemption
- State Veterans Home System
- Widow's Real Property Tax Exemptio
For more information visit Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs

Federal benefits include:
- Disability Compen
825 Philadelphia Street
Indiana County Courthouse, 2nd Floor
Indiana, PA 15701
Eligibility: You may be eligible for VA benefits if you are a: veteran; veteran's
dependent; surviving spouse, child or parent of a deceased veteran;
uniformed service member; present or former reservist or National
Guard member.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Bucks County Military/Veterans Affairs
The Bucks County Military/Veterans Affairs Office provides assistance in applying for county, state and federal veteran’s benefits. Veterans Services provides a wide range of benefits, resources and assistance.

County benefits include:
Burial Allowance, Burial Plots, Headstones and Installation Allowances, Flags and Emblem Markers, Safeguard DD-214

State benefits include:
Blind Veterans Pension, Emergency Assistance, Educational Gratuity, Paralyzed Veterans Pension, Real Property Tax Exemption, State Veterans Home System, Widow's Real Property Tax Exemption

Federal benefits include:
Disability Compensation, eBenefits, Education & Training, GI Bill, Healthcare, Life Insurance, Mortgage Delinquency Assistance, Pension, Survivor Benefits(DIC), VA Guaranteed Home Loans
55 East Court Street, 2nd Floor
Bucks County Administration Building
Doylestown, PA 18901
Eligibility: You may be eligible for DMVA benefits if you are a: veteran; veteran's
dependent; surviving spouse, child or parent of a deceased veteran;
uniformed service member; present or former reservist or National
Guard member.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:15am to 4:30pm
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs, State Veterans Home System - Pennsylvania Soldiers' and Sailors' Home - Pennsylvania Soldiers' and Sailors' Home
Pennsylvania offers its veterans six extended care facilities throughout the state. The level of care provided includes personal care, skilled nursing care, domicilliary care, and dementia care. These facilities offer qualified veterans and their spouses dedicated, superior care.

The residents, staff, and volunteers of the Pennsylvania Soldiers' and Sailors' Home extend a warm welcome to you.

Our home is situated on 26 pastoral acres overlooking Lake Erie and is steeped in history. Remodeled and modernized, our home provides state-of-the-art care and treatment in a homelike atmosphere.

A little-known fact is that spouses of veterans are eligible for admission. Merchant Marines with "oceangoing" service between December 1941 and August 1945 and veterans of the Pennsylvania National Guard are also eligible for admission.

Please contact us if you would like a personal tour of our home or if you would like to volunteer.
560 East Third Street
Pennsylvania Soldiers' and Sailors' Home
Erie, PA 16507
Eligibility: An applicant shall be an eligible veteran, spouse or surviving spouse of
an eligible veteran. An "eligible veteran" is defined as an individual
who has served in the Armed Forces of the United States or the
Pennsylvania Military Forces and was discharged under honorable
conditions. An applicant shall be a bona fide resident of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the eligible veteran or spouse of an
eligible veteran for who the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is his/her
home of record upon entry into the Armed Forces of the United States
or the Pennsylvania Military Forces. Current residents have priority,
however, in admission. A resident of a state veterans home shall be
required to make monthly payments against maintenance fee liability in
accordance with the resident's ability to pay. Admissions will be on a
first-come, first-served basis. The admissions committee at the home
shall determine the level of care, but its decisions may be appealed.
The following are not eligible for admission:
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs, State Veterans Home System - Hollidaysburg Veterans Home - Hollidaysburg Veterans Home
Pennsylvania offers its veterans six extended care facilities throughout the state. The level of care provided includes personal care, skilled nursing care, domicilliary care, and dementia care. These facilities offer qualified veterans and their spouses dedicated, superior care.

"We care for our veterans" is not only the philosophy of the Hollidaysburg Veterans Home, it is our commitment to serving the current health care requirements of those veterans and their spouses. Furthermore, we remain diligent in planning for anticipated needs of an aging veteran population that will require improved and innovative services.

Our dedicated staff provides services that range from medical care and rehabilitative programs to housekeeping and 24-hour security. Therefore, Hollidaysburg is a true "veterans' community" designed specifically with the commonwealth's veterans of the armed services and their spouses as its focus.

This perspective of community and the home's history of professional care prompt us t
500 Municipal Dr
Hollidaysburg Veterans Home
Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
Eligibility: An applicant shall be an eligible veteran, spouse or surviving spouse of
an eligible veteran. An "eligible veteran" is defined as an individual
who has served in the Armed Forces of the United States or the
Pennsylvania Military Forces and was discharged under honorable
conditions. An applicant shall be a bona fide resident of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the eligible veteran or spouse of an
eligible veteran for who the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is his/her
home of record upon entry into the Armed Forces of the United States
or the Pennsylvania Military Forces. Current residents have priority,
however, in admission. A resident of a state veterans home shall be
required to make monthly payments against maintenance fee liability in
accordance with the resident's ability to pay. Admissions will be on a
first-come, first-served basis. The admissions committee at the home
shall determine the level of care, but its decisions may be appealed.
The following are not eligible for admission:
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs, State Veterans Home System - Delaware Valley Veterans Home - Delaware Valley Veterans Home
Pennsylvania offers its veterans six extended care facilities throughout the state. The level of care provided includes personal care, skilled nursing care, domicilliary care, and dementia care. These facilities offer qualified veterans and their spouses dedicated, superior care.

The Delaware Valley Veterans Home was dedicated on November 1, 2002 and is the commonwealth's sixth and newest veterans home operated by the PA Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. Our facility serves 171 veterans and their eligible spouses in a caring and home-like setting. It is a spacious facility with skylights and large windows throughout the building.

We are located just minutes from I-95 and the Pennsylvania Turnpike in Northeast Philadelphia at the border of Bucks County. The home offers a rural setting despite its city location with meadow and woodland views all around. Adding to the tranquil setting are the frequent sightings of deer, hawks and a variety of other wildlife.

Our facility includes many am
2701 Southampton Road
Delaware Valley Veterans Home
Philadelphia, PA 19154
Eligibility: An applicant shall be an eligible veteran, spouse or surviving spouse of
an eligible veteran. An "eligible veteran" is defined as an individual
who has served in the Armed Forces of the United States or the
Pennsylvania Military Forces and was discharged under honorable
conditions. An applicant shall be a bona fide resident of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the eligible veteran or spouse of an
eligible veteran for who the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is his/her
home of record upon entry into the Armed Forces of the United States
or the Pennsylvania Military Forces. Current residents have priority,
however, in admission. A resident of a state veterans home shall be
required to make monthly payments against maintenance fee liability in
accordance with the resident's ability to pay. Admissions will be on a
first-come, first-served basis. The admissions committee at the home
shall determine the level of care, but its decisions may be appealed.
The following are not eligible for admission:
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs, State Veterans Home System - Southwestern Veterans Center - Southwestern Veterans Center
Pennsylvania offers its veterans six extended care facilities throughout the state. The level of care provided includes personal care, skilled nursing care, domicilliary care, and dementia care. These facilities offer qualified veterans and their spouses dedicated, superior care.

The Southwestern Veterans Center provides a broad spectrum of health care and related services to veterans who are disabled, chronically ill, or in need of specialized care.

The center serves 236 veterans and spouses; 160 beds with full nursing care, 44 beds for residents with Dementia/Alzheimer's disease, and 32 beds for veterans needing minimal care. Our focus is to assist veterans in functioning independently and at their optimal levels within the limitations of their illnesses.

