200 Matching Service Providers
Additional providers are available. Please narrow your search by entering a more specific search term or including a zip code.
Jubilee Association
Administrative Office and Soup Kitchen - Preventing Homelessness Program
Provides one-time financial assistance in the form of a rent, mortgage, or utility payment for individuals who are facing eviction or a utility shutoff.

Also assists with finding housing, and budgeting and money management skills.
2005 Wyandotte Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Eligibility: Residents of the Hill District who living on a fixed income and are facing the threat of a utility shutoff or homelessness.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 1:30pm
LIFE Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh - PACE Program
Provides home care, health care, and adult day care at no cost to qualified older adults who wish to remain independent in their own homes.
875 Greentree Road
Suite 200
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
Eligibility: Individuals must reside in the LIFE Pittsburgh Service Area, be age 55
and older, and: Meet eligibility level for nursing facility level of
care, Be certified Medicaid-eligible by the Department of Human
Services (County Assistance Office) for LIFE Pittsburgh or be able to
self-pay, and Be able to live in the community safely with services
from LIFE Pittsburgh.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm Service hours vary,
with some available 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.
Literacy Pittsburgh
Beaver County - Literacy Programs
Offers one-to-one and small group instruction in computer skills, English language learning, math, reading, and high school equivalency (GED/HiSET) preparation. Also provides job preparation assistance and U.S. citizenship classes. Both in person and Zoom classes are available at varying days and times.
285 Beaver Valley Mall Route 18
Monaca, PA 15061
Eligibility: Individuals age 18 and older who are not enrolled in secondary school.

Literacy Pittsburgh can serve students at age 17 only if they can provide official documentation from their school to show that they have withdrawn from school and are not required to be enrolled there.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm

Program hours vary. Call or visit the website for details.
Literacy Pittsburgh
Beaver County - Computer Skills Classes
Offers courses in basic computer skills, navigating the internet, using email, Windows, Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel), Google Docs, LinkedIn, and job search skills. Both online and in-person classes are offered.

Open lab time is also available for individualized instruction and assistance with formatting a resume or cover letter.

Participants have an opportunity to earn a Northstar Digital Literacy certificate that can be added to their resumes and LinkedIn profiles.
285 Beaver Valley Mall Route 18
Monaca, PA 15061
Eligibility: Residents of Allegheny and Beaver counties.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm

Class times vary. Call or visit the website for details.
Literacy Pittsburgh
Allegheny County - Literacy Programs
Offers one-to-one and small group instruction in computer skills, English language learning, math, reading, and high school equivalency (GED/HiSET) preparation. Also provides job preparation assistance and U.S. citizenship classes. Both in person and Zoom classes are available at varying days and times.
411 Seventh Avenue, Suite 525
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Eligibility: Individuals age 18 and older who are not enrolled in secondary school.

Literacy Pittsburgh can serve students at age 17 only if they can provide official documentation from their school to show that they have withdrawn from school and are not required to be enrolled there.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm

Program hours vary. Call or visit the website for details.
Literacy Pittsburgh
Allegheny County - Computer Skills Classes
Offers courses in basic computer skills, navigating the internet, using email, Windows, Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel), Google Docs, LinkedIn, and job search skills. Both online and in-person classes are offered.

Open lab time is also available for individualized instruction and assistance with formatting a resume or cover letter.

Participants have an opportunity to earn a Northstar Digital Literacy certificate that can be added to their resumes and LinkedIn profiles.
411 Seventh Avenue, Suite 525
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Eligibility: Residents of Allegheny and Beaver counties.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm

Class times vary. Call or visit the website for details.
Macedonia Family and Community Enrichment Center
Administrative Office - Accelerated Support for Older Persons (ASOP)
Provides case management services to older adults who have recently been adjudicated. Offers assistance with housing, employment, clothing, food, or any other critical needs.
5001 Baum Boulevard
Suite 400
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Eligibility: Residents of Allegheny County aged 60 and older who have recently been adjudicated
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Mainstay Life Services
Pittsburgh - Home and Community Support
Provides life-long support services for people with developmental disabilities, including residential and in-home services, life-sharing, and summer camps. The Prader-Willi Syndrome program focuses on the transition from inpatient programs to community based living, and managing lifelong needs for individuals with PWS.
200 Roessler Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
Eligibility: Individuals with developmental disabilities who are residents of Allegheny County.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Mental Health Association in Beaver County
Administrative Office - Community Wellness/Recovery Advocacy Program
Provides assistance to persons in need of help in negotiating a specific aspect of the mental health system. This may include housing issues, securing entitlements, welfare benefits, patient rights, employments issues, or other community support systems, as it pertains to an individual with a mental health challenge. The advocate’s role is to provide support and to help ensure that the consumer’s voice is heard and a recovery approach is followed.
105 Brighton Avenue
Rochester, PA 15074
Eligibility: Serves adults with mental health diagnoses and co-occurring disorders
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Warmline, 6:00pm to 10:00pm
UPMC Western Behavioral Health at Mon Yough
Mon Yough Community Services - Locust Street - Mental Health Residential Programs
Provides individuals older than the age of 18 with a chronic mental health diagnosis an opportunity to achieve personal growth and fulfillment through various treatment options. Programs include: Enhanced Care CRR (Community Residential Rehabilitation), Community Based Supported Housing, Geriatric Personal Care Boarding Homes, and a Comprehensive Mental Health Personal Care Home program. All of these programs have a goal to enhance the development of the skills, attitudes and habits necessary to prevent re-hospitalization, as well as to encourage successful community reintegration.
606 Locust Street
McKeesport, PA 15132
Eligibility: Adults having chronic and persistent mental illness.
Hours: 24 hours/day, 7 days/week
Armstrong County Area Agency on Aging
Kittanning - Family Caregiver Support Program
Provides supportive services to Caregivers of older adults, individuals with Alzheimer's Disease or other chronic dementia, as well as grandparents and other relatives aged 55 and older who are raising grand-children or caring for adults with disabilities.
120 South Grant Avenue
Suite 4
Kittanning, PA 16201
Eligibility: Primary caregiver for adults age 60 or older or an adult with chronic
dementia. Primary caregivers for adults age 19 to 59, with a
disability and relatives providing care for children may also qualify
for the program.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Pennsylvania Property Tax and Rent Rebate Office
Pittsburgh District Office - Property Tax and Rent Rebate Information
Sponsors the property tax/rent rebate program for older adults and residents with disabilities. Will assist with the preparation of state personal income or property tax forms. The Property Tax/Rent Rebate is based on the property taxes paid directly or included in the rent paid during the previous calendar year, or the claim year.
411 7th Avenue
Room 420
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Eligibility: Pennsylvania residents who are:
A) Age 65 and older

B) Widows and widowers age 50 and older

C) People with disabilities age 18 and older

Income limit is $45,000/year for both homeowners and renters; half of Social Security income is excluded from income calculation for eligibility.

Additional criteria apply. Visit the website for details.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm

Appointments are encouraged.
Pennsylvania Property Tax and Rent Rebate Office
Greentree - Property Tax and Rent Rebate Information
Sponsors the property tax/rent rebate program for older adults and residents with disabilities. Will assist with the preparation of state personal income or property tax forms. The Property Tax/Rent Rebate is based on the property taxes paid directly or included in the rent paid during the previous calendar year, or the claim year.
875 Greentree Road
11 Parkway Center, Suite 175
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
Eligibility: Pennsylvania residents who are:
A) Age 65 and older

B) Widows and widowers age 50 and older

C) People with disabilities age 18 and older

Income limit is $45,000/year for both homeowners and renters; half of Social Security income is excluded from income calculation for eligibility.