Our specialized services include a chapel, pharmacy, canteen, barber and beautician services, dining rooms, library, and a multi-purpose room for large gatherings. We also participate in the HealthNet System, which provides a telecommunicatio
7060 Highland Drive
Southwestern Veterans Center
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Eligibility: An applicant shall be an eligible veteran, spouse or surviving spouse of
an eligible veteran. An "eligible veteran" is defined as an individual
who has served in the Armed Forces of the United States or the
Pennsylvania Military Forces and was discharged under honorable
conditions. An applicant shall be a bona fide resident of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the eligible veteran or spouse of an
eligible veteran for who the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is his/her
home of record upon entry into the Armed Forces of the United States
or the Pennsylvania Military Forces. Current residents have priority,
however, in admission. A resident of a state veterans home shall be
required to make monthly payments against maintenance fee liability in
accordance with the resident's ability to pay. Admissions will be on a
first-come, first-served basis. The admissions committee at the home
shall determine the level of care, but its decisions may be appealed.
The following are not eligible for admission:
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Clarion County Veterans Affairs
Assists with applying for all Federal Benefits, State Benefits, and County Benefits. These include Compensation and Pension (Death Pension and Aid & Attendance), Property Tax Exemption, and Veterans Temporary Assistance.
330 Main Street
Administrative Building, Room 108
Clarion, PA 16214
Eligibility: You may be eligible for VA benefits if you are a: veteran; veteran's
dependent; surviving spouse, child or parent of a deceased veteran;
uniformed service member; present or former reservist or National
Guard member.
Hours: Call for more information.
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Forest County Veterans Affairs
Forest County Veterans Affairs assists veterans in the filing of claims such as service record changes, disability claims, etc. At the time of a veteransâ death, the DVA will assist the family in filing claims for the death benefits including burial expenses and appropriate grave markers.
526 Elm Street
Tionesta, PA 16353
Eligibility: You may be eligible for VA benefits if you are a: veteran; veteran's
dependent; surviving spouse, child or parent of a deceased veteran;
uniformed service member; present or former reservist or National
Guard member.
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00 to 12:00pm
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Warren County Veterans Affairs - Veterans Affairs
Warren County Veterans Affairs assists veterans in the filing of claims such as service record changes, disability claims, etc. At the time of a veterans' death, the DVA will assist the family in filing claims for the death benefits including burial expenses and appropriate grave markers.
204 4th Avenue
Warren, PA 16365
Eligibility: You may be eligible for VA benefits if you are a: veteran; veteran's
dependent; surviving spouse, child or parent of a deceased veteran;
uniformed service member; present or former reservist or National
Guard member.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affair - Erie County Veterans Affairs - Erie County Veterans Affairs
Erie County Veterans Affairs assists with applying for all Federal Benefits, State Benefits, and County Benefits. These include Compensation and Pension (Death Pension and Aid & Attendance), Property Tax Exemption, and Veterans Temporary Assistance.
140 West 6th Street
Erie County Courthouse, Room 101
Erie, PA 16501
Eligibility: You may be eligible for VA benefits if you are a: veteran; veteran's
dependent; surviving spouse, child or parent of a deceased veteran;
uniformed service member; present or former reservist or National
Guard member.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm Available from 12:00pm to 1:00pm
by appointment only.
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
Veterans Experience Action Center
Assists Veterans on VA benefits, healthcare, and other services.
Schedule a time to work directly with a accredited Veteran Service Officer who will call you and work with you towards resolution for claims, appeals, review letters, or assist with addtional questions you may have.
810 Vermont Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20420
Hours: You can select an individual appointment on October 21st, 22nd, or 23rd
to participate in this virtual event. Appointments are limited.
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - South Central Region
York County Department of Veteran Affairs - Veteran Affairs

  • This service includes assisting veterans and dependents when applying for federal, state, and county benefits and all other rights to which they are entitled in the most expedient manner possible.

    • Outreach locations:

      New Freedom at the South Central Senior Community Center, 150 E. Main St., 2nd Thursday of the month, 8:30 am - 12 noon

    • Red Lion at the Red Lion Area Senior Center, 20c Gotham Place, 3rd Wednesday of the month, 8 am - 2 pm

    • Greater Hanover area Family Center at the Hanover Chapter Of The American Red Cross, 1st and 3rd Fridays 8:30 am - 3 pm.

    • Stewartstown at the American Legion Post 455, 4th Friday 8:30 am - 3 pm

    • Dillsburg at the American Legion Post 26, 301 route 15 south, Dillsburg 1st and 3rd Tuesday (717) 502-8900
  • 2401 Pleasant Valley Road
    East York, PA 17402
    Eligibility: Veteran's and their dependents
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - South Central Region
    United States Department of Veterans Affairs - Information and Referral Hotlines - Caregiver Support Line
    Toll-free support line for those who provide care for veterans living with the effects of war, disability, chronic illness, or aging. The support line provides information on VA caregiver support resources and "warm" referral to caregiver support coordinators located in all VA medical centers. The support line is also available to respond to inquiries about the caregiver benefits associated with the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010.
    Eligibility: You may be eligible for VA benefits if you are a: veteran; veteran's
    dependent; surviving spouse, child or parent of a deceased veteran;
    uniformed service member; present or former reservist or National
    Guard member.
    Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am to11pm and Saturday 10:30am to 6pm.
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - South Central Region
    Veterans Experience Action Center - Veteran Services
    Assists Veterans on VA benefits, healthcare, and other services.
    Schedule a time to work directly with a accredited Veteran Service Officer who will call you and work with you towards resolution for claims, appeals, review letters, or assist with addtional questions you may have.
    810 Vermont Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20420
    Hours: You can select an individual appointment on October 21st, 22nd, or 23rd
    to participate in this virtual event. Appointments are limited.
    United Way of Southern Alleghenies
    Duncansville - Community Outreach Partnerships
    Programs that are provided independently or in partnerships with other businesses and organizations.These programs provide services that meet community needs and build a stronger community.
    208 Hollidaysburg Plaza
    Duncansville, PA 16635
    Hours: 8:30 AM until 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday
    WellSpan Health
    WellSpan ReadyCare - Gettysburg - Occupational Health
    Services focus on helping companies prevent work-related injuries and illness. WORKFIRST provides evaluation and treatment, and coordinated rehabilitation for employees, when an injury does occur.

    Services include:
  • Occupational Health Services
    •Workers Compensation
    •Physical Examination
    •Drug and Alcohol
    •Drug Testing Laboratory Information
    •WORKFIRST Drug Testing
    •Travel Clinic

    Worksite Wellness Services
    •Clinical Screenings
    •Wellness Assessments
    •Comprehensive Wellness Website
    •Health Coaching
    •Health Promotion and Educational Programs
    •Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

    •Pre-placement physicals that compare the worker to the physical demands of the job
    •Medical surveillance programs
    •Consultation and educational programs for supervisors and employees on injury/illness prevention
    •Ongoing case management of injuries
    •Customer-friendly billing and utilization reports
  • 455 South Washington Street
    Suite 12
    Gettysburg, PA 17325
    Eligibility: Open to anyone
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
    WellSpan Health
    WellSpan Occupational Health - Hanover - Occupational Health
    Services focus on helping companies prevent work-related injuries and illness. WORKFIRST provides evaluation and treatment, and coordinated rehabilitation for employees, when an injury does occur.

    Services include:

    Occupational Health Services
    •Workers Compensation
    •Physical Examination
    •Drug and Alcohol
    •Drug Testing Laboratory Information
    •WORKFIRST Drug Testing
    •Travel Clinic

    Worksite Wellness Services
    •Clinical Screenings
    •Wellness Assessments
    •Comprehensive Wellness Website
    •Health Coaching
    •Health Promotion and Educational Programs
    •Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

    •Pre-placement physicals that compare the worker to the physical demands of the job
    •Medical surveillance programs
    •Consultation and educational programs for supervisors and employees on injury/illness prevention
    •Ongoing case management of injuries
    •Customer-friendly billing and utilization reports
    1150 Carlisle Street
    Suite 21
    Hanover, PA 17331
    Eligibility: Open to anyone
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
    WellSpan Health
    WellSpan Occupational Health - York - Occupational Health
    Services focus on helping companies prevent work-related injuries and illness. WORKFIRST provides evaluation and treatment, and coordinated rehabilitation for employees, when an injury does occur. Services include:
  • Occupational Health Services
    • Workers Compensation
    • Physical Examination
    • Drug and Alcohol
    • Drug Testing Laboratory Information
    • Drug Testing
    • Travel Clinic
    • Worksite Wellness Services
    • Clinical Screenings
    • Wellness Assessments
    • Comprehensive Wellness Website
    • Health Coaching
    • Health Promotion and Educational Programs
    • Employee Assistance Program(EAP)
  • 2250 East Market Street
    York, PA 17402
    Eligibility: Open to anyone
    Hours: Monday thorugh Thursday, 7:00am to 7:00pm
    Friday, 7:00am to 5:00pm
    Saturday, 8:00am to 12:00pm
    Sunday, Closed
    Riverbend Environmental Education Center
    Gladwyne - Riverbend on the Road Outreach Programs
    In order to reach children within the school setting, we have designed a dynamic series of outreach programs that bring the wonders of nature to the classroom. Perfect for the winter months, as a pre-lesson to a Riverbend field trip or simply just for fun, these lessons are hands-on and interactive, using a variety of live animals, natural artifacts and games.
    1950 Spring Mill Road
    Gladwyne, PA 19035
    PA CareerLink
    Westmoreland County at Youngwood - Career Development Westmoreland County at Youngwood
    Provides employment services to assist veterans in their search for work. Specially trained veteran employment representatives located in PA CareerLink offices provide veterans with a full range of employment services, including referral services, job development, referral to training, and referral to government and community veteran service agencies. These representatives help veterans match their job skills to employer job openings and contact employers on behalf of the veteran for consideration in hiring.
    151 Pavilion Lane
    Business and Industry Center
    Youngwood, PA 15697
    Eligibility: Contact agency for more details
    Hours: Monday, 9:00am to 4:00pm

    * Wednesday, 8:00am to 4:00pm

    * Tuesday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    PA CareerLink
    Alle-Kiski County - Career Development Alle-Kiski County
    Provides employment services to assist veterans in their search for work. Provides veterans with a full range of employment services, including referral services, job development, referral to training, and referral to government and community veteran service agencies. These representatives help veterans match their job skills to employer job openings and contact employers on behalf of the veteran for consideration in hiring.
    1150 Fifth Avenue
    New Kensington, PA 15068
    Eligibility: Veteran
    Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Fridays, 9:00am to 4:00pm
    PA CareerLink
    PA CareerLink Mon Valley - Career Development Mon Valley
    Provides employment services to assist veterans in their search for work. Provides veterans with a full range of employment services, including referral services, job development, referral to training, and referral to government and community veteran service agencies. These representatives help veterans match their job skills to employer job openings and contact employers on behalf of the veteran for consideration in hiring.
    570 Galiffa Drive
    Donora Industrial Park
    Donora, PA 15033
    Eligibility: Contact agency for more details
    Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Tuesday, 10:00am to 4:30pm
    PA CareerLink
    PA CareerLink Beaver County - Career Development Beaver County
    Provides employment services to assist veterans in their search for work. Specially trained veteran employment representatives located in PA CareerLink offices provide veterans with a full range of employment services, including referral services, job development, referral to training, and referral to government and community veteran service agencies. These representatives help veterans match their job skills to employer job openings and contact employers on behalf of the veteran for consideration in hiring.
    285 Beaver Valley Mall, Route 18
    Monaca, PA 15061
    Eligibility: Contact agency for more details
    Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Tuesday, 10:00am to 4:00pm
    HealthChoices - Erie County
    Erie - HealthChoices of Erie County
    Offers health care services for Medical Assistance recipients; to improve the quality of health care available to Medical Assistance recipients; and to stabilize Pennsylvania's Medical Assistance spending.
    154 West 9th Street
    4th Floor
    Erie, PA 16501
    Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
    Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Northwestern Legal Services
    Hermitage Office - Northwestern Legal Services
    Provides free legal representation to low income people with civil legal problems. Free legal aid may be provided in cases involving: Public Benefits, Housing, Family Law, Employment & Education, and Consumer Law.
    3110 Highland Road
    Suite 203
    Hermitage, PA 16148
    Eligibility: Visit the Eligibility Website for details.

    Income guidelines apply except for those seeking Protection From Abuse.
    Hours: Call closest local office for operation hours.
    Northwestern Legal Services
    Bradford Office - Northwestern Legal Services
    Provides free legal representation to low income people with civil legal problems. Free legal aid may be provided in cases involving: Public Benefits, Housing, Family Law, Employment & Education, and Consumer Law.
    100 Main Street
    Bradford, PA 16701
    Eligibility: Visit the Eligibility Website for details.

    Income guidelines apply except for those seeking Protection From Abuse.
    Hours: Call closest local office for operation hours.
    Northwestern Legal Services
    Franklin Office - Northwestern Legal Services
    Provides free legal representation to low income people with civil legal problems. Free legal aid may be provided in cases involving: Public Benefits, Housing, Family Law, Employment & Education, and Consumer Law.
    1243 Liberty Street
    Suite 420
    Franklin, PA 16323
    Eligibility: Visit the Eligibility Website for details.

    Income guidelines apply except for those seeking Protection From Abuse.
    Hours: Call closest local office for operation hours.
    Northwestern Legal Services
    Erie Office - Northwestern Legal Services
    Provides free legal representation to low income people with civil legal problems. Free legal aid may be provided in cases involving: Public Benefits, Housing, Family Law, Employment & Education, and Consumer Law.
    1001 State Street
    Renaissance Centre, Suite 700
    Erie, PA 16501
    Eligibility: Visit the Eligibility Website for details.

    Income guidelines apply except for those seeking Protection From Abuse.
    Hours: Call closest local office for operation hours.
    Northwestern Legal Services
    Meadville Office - Northwestern Legal Services
    Provides free legal representation to low income people with civil legal problems. Free legal aid may be provided in cases involving: Public Benefits, Housing, Family Law, Employment & Education, and Consumer Law.
    260 Chestnut Street
    Meadville, PA 16335
    Eligibility: Visit the Eligibility Website for details.

    Income guidelines apply except for those seeking Protection From Abuse.
    Hours: Call closest local office for operation hours.
    Northwestern Legal Services
    Warren Office - Northwestern Legal Services
    Provides free legal representation to low income people with civil legal problems. Free legal aid may be provided in cases involving: Public Benefits, Housing, Family Law, Employment & Education, and Consumer Law.
    315 2nd Avenue
    Suite 401
    Warren, PA 16365
    Eligibility: Visit the Eligibility Website for details.

    Income guidelines apply except for those seeking Protection From Abuse.
    Hours: Call closest local office for operation hours.
    Stairways Behavioral Health
    Main Administrative Office - Assertive Community Treatment
    Provides a recovery-oriented service for persons with serious mental illness who have typically do not benefited from more traditional outpatient services. Health professionals help clients to stabilize and educate about medication; to support and strengthen interpersonal relationships; to find and maintain meaningful employment; and to develop day-to-day skills such as money management, housekeeping, grocery shopping, meal preparations, laundry, using public transportation, and utilizing community-based services such as dentists and PCP's.
    2185 West 8th Street
    Erie, PA 16505
    Eligibility: Eligibility is determined by the managed care organization (MCO) and the following factors are considered: 18+ years old, Erie County resident, diagnosed with a serious mental illness (e.g. schizophrenia or bipolar disorder); three or more psychiatric hospitalizations in the last year or five face-to-face encounters with emergency services in the last year; inability to participate in or remain engaged with traditional community-based services; other criteria such as a pattern of homelessness, coexisting substance abuse, lack of a support system
    Hours: Program hours: Monday through Sunday, 8:00am to 9:00pm
    Administrative hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Venango County Association for the Blind
    Seneca - Transportation and Support Services
    Providing transportation and sighted guide services for medical appointments, social service appointments, grocery shopping assistance, bill paying and more.
    Assistance is also available for reading mail, filing out applications for other benefits, banking and labeling household goods.
    A large lending library of audio books in a variety of formats is accessible as well as a variety of assistive devices that aid in the magnification of various types of print.
    3035 State Route 257
    Seneca, PA 16356
    Eligibility: Blind and visually impaired residents of Venango, Clarion and Forest
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Warren-Forest Counties Economic Opportunity Council
    Warren - Utility Assistance
    Offers a variety of energy and utility assistance programs that assist residents to lower utility bills, arrange forgiveness for unpaid past bills, and to benefit from other assistance resources. The Neighbor for Neighbor heat fund provides assistance to eligible older adults and people with disabilities in need of heating fuel.
    1209 Pennsylvania Avenue West
    Warren, PA 16365
    Eligibility: Low income residents who want to lower utility bills. Call or visit
    website for more information and requirements.
    Hours: Hours may vary. Call for more information.
    Foundation for Sustainable Forests
    Spartansburg - Forest Land Conservation
    Protects forested ecosystems, supports rural communities through working forests, raises awareness of the importance of conserving intact forested ecosystems, and highlights sustainable forestry practices for the benefit of the land.
    22418 Firth Road
    Spartansburg, PA 16434
    Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
    Hours: Irregular - call for details.
    Social Security Administration
    Northwestern Pennsylvania Administrative Office - Erie - Online Services
    The Social Security Administration is constantly expanding their online services to give you freedom and control when conducting business with Social Security. Today, you can apply for retirement, disability, and Medicare benefits online, check the status of an application or appeal, request a replacement Social Security card (in most areas), print a benefit verification letter, and more – from anywhere and from any of your devices!