Additional criteria apply. Visit the website for details.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm

Appointments are encouraged.
Pennsylvania Women Work
Administrative Headquarters - New Choices Career Development
Offers clients individualized attention and training to help each person achieve personally and professionally. The program involves working one-on-one and in small groups to help clients see how to transfer their past skills, prepare them for the job market, and assist them in making professional decisions.
5607 Baum Boulevard
Suite 333
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Eligibility: Men and women.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:30pm
Progressive Workshop of Armstrong County
Oak Avenue - Job Finding Assistance for People with Disabilities
Provides training facilities, placement programs and related activities for persons who appear to be able to profit from the habilitation programs of the workshop. Provides extended training for individuals who continue to develop skills, behaviors, and attitudes which assist them in becoming more independent and employable.
301 Oak Avenue
Kittanning, PA 16201
Eligibility: Adults age 18 and older with physical or mental disability
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm
Beaver County Office on Aging
Beaver Falls - Information and Assistance
Provides information and assistance in obtaining PACE (Pharmaceutical Assistance Contracts for the Elderly) and property tax/rent rebate is provided.
Information and referral is provided regarding Beaver County Office on Aging programs and other community resources. PA MEDI (Pennsylvania Medicare Education and Decision Insight) insurance counseling available for anyone new to Medicare or who needs assistance with Medicare insurance.
1020 Eighth Avenue
Beaver Falls, PA 15010
Eligibility: Residents of: Beaver County; Adults age 60 and older with a physical
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Beaver County Office on Aging
Beaver Falls - Aging Services
Provides a wide variety of programs to help individuals to transition through the changes that come with the passing years. Services may include adult daily living centers, home environment modifications, home delivered meals, respite care, medical supplies and equipment, personal emergency response systems, personal care, transportation, caregiver support, home support, needs assessments, Domiciliary Care, senior centers, Ombudsman, legal services, information and referral, PA MEDI health insurance counseling, Older Adult Protective Services
1020 Eighth Avenue
Beaver Falls, PA 15010
Eligibility: Beaver County residents age 60 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Beaver County Office on Aging
Beaver Falls - Caregiver Support Program
The Caregiver Support Program is designed to reduce caregiver stress. The emphasis of this program is to respond directly to the needs of caregivers who are caring for a functionally dependent elderly consumer. Financial reimbursement may be provided for out-of-pocket caregiving expenses, such as personal care services, supplies, assistive devices, or home modifications. Total household income determines the specific percentage of monthly reimbursement.
1020 Eighth Avenue
Beaver Falls, PA 15010
Eligibility: To be eligible, one must be the primary caregiver for an adult age 60 or
over or an adult with chronic dementia. Primary caregivers for an
individual, ages 19-59, with a disability and relatives providing care
for children may also qualify for the program.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Blind and Vision Rehabilitation Services of Pittsburgh
Administrative Headquarters - Deaf Blind Program
Trains students in personal adjustment to deaf-blindness, job readiness, and job coaching. Works with students and employers to assist students in attaining competitive employment.
1816 Locust Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Eligibility: Individuals with deaf-blindness.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
YWCA of Greater Pittsburgh
Administrative Headquarters - Financial Assistance Programs
Offers referrals to legal services, financial assistance, and personalized support for individuals experiencing sudden economic distress due to life-changing events or situations.
2313 East Carson Street
Second Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Eligibility: Residents of Allegheny County who have experienced a crisis that caused a need for short-term financial assistance.
Hours: Phone Answered during Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm

Call to schedule an in-person appointment or request information.
Center of Life
Administrative Headquarters - Family and Community Engagement
Family Engagement activities and events are held year round, and work to connect parents, guardians, and family members of students to resources and supportive services. Workshops and information sessions are regularly held around the topics of parenting, child development, in-school advocacy, financial management, skill building, and resource sharing.

The Community Engagement program works with community members and partner agencies to provide the knowledge, tools, and resources that community members need to thrive. Staff provide crisis support, advocacy efforts, resource connection, and wellness workshops.
161 Hazelwood Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15207
Eligibility: Residents of the Greater Pittsburgh area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm

Saturday and Sunday by appointment.
Center of Life
Elizabeth Street - Family and Community Engagement
Family Engagement activities and events are held year round, and work to connect parents, guardians, and family members of students to resources and supportive services. Workshops and information sessions are regularly held around the topics of parenting, child development, in-school advocacy, financial management, skill building, and resource sharing.