    The services and benefits include:
    * Social Security Number applications
    * Replacement Social Security cards
    * Retirement Benefits
    * Medicare applications
    * Social Security Disability (SSDI)
    * Social Security Burial Benefits
    717 State Street
    Suite 500
    Erie, PA 16501
    Eligibility: United States Citizens and Legal Residents with Social Security Numbers
    Hours: Online Services are available: Monday through Friday, 5:00am - 1:00am
    Saturday, 5:00am - 11:00pm Sunday, 8:00am - 11:30pm
    Social Security Administration
    Northwestern Pennsylvania Administrative Office - Erie - Local Office Locator and Services
    Allows individuals to search for the local Social Security Administration office that serves a particular area. Once the local office is identified, individuals may contact that office for assistance in applying for the variety of benefits that are available through the Social Security Administration.

    The services and benefits include:
    * Social Security Number applications
    * Replacement Social Security cards
    * Retirement Benefits
    * Medicare applications
    * Social Security Disability (SSDI)
    * Social Security Burial Benefits
    717 State Street
    Suite 500
    Erie, PA 16501
    Eligibility: United States Citizens and Legal Residents with Social Security Numbers.
    Hours: Website available 24/7.
    Social Security Administration
    Office of Public Inquiries - Online Services
    The Social Security Administration is constantly expanding their online services to give you freedom and control when conducting business with Social Security. Today, you can apply for retirement, disability, and Medicare benefits online, check the status of an application or appeal, request a replacement Social Security card (in most areas), print a benefit verification letter, and more – from anywhere and from any of your devices!

    The services and benefits include:
    * Social Security Number applications
    * Replacement Social Security cards
    * Retirement Benefits
    * Medicare applications
    * Social Security Disability (SSDI)
    * Social Security Burial Benefits
    1100 West High Rise
    6401 Security Boulevard
    Baltimore, MD 21235
    Eligibility: United States Citizens and Legal Residents with Social Security Numbers
    Hours: Online Services are available: Monday through Friday, 5:00am - 1:00am
    Saturday, 5:00am - 11:00pm Sunday, 8:00am - 11:30pm
    Social Security Administration
    Office of Public Inquiries - Local Office Locator and Services
    Allows individuals to search for the local Social Security Administration office that serves a particular area. Once the local office is identified, individuals may contact that office for assistance in applying for the variety of benefits that are available through the Social Security Administration.

    The services and benefits include:
    * Social Security Number applications
    * Replacement Social Security cards
    * Retirement Benefits
    * Medicare applications
    * Social Security Disability (SSDI)
    * Social Security Burial Benefits
    1100 West High Rise
    6401 Security Boulevard
    Baltimore, MD 21235
    Eligibility: United States Citizens and Legal Residents with Social Security Numbers.
    Hours: Website available 24/7.
    Community Services of Venango County
    Seneca Street - Oil City - Women's Outreach
    Weekly class/program that works with currently incarcerated women at the Venango County jail to strengthen and maintain connections with their children.
    206 Seneca Street
    Oil City, PA 16301
    Eligibility: Females who are currently incarcerated.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:30am to 4:00pm
    Community Shelter Services
    Emergency Shelter - Outpatient Mental Health
    Provides shelter 365 days a year with up to 65 residents. All daily amenities are available and staff makes every effort to provide individual clients with specific necessities including clothing, transportation and medicine on an as-needed basis. Staff is able to refer disabled clients for entitlement benefits and assist those who are physically and emotionally capable to seek employment. Group counseling, education and training to promote self-sufficiency.
    652 West 17th Street
    Erie, PA 16502
    Eligibility: Individuals and families with children are accepted any time; day or
    night depending upon the availability of space. Call or visit website
    for more information.
    Hours: Shelter open 24 hours per day / 7 days per week
    Dickinson Center
    Ridgway Facility - Employment Support Services
    Provides job assessments, readiness, development, and placement, along with community-based work assessment, on-the-job training, Social Security benefits and follow-along services. Individuals are assisted through the entire job search process including constructing resumes, practicing interview skills, and applying for jobs
    43 Servidea Drive
    Ridgway, PA 15853
    Eligibility: Individuals with mental health (MH) intellectual/developmental
    disabilities (IDD), and physical disabilities who have an interest in
    obtaining or maintaining competitive employment. This also includes
    visual impairments and blindness, and deafness and hearing impaired
    Hours: Varies by location and consumer's needs. Call for more information.
    Dickinson Center
    Coudersport Main Facility - Employment Support Services
    Provides job assessments, readiness, development, and placement, along with community-based work assessment, on-the-job training, Social Security benefits and follow-along services. Individuals are assisted through the entire job search process including constructing resumes, practicing interview skills, and applying for jobs
    1 North Main Street
    Gunzburger Annex Building, 3rd Floor
    Coudersport, PA 16915
    Eligibility: Individuals with mental health (MH) intellectual/developmental
    disabilities (IDD), and physical disabilities who have an interest in
    obtaining or maintaining competitive employment. This also includes
    visual impairments and blindness, and deafness and hearing impaired
    Hours: Varies by location and consumer's needs. Call for more information.
    Down Syndrome Group of Erie County
    Erie - Family Support
    Offers a community outreach and training's provided for families and professionals interested in learning more about people born with Down Syndrome. Sponsors the annual Buddy Walk for the awareness, acceptance and inclusion of people who have Down Syndrome.
    2221 Peninsula Drive
    Erie, PA 16506
    Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
    Hours: Irregular - call for details
    Erie Veterans Affairs Medical Center
    Erie County Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Veteran Justice Outreach Services
    Serves as an advocate for Veterans involved in the criminal justice system to help them avoid unnecessary criminalization of mental illness and extended incarceration by connecting Veterans to VA mental health and substance abuse services.
    135 East 38th Street
    Erie, PA 16504
    Eligibility: Veterans involved in the criminal justice system.
    Hours: Call for more information
    Catholic Social Services - Southeast Pennsylvania
    Administrative Office - Center City - Benephilly
    Offers free, one-on-one help to enroll Philadelphia residents in public benefit programs that assist with prescription drugs, health insurance, food, property taxes, heat and other utilities, paying for college, and disability benefits. Assists with applications and follow up on application status.
    222 North 17th Street
    3rd Floor
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    Eligibility: Residents of Philadelphia
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:30am to 5:30pm
    Women's Resource Center
    Susquehanna County - Young Adult Domestic and Sexual Assault Intervention
    Providing services to teen and young adult victims of domestic and/or sexual violence, dating violence, and stalking. Programs and services can be provided within local schools and community programs.
    Eligibility: Must be victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault,
    and/or stalking, under the age of 25.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm Hotline 24/7
    Franklin County Government
    Franklin County Government Human Services Building - War-Time Service
    War-Time Service
    Certain VA benefits require service during wartime. Under law, VA recognizes these war periods:
    Mexican Border Period: May 9, 1916 through April 5, 1917, for veterans who served in Mexico, on its borders or in adjacent waters.
    World War I: April 6, 1917 through November 11, 1918; for veterans who served in Russia, April 6, 1917 through April 1, 1920; extended through July 1, 1921, for veterans who had at least one day of service between April 6, 1917 and November 11, 1918.
    World War II: December 7, 1941 through December 31, 1946
    Korean War: June 27, 1950 through January 31, 1955
    Vietnam War: August 5, 1964 (February 28, 1961, for veterans who served â??in countryâ? before August 5, 1964) through May 7, 1975
    Gulf War: August 2, 1990 through a date to be set by law or Presidential Proclamation.
    425 Franklin Farm Lane
    Chambersburg, PA 17202
    Eligibility: See the description of the service for specific eligibility details.
    Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
    Franklin County Government
    Franklin County Government Human Services Building - Disability Compensation
    We assist veterans who are applying for disability compensation for service-connected injuries or illnesses. We can also help you reopen an existing claim when your injury or illness worsens.
    It should be noted: The payment of military retirement pay, disability severance pay and separation incentive payments known as SSB (Special Separation Benefits) and VSI (Voluntary Separation Incentives) AFFECTS the amount of VA compensation paid to disabled veterans.
    425 Franklin Farm Lane
    Chambersburg, PA 17202
    Eligibility: See the description of the service for specific eligibility details.
    Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
    Franklin County Government
    Franklin County Government Human Services Building - Veterans Pension
    The VA offers two broad categories of Pension benefit programs:
  • Veterans Pension: Tax-free monetary benefit payable to low-income wartime Veterans.
    • Survivors Pension: Tax-free monetary benefit payable to a low-income, un-remarried surviving spouse and/or unmarried child(ren) of a deceased Veteran with wartime service.

      Veterans and survivors who are eligible for Pension benefits and are housebound or require the aid and attendance of another person may be eligible to receive additional monetary amounts.

      To learn more about what Veterans and their families should know when applying for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Pension Benefits visit: https://www.ebenefits.va.gov/ebenefits/homepage

      Additionally, individuals cannot receive both a VA disability and VA pension. The VA will award whichever is greater.
  • 425 Franklin Farm Lane
    Chambersburg, PA 17202
    Eligibility: Pension benefits are needs-based and your "countable" family income must
    fall below the yearly limit set by law. Veterans must have at least 90
    days of active duty, including one day during a wartime period. If the
    active duty occurred after September 7, 1980, you must have served at
    least 24 months or the full period that you were called up (with some
    exceptions). Individual must also be:

    * Age 65 or older with limited or no income

    * OR Totally and permanently disabled

    * OR A patient in a nursing home receiving skilled nursing care

    * OR Receiving Social Security Disability Insurance

    * OR Receiving Supplemental Security Income The Veteran must have
    met the service requirements above for surviving spouses and
    children applying for the Survivors Pension.
    Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
    Franklin County Government
    Franklin County Government Human Services Building - Veteran Affairs
    The program provides real estate tax exemption for any honorably discharged veteran who is 100% total and permanently disabled, a resident of the Commonwealth and has a financial need.
    425 Franklin Farm Lane
    Chambersburg, PA 17202
    Eligibility: Eligibility is based on: • Served in the military honorably • Served
    during established war service dates (DOC) as determined by the U.S.
    Department of Veterans Affairs (The following decorations can also be
    used to establish wartime service: Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal or
    Navy Expeditionary Medal. ) • Must have a 100% total and permanent
    service-connected disability rating by the U.S. Department of Veterans
    Affairs or as a result of military service. • Must be a resident of
    the Commonwealth • Must occupy the real estate as his/her principal
    dwelling is owned solely by the veteran or the veteran and spouse.
    Additionally, must prove financial need: • Veteran must prove
    financial need according to the criteria established by the State
    Veterans Commission if their annual income exceeds $ 92,594 and they
    will look at the household income. • Applicants with an annual income
    of $88,607 until the end of the year and then $92,594 or less are
    given a rebuttable presumption to have a need for the
    Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
    Franklin County Government
    Franklin County Government Human Services Building - Veteran Affairs
    Operation Save-A-Vet, Save-A-Pet is a program dedicated to helping Franklin County veterans with service-connected disabilities to lead happier, healthier, and more productive lives. This program benefits the veteran, the dog, and the community. Service dogs have proven to be highly valuable in assisting veterans with all types of disabilities, including, but not limited to, diabetes, seizure disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and traumatic brain injury. Our dogs come from local rescues and shelters, and a few select breeding lines, and are provided with highly specialized training and care. These dogs are then capable of serving veterans with a number of physical and psychological needs.

    During the process of training service dogs, foster families may be utilized to house and care for the puppies. Selection of these foster families will remain at the sole discretion of the Franklin County Veterans Affairs Office. Foster families will be required to meet all ethical standards, policies, and
    425 Franklin Farm Lane
    Chambersburg, PA 17202
    Eligibility: See the description of the service for specific eligibility details.
    Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
    Center for Independent Living of Central Pennsylvania
    Independent Living Services
    Provides services that include training designed to increase self-reliance, living skills, and enhance self-confidence such as cooking, budgeting, housing search, benefits counseling, and home maintenance skills. Offers training to empower people with disabilities to speak for themselves and others. Supplies information and resource materials related to disability issues.
    207 House Avenue
    Suite 107
    Camp Hill, PA 17011
    Eligibility: Anyone with a disability
    Hours: Call for information
    Center for Independent Living of South Central Pennsylvania
    Altoona Office - General Services
    Provides services to help people with disabilities live independently.
    3013 Beale Avenue
    Suite B102
    Altoona, PA 16601
    Eligibility: Contact agency for more details.
    Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Center for Independent Living of South Central Pennsylvania
    Altoona Office - Advocacy for Disability Issues
    Provides advocacy services for persons with disabilities and their families.
    3013 Beale Avenue
    Suite B102
    Altoona, PA 16601
    Eligibility: Contact agency for more details.
    Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
    SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access and Recovery - SSI / SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery ( SOAR )
    Assists people with applying for SSI and/or SSDI benefits. Assists with initial applications, appeals, and general information. Focuses on helping people complete their applications and submit all documentation to ensure that applications are processed as quickly as possible.
    Eligibility: Adults age 18 and older with a disability
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
    Safe Monroe
    Delaware Water Gap - Prevention Education/Community Outreach
    Provides prevention education and awareness on matters of violence, abuse and sexual violence as the first steps toward prevention.
    225 J Wilson Drive
    Delaware Water Gap, PA 18327
    Eligibility: Depending on topic, preschool/kindergarten, elementary, high-school and college aged groups.
    Hours: Hours vary by event
    Agency for Community Empowerment of NEPA (ACE)
    Veterans Resource Coalition
    Addresses issues related to Veteran's basic needs and other requests, to avoid duplication of services and to leverage funds, as well as to promote placement of Veterans into jobs. Issues addressed: transitioning back to civilian life, challenges securing employment because of physical issues, mental health issues, various disabilities, substance abuse, homelessness or impending homelessness. The VRC is prepared to handle all of these issues through its network of 34 Agencies who come to the aide of Veterans and their families in need.
    123 Wyoming Avenue
    3rd Floor, Suite 311
    Scranton, PA 18503
    Eligibility: Veterans
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm
    Impact Services Corporation
    Philadelphia - BenePhilly
    Offers one-on-one help to enroll individuals in benefit programs that may assist with prescription drugs, health insurance, food, property taxes, heat and other utilities, paying for college, and disability benefits.
    1952 East Allegheny Avenue
    Philadelphia, PA 19134
    Eligibility: Residents of Philadelphia
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
    Community Legal Services of Philadelphia
    Center City Office - Public Benefits and Welfare Unit
    Works with clients to resolve legal problems that arise in government benefit programs run by the Social Security Administration, Department of Public Welfare, and the Department of Insurance.
    1424 Chestnut Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19102
    Eligibility: Low-income residents in Philadelphia County.
    Hours: Thursday, 9:00am to 12:00pm (noon)
    Community Legal Services of Philadelphia
    North Philadelphia Law Center - Public Benefits and Welfare Unit
    Works with clients to resolve legal problems that arise in government benefit programs run by the Social Security Administration, Department of Public Welfare, and the Department of Insurance.
    1410 West Erie Ave
    Philadelphia, PA 19140
    Eligibility: Low-income residents in Philadelphia County.
    Hours: Thursday, 9:00am to 12:00pm (noon)
    Bradford County Veterans Affairs
    Towanda - Veterans Benefits Assistance
    Providing assistance, counseling and representation to veterans, active military and their families in accessing county, state and federal benefits. Also assists with disability claims.
    200 Main Street
    Suite 4
    Towanda, PA 18848
    Eligibility: Serves veterans and active military personnel
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
    Monroe County Government
    Monroe County Government Departments - Veterans Assistance
    Services of this office include burial assistance, records maintenance, providing grave markers, flags and holders for all County veterans graves and financial assistance to county cemeteries holding veterans. State benefits applied for through this office include tax exemption and educational assistance for 100% disabled veterans, emergency assistance, applications for the blind, paralyzed veterans and veterans homes. Federal Veterans Benefits applied for through this office include health care, service connected compensation, pension assistance for disabled unemployable veterans and counseling for surviving family members and returning veterans.
    One Quaker Plaza
    Stroudsburg, PA 18360
    Eligibility: Veterans
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:30pm
    Union County Government Center
    Union County Veterans Affairs - Veterans' Affairs Office
    Assists Union County veterans and their families in applying for local, state, and federal veteran's programs. Application procedures and funding vary; therefore applicants need to seek assistance through their county of residence.
    155 North 15th Street
    Lewisburg, PA 17837
    Eligibility: Veterans and their dependents of Union county.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Avenues - Park Street - Therapeutic Riding Program
    Therapeutic Horseback Riding is designed to provide both physical and psychological benefits. The warmth and motion of the horse relaxes spastic muscles and mobilizes stiff joints. The horses's rhythmic walk is similar to man's and is beneficial for those who are unable to walk on their own.

    Therapeutic Riding has also been proven to improve the following:
    Attention Span

    Program Information
    Lessons are given May through October. Days of program differ by location.

    Offered at:
    Long Run Stables in Friedensburg
    Swartz Farms in Ringtown
    292 Pine Swamp Rd
    Ringtown, PA 17967
    Various locations
    Pottsville, PA 17901
    Eligibility: Adults with disabilities
    Hours: Days and Hours Vary by Location

    Eldergarden is an Older Adult Day Service program, which offers a community based alternative to long term care placement and in a more cost effective manner.

    Eldergarden is designed to improve the quality of life of individuals with functional impairments. There are many benefits to a day services program; specifically, the program allows individuals to remain in their own homes and provides relief for caregivers.

    There are three main components of our day program:
    Quality personal care in a safe, supportive environment
    Therapeutic recreational activities
    Socialization and stimulation

    Services are provided with dignity and respect in a caring, stimulating environment.
    Some of the services and activities that Eldergarden offers are:
    Part time Nursing assessments
    Community trips
    Pet Therapy
    Beautician Services
    Intergenerational Activities
    Arts & Crafts
    Lunch & Snacks
    Shower Services
    Guest Entertainment
    Medication Administration
    Reminiscing Discussions
    Peer Intera
    2 Park Street
    Pottsville, PA 17901
    Eligibility: Older adults in need of care
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:30am to 3:30pm
    Schuylkill County Veterans Affairs
    Assist veterans and their family members with information regarding federal, state and local benefits. Provides information and assistance in filing for and acquiring the following federal benefits: compensation for service connected disability; pension for veterans unable to work; vocational rehabilitation and counseling; payment for education and job training; home loan guaranty; life insurance; "wheelchair homes"; and burial benefits. The benefits for family members of deceased veterans include dependency and indemnity compensation and death pension.
    401 North Second Street, 1st Floor
    Pottsville, PA 17901
    Eligibility: Veteran residing in Schuylkill County and their families
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Human Services, Inc.
    Thorndale (Main Office) - SOAR Program
    Serves homeless individuals with disabilities in accessing benefits through the Social Security Administration. The process allows for direct access by the SOAR Specialist to identified staff at the local and state level in order to monitor the process from assessment to approval or denial.
    50 James Buchanan Drive
    Thorndale, PA 19372
    Eligibility: Homeless in Chester County, at or below 125% of the poverty level;
    medically determinable disability.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    County of Lancaster
    Lancaster County Department of Veterans - Lancaster County Department of Veterans Affairs
    Provides benefits counseling, processes all applications for benefits and assistance programs (e.g., monetary, disability, burial, memorials, monuments, etc.), and assists in obtaining military records. Provides daily van service to transport local veterans to the Lebanon VA hospital. Van leaves the Veterans Office (Chestnut Street side) at 8 am and returns at 12:30 pm. Must call to reserve space.
    150 North Queen Street
    Suite 103
    Lancaster, PA 17603
    Eligibility: Active duty military and their dependents, veterans and their dependents,
    or survivors of deceased veterans
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
    Perry County Department of Veteran Affairs
    Veterans Memorial Building - Department of Veteran Affairs
    Advocates for veterans to secure pensions, education, hospitalization, disability compensation, medical and dental services, burial allowance benefits, loan guarantees, and public housing. Offers special financial assistance for burial benefits and allowances and for certain emergencies. Provides free notary service and information for employment assistance.
    25 West Main Street
    New Bloomfield, PA 17068
    Eligibility: Veterans or their spouses, widow or widowers, parents, or children with
    proof of military service
    Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Social Security Williamsport Office
    Williamsport - Social Security Office
    Provides in-person services for programs managed by the Social Security Administration.
    240 West 3rd Street
    Suite 100
    Williamsport, PA 17701
    Eligibility: Residents of Lycoming County and Clinton County.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
    Family First Health
    George Street Center - Caring Together
    Offers services that include Primary HIV medical care, Pharmaceutical counseling, Nutritional services, Medical case management, Nurse care management, HIV outreach and education, Safe sex supplies, Dental care, Behavioral health care, Therapy groups, Assistance with prescription drugs, Referrals for drug/alcohol treatment, Assistance with applying for disability benefits, and Financial assistance for eligible clients. Assists in obtaining the following: Nutritional supplements, Food/delivery of food, Transportation, Affordable handicap accessible housing, Clothing/household supplies, Nursing care/IV drug treatment at home, Help at home with housekeeping, laundry, meal preparation, bathing and dressing, Medical supplies, (hospital bed, wheelchair, etc.), Hospice care, Legal assistance, and Clinical drug trials.
    116 South George Street
    York, PA 17401
    Eligibility: Individuals with a verified HIV/AIDS infection
    Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm; Tuesday and Thursday, 8:00am to 6:00pm
    Family First Health
    George Street Center - Caring Together
    Services include:

    - Primary HIV medical care

    - Pharmaceutical counseling

    - Nutritional services

    - Medical case management

    - Nurse care management

    - HIV outreach & education

    - Safe sex supplies

    - Dental care

    - Behavioral health care

    - Therapy groups

    - Assistance with prescription drugs

    - Referrals for drug/alcohol treatment

    - Assistance with applying for disability benefits

    - Financial assistance for eligible clients

    Provides assistance in obtaining the following:

    - Nutritional supplements

    - Food/delivery of food

    - Transportation

    - Affordable handicap accessible housing

    - Clothing/household supplies

    - Nursing care/IV drug treatment at home

    - Help at home with housekeeping, laundry, meal preparation, bathing and dressing

    - Medical supplies, (hospital bed, wheelchair, etc.)

    - Hospice care

    - Legal assistance

    - Clinical drug trials
    116 South George Street
    York, PA 17401
    Eligibility: Individuals with a verified HIV/AIDS infection.
    Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; Tuesday and Thursday,
    8:00 am to 6:00 pm
    Family First Health
    Gettysburg Center - Caring Together
    Offers services that include Primary HIV medical care, Pharmaceutical counseling, Nutritional services, Medical case management, Nurse care management, HIV outreach and education, Safe sex supplies, Dental care, Behavioral health care, Therapy groups, Assistance with prescription drugs, Referrals for drug/alcohol treatment, Assistance with applying for disability benefits, and Financial assistance for eligible clients. Assists in obtaining the following: Nutritional supplements, Food/delivery of food, Transportation, Affordable handicap accessible housing, Clothing/household supplies, Nursing care/IV drug treatment at home, Help at home with housekeeping, laundry, meal preparation, bathing and dressing, Medical supplies, (hospital bed, wheelchair, etc.), Hospice care, Legal assistance, and Clinical drug trials.
    1275 York Road
    Suite 17
    Gettysburg, PA 17325
    Eligibility: Individuals with a verified HIV/AIDS infection
    Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm; Tuesday and Thursday, 8:00am to 6:00pm
    Family First Health
    Gettysburg Center - Caring Together
    Services include:

    - Primary HIV medical care

    - Pharmaceutical counseling

    - Nutritional services

    - Medical case management

    - Nurse care management

    - HIV outreach & education

    - Safe sex supplies

    - Dental care

    - Behavioral health care

    - Therapy groups

    - Assistance with prescription drugs

    - Referrals for drug/alcohol treatment

    - Assistance with applying for disability benefits

    - Financial assistance for eligible clients

    Provides assistance in obtaining the following:

    - Nutritional supplements

    - Food/delivery of food

    - Transportation

    - Affordable handicap accessible housing

    - Clothing/household supplies

    - Nursing care/IV drug treatment at home

    - Help at home with housekeeping, laundry, meal preparation, bathing and dressing

    - Medical supplies, (hospital bed, wheelchair, etc.)

    - Hospice care

    - Legal assistance

    - Clinical drug trials
    1275 York Road
    Suite 17
    Gettysburg, PA 17325
    Eligibility: Individuals with a verified HIV/AIDS infection.
    Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; Tuesday and Thursday,
    8:00 am to 6:00 pm
    Luzerne County Government
    Luzerne County Veterans' Affairs - Veterans Affairs
    Services of this office include burial assistance, records maintenance, providing grave markers, flags and holders for all County veterans graves and financial assistance to county cemeteries holding veterans. State benefits applied for through this office include tax exemption and educational assistance for 100% disabled veterans, emergency assistance, applications for the blind, paralyzed veterans and veterans homes. Federal Veterans Benefits applied for through this office include health care, service connected compensation, pension assistance for disabled unemployable veterans and counseling for surviving family members and returning veterans.
    2009 Wyoming Ave
    Forty Fort, PA 18704
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:30pm
    Lackawanna County Government
    Veterans Affairs - Lackawanna County - Veterans Affairs
    Veterans’ Affairs Office whose sole responsibility is to offer services and benefits for Lackawanna County veterans and their families.
    Assists with: Death Benefits, Pension Benefits, Disability Benefits, Tax Exemption for 100% disabled veterans, Help get discharge papers and service records (DD-214), Government Headstones and markers, Homeless veterans assistance, and many more.
    123 Wyoming Avenue
    First Floor
    Scranton, PA 18503
    Eligibility: Veterans, Families of Veterans residing in Lackawanna County
    Hours: Weekdays 8:30am - 4:30pm
    The Midwife Center
    Office and Birthing Center, Strip District - Wellness Walk-In Fridays
    University of Pittsburgh
    Bakery Square - Experiential Learning for Veterans in Assistive Technology and Engineering (ELeVATE)
    Ursuline Support Services
    Administrative Headquarters, Squirrel Hill - Supportive Living Enhancement Program (SLEP)
    Veterans Leadership Program
    Erie - Veteran Services
    Veterans Leadership Program
    Administrative Headquarters - Pittsburgh - Veteran Services
    Veterans Leadership Program
    Administrative Headquarters - Pittsburgh - Job Clubs
    Veterans Leadership Program
    Administrative Headquarters - Pittsburgh - Victory Housing Program
    Veterans Leadership Program
    Johnstown - Veteran Services
    Veterans Place of Washington Boulevard
    Pittsburgh - Employment Services
    Allegheny County - Achieva Family Trust
    Allegheny County Office of Developmental Supports
    Greentree Office - Outreach and Education
    Cambria County Veteran Services
    Administrative Office - Veteran Aid and Attendant Benefits
    Cambria County Veteran Services
    Administrative Office - Veteran Pension Program
    Cambria County Veteran Services
    Administrative Office - Veteran Benefits Assistance
    Lawrence County C.A.R.E.S.
    Administrative Headquarters and Drop-In Center - Lawrence County Representative Payee Program
    Administrative Headquarters - Home-Based Family Resource and Referral
    Somerset County Government
    Domestic Relations Department - Veterans Affairs
    Administrative Headquarters - Employment Program
    Penn Hills Office - Center for Independent Living
    Veterans Promise
    Dickson City - Hardship Grant Program
    Veterans Promise
    Dickson City - Wall of Heroes
    Social Security Office - Towanda
    Towanda - Social Security Benefits and Information
    Northumberland County Area Agency on Aging & Veterans Affairs
    Northumberland County Veterans Affairs - Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
    Social Security Wilkes-Barre Office
    Social Security Office
    Northampton County Department of Veterans Affairs
    Bethlehem - Veterans Benefits
    Homeless Advocacy Project (HAP)
    Philadelphia - Legal Services to End Homelessness
    Veterans Multi-Service Center
    Women Veterans Center - Veterans Benefit / Entitlement Assistance
    Veterans Multi-Service Center
    Administrative Headquarters, Philadelphia - Veterans Benefit / Entitlement Assistance
    Veterans Multi-Service Center
    Lock Haven Office - Veterans Benefit / Entitlement Assistance
    Veterans Multi-Service Center
    Suburban Philadelphia Office - Veterans Benefit / Entitlement Assistance
    Veterans Multi-Service Center
    Harrisburg Office - Veterans Benefit / Entitlement Assistance
    Veterans Multi-Service Center
    Reading Office - Veterans Benefit / Entitlement Assistance
    Veterans Multi-Service Center
    VMC Edison 64 Veterans Community - Veterans Benefit / Entitlement Assistance
    Utility Emergency Services Fund
    Philadelphia - BenePhilly Center
    AMVETS Department of Pennsylvania - AMVETS
    AMVETS - Philipsburg Post #159 - Philipsburg Post #159
    STEP, Inc.
    STEP Office of Aging - Lycoming County - PA MEDI
    Devereux Pocono Center
    Newfoundland - Vocational Training
    Intervention Associates
    Conshohocken - Care Management and Health Care Navigation
    Private Industry Council of Lehigh Valley
    Easton - Ticket to Work Program
    YWCA Greater Harrisburg
    Employment Readiness Services for Homeless Veterans
    YWCA Greater Harrisburg
    Homeless Veterans Housing
    Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
    Information and Referral
    West Chester Office - Employment
    Perry County Literacy Council
    Newport - Perry County CareerLink
    Southeastern PA Region - Adult Services at Southeastern PA Region
    Western PA Region - Employment Services
    South Central PA Region - Adult and Youth Services
    South Central PA Region - York/Adams County Area - Adult and Youth Services
    Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
    Fulton Office - Client Assistance Program (CAP)
    Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
    Bedford - Client Assistance Program (CAP)
    Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
    Huntingdon Office - Client Assistance Program (CAP)
    Anthracite Region Center for Independent Living
    Skills Training
    Anthracite Region Center for Independent Living
    Information and Referral
    PA CareerLink - Chester County
    Exton - Financial Stability Center
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Division of Drug and Alcohol Program Licensure
    Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute - Penn State Health
    Harrisburg - Division Street - Partial Hospitalization
    Esperanza Health Center - Hunting Park Office
    Fifth Street - BenePhilly
    Mazzoni Center
    Bainbridge - Case Management
    Horsham Clinic
    Ambler - Adult Partial Hospitalization Program
    Special Equestrians
    Warrington - Therapeutic Riding Program
    North City Congress
    North Broad Street Senior Center
    Greater Carbondale YMCA
    Carbondale - Exercise Classes
    Lycoming County Government
    Lycoming County Veterans Affairs - Veterans Service Officer
    Carbon County Veterans Affairs
    Jim Thorpe - Veteran Benefits Assistance
    Chester County Health Department
    West Chester - Chronic Disease & Injury Prevention
    Berks County Veterans Affairs
    Reading - Veteran Benefits Assistance
    Kennett Area Senior Center
    Kennett Square - Reassurance Program
    Variety - The Children's Charity of the Delaware Valley
    Worcester - After School Program
    Planned Lifetime Assistance Network of Pennsylvania (PLAN of PA)
    Wayne - Special Needs Trust Services
    Planned Lifetime Assistance Network of Pennsylvania (PLAN of PA)
    Wayne - Fee for Service Care Management
    Lehigh County Veterans Affairs
    Adams County Veterans Affairs
    Gettysburg - Veterans Services
    Janus School
    Mount Joy - Co-Curricular and Summer Programs
    Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry
    Unemployment Compensation Service Centers - Unemployment Compensation Services
    Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry
    Unemployment Compensation Service Centers - Unemployment Compensation Service
    Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry
    Employment, Advancement and Retention Network (EARN)
    Bellomo and Associates
    York - Estate Planning and Elder Law
    Goodwill Keystone Area
    Goodwill Keystone Area - Lancaster - Work Incentives Planning and Assistance Services
    Goodwill Keystone Area
    Lancaster - Employment Services
    Social Security Scranton Office
    Social Security Office
    Social Security Bloomsburg Office
    Bloomsburg - Social Security Office
    Social Security Selinsgrove Office
    Selinsgrove - Social Security Office
    Advocacy Alliance - Scranton
    Scranton - Representative Payee
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services
    Centre County Assistance Office - Medical Assistance / Medicaid
    United States Social Security Administration
    Schuylkill Office - Social Security Administration
    United States Social Security Administration
    Selinsgrove Office - Social Security Administration
    United States Social Security Administration
    Clearfield County Office - Social Security Administration
    United States Social Security Administration
    Venango County Office - Social Security Administration
    United States Social Security Administration
    Erie County Office - Social Security Administration
    United States Social Security Administration
    Crawford County Office - Social Security Administration
    United States Social Security Administration
    Franklin Program - Chambersburg - Social Security Administration
    United States Social Security Administration
    East Stroudsburg Office - Social Security Administration
    United States Social Security Administration
    Lancaster Office - Social Security Administration
    United States Social Security Administration
    Lebanon Office - Social Security Administration
    United States Social Security Administration
    York Office - Social Security Administration
    United States Social Security Administration
    Bethlehem Office - Social Security Administration
    United States Social Security Administration
    Easton Office - Social Security Administration
    United States Social Security Administration
    Allentown Office - Social Security Administration
    United States Social Security Administration
    Carbon Office - Social Security Administration
    United States Social Security Administration
    Berks Office - Social Security Administration
    Philadelphia FIGHT
    Community Health Centers - BenePhilly
    York County Government - York County Human Services Department
    York County Human Services - York County Area Agency on Aging - Care Management Services
    Columbia County Government
    Veterans Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - Office of the Deputy Adjutant General for Veterans Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - Persian Gulf Conflict Veterans Bonus
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - Blind Veterans Pension
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - Paralyzed Veterans Pension
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - Disabled Veterans Real Estate Tax Exemption Program
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - Educational Gratuity Program
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - Returning Veteran Checklist
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
    Fayette County Veterans Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
    Allegheny County Department of Veterans Services - Veteran Services
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
    Westmoreland County Office of Veterans Affairs - Van Service
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
    Indiana County Department of Veterans Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
    Bucks County Military/Veterans Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs, State Veterans Home System - Pennsylvania Soldiers' and Sailors' Home - Pennsylvania Soldiers' and Sailors' Home
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs, State Veterans Home System - Hollidaysburg Veterans Home - Hollidaysburg Veterans Home
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs, State Veterans Home System - Delaware Valley Veterans Home - Delaware Valley Veterans Home
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs, State Veterans Home System - Southwestern Veterans Center - Southwestern Veterans Center
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
    Clarion County Veterans Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
    Forest County Veterans Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
    Warren County Veterans Affairs - Veterans Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affair - Erie County Veterans Affairs - Erie County Veterans Affairs
    Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - South Central Region
    York County Department of Veteran Affairs - Veteran Affairs
    United Way of Southern Alleghenies
    Duncansville - Community Outreach Partnerships
    WellSpan Health
    WellSpan ReadyCare - Gettysburg - Occupational Health
    WellSpan Health
    WellSpan Occupational Health - Hanover - Occupational Health
    WellSpan Health
    WellSpan Occupational Health - York - Occupational Health
    Riverbend Environmental Education Center
    Gladwyne - Riverbend on the Road Outreach Programs
    PA CareerLink
    Westmoreland County at Youngwood - Career Development Westmoreland County at Youngwood
    PA CareerLink
    Alle-Kiski County - Career Development Alle-Kiski County
    PA CareerLink
    PA CareerLink Mon Valley - Career Development Mon Valley
    PA CareerLink
    PA CareerLink Beaver County - Career Development Beaver County
    HealthChoices - Erie County
    Erie - HealthChoices of Erie County
    Northwestern Legal Services
    Hermitage Office - Northwestern Legal Services
    Northwestern Legal Services
    Bradford Office - Northwestern Legal Services
    Northwestern Legal Services
    Franklin Office - Northwestern Legal Services
    Northwestern Legal Services
    Erie Office - Northwestern Legal Services
    Northwestern Legal Services
    Meadville Office - Northwestern Legal Services
    Northwestern Legal Services
    Warren Office - Northwestern Legal Services
    Stairways Behavioral Health
    Main Administrative Office - Assertive Community Treatment
    Venango County Association for the Blind
    Seneca - Transportation and Support Services
    Warren-Forest Counties Economic Opportunity Council
    Warren - Utility Assistance
    Foundation for Sustainable Forests
    Spartansburg - Forest Land Conservation
    Social Security Administration
    Northwestern Pennsylvania Administrative Office - Erie - Online Services
    Social Security Administration
    Northwestern Pennsylvania Administrative Office - Erie - Local Office Locator and Services
    Community Services of Venango County
    Seneca Street - Oil City - Women's Outreach
    Community Shelter Services
    Emergency Shelter - Outpatient Mental Health
    Dickinson Center
    Ridgway Facility - Employment Support Services
    Dickinson Center
    Coudersport Main Facility - Employment Support Services
    Down Syndrome Group of Erie County
    Erie - Family Support
    Erie Veterans Affairs Medical Center
    Erie County Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Veteran Justice Outreach Services
    Catholic Social Services - Southeast Pennsylvania
    Administrative Office - Center City - Benephilly
    Franklin County Government
    Franklin County Government Human Services Building - War-Time Service
    Franklin County Government
    Franklin County Government Human Services Building - Disability Compensation
    Franklin County Government
    Franklin County Government Human Services Building - Veterans Pension
    Franklin County Government
    Franklin County Government Human Services Building - Veteran Affairs
    Franklin County Government
    Franklin County Government Human Services Building - Veteran Affairs
    Center for Independent Living of Central Pennsylvania
    Independent Living Services
    Center for Independent Living of South Central Pennsylvania
    Altoona Office - General Services
    Center for Independent Living of South Central Pennsylvania
    Altoona Office - Advocacy for Disability Issues
    Safe Monroe
    Delaware Water Gap - Prevention Education/Community Outreach
    Agency for Community Empowerment of NEPA (ACE)
    Veterans Resource Coalition
    Impact Services Corporation
    Philadelphia - BenePhilly
    Community Legal Services of Philadelphia
    Center City Office - Public Benefits and Welfare Unit
    Community Legal Services of Philadelphia
    North Philadelphia Law Center - Public Benefits and Welfare Unit
    Bradford County Veterans Affairs
    Towanda - Veterans Benefits Assistance
    Monroe County Government
    Monroe County Government Departments - Veterans Assistance
    Union County Government Center
    Union County Veterans Affairs - Veterans' Affairs Office
    Avenues - Park Street - Therapeutic Riding Program
    Schuylkill County Veterans Affairs
    Human Services, Inc.
    Thorndale (Main Office) - SOAR Program
    County of Lancaster
    Lancaster County Department of Veterans - Lancaster County Department of Veterans Affairs
    Perry County Department of Veteran Affairs
    Veterans Memorial Building - Department of Veteran Affairs
    Social Security Williamsport Office
    Williamsport - Social Security Office
    Family First Health
    George Street Center - Caring Together
    Family First Health
    George Street Center - Caring Together
    Family First Health
    Gettysburg Center - Caring Together
    Family First Health
    Gettysburg Center - Caring Together
    Luzerne County Government
    Luzerne County Veterans' Affairs - Veterans Affairs
    Lackawanna County Government
    Veterans Affairs - Lackawanna County - Veterans Affairs
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