The Community Engagement program works with community members and partner agencies to provide the knowledge, tools, and resources that community members need to thrive. Staff provide crisis support, advocacy efforts, resource connection, and wellness workshops.
134 East Elizabeth Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15207
Eligibility: Residents of the Greater Pittsburgh area.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm

Saturday and Sunday by appointment.
Allegheny County Area Agency on Aging
Administrative Headquarters - Caregiver Support
Offers referrals to agencies that provide Caregiver Support services. Monitors and funds these services. Provides primary caregivers with a break from caregiving. Services include reimbursement for out of pocket costs associated with caregiving related services and supplies, education, training, counseling, respite care and more.
The program supports individuals who want to live at home but need help with daily activities such as meal preparation, bathing, dressing, grooming, eating, and/or personal care. It is designed to ease the burden for caregivers who are overwhelmed with helping their loved one, managing their own family, and possibly work responsibilities as well.
2100 Wharton Street
Second Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Eligibility: Services are available to Allegheny County residents who are: Adults (18
and older) caring for someone who is 60 years of age or older (or
someone of any age with early onset Alzheimers) Grandparents (age 55
and older) taking care of grandchildren when parents are unavailable
Individuals (age 55 and older) taking care of a family member (age 18
to 59) with a disability.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Administrative Headquarters and Main Library, Oakland - Special Collections
Provides county and state wide library services within specialized departments, including:

Music, Film, and Audio -- Music and film materials including DVDs, CDs, books, musical scores, and historic Pittsburgh music information

Information and Research Services -- General reference information, materials, and databases, plus research assistance, computer access, and historic research collections

Local History and Genealogy -- Materials, services, and programs about Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania history, genealogy services, and Recollection Studio for personal digitization projects
4400 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Eligibility: No restrictions.
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:30am to 8:00pm
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 9:30am to 5:00pm
Casa San Jose
Latino Community Center - Reentry Services
Offers bilingual Case Management and Reentry Services for individuals returning to the community following incarceration and those who are involved in the criminal justice system.

Provides assistance with applying for benefits, housing, food, and understanding documents in English. Assists individuals with complying with court orders, parole/probation. Offers Court Accompaniment (in-person support for first legal proceeding appointment). Provides referrals to Spanish-speaking therapists.
2116 Broadway Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15216
Eligibility: Serves Spanish-speaking individuals who are returning from incarceration or otherwise involved in the criminal justice system.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm.
Chartiers Center
Administrative Office - Substance Abuse Outpatient Program
Services offered can be utilized as a step down from a higher level of care, or as a first step in assisting a consumer who is suffering from a substance use disorder.
During the intake appointment consumers will be screened for acute intoxication or withdrawal symptoms. Once this assessment is completed, the consumer will be placed in the appropriate level of care. The program length will vary based on the needs and the person's progress in treatment.
Services are available to adolescents and adults age 12 and older who demonstrate a need for substance abuse treatment. This includes mandated and or court ordered treatment for DUI and other legal infractions. The consumers of these services may also be diagnosed with a co-occurring mental health disorder.
Medically assisted treatment is available and can include suboxone or vivitrol.
437 Railroad Street
Bridgeville, PA 15017
Eligibility: Services are available to adolescents and adults age 12 and older who
demonstrate a need for substance abuse treatment. This includes
mandated and or court ordered treatment for DUI and other legal
infractions. The consumers of these services may also be diagnosed
with a co-occurring mental health disorder.
Hours: Monday, 8:30am to 6:00pm
Tuesday through Thursday, 8:00am to 6:00pm
Community Human Services Corporation
Administrative Office - Domiciliary Care
Offers a residential program for adults with a diagnosis of serious mental illness. It is located within a 13 bed group home with staffing 24-hours a day, seven days a week and it provides residents with all their meals. The staff provide supportive counseling, personal care and grooming, and assistance with daily living tasks to residents and assistance with medications. The program empowers residents to make choices by focusing on their strengths.
2525 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Eligibility: Adults with a diagnosis of serious mental illness.
Hours: 24-hour residential facility.
Elizabeth Seton Center
Monahan Center - Ombudsman Program
Seeks to mediate and resolve issues affecting older adults who are residents of nursing homes and personal care homes, or who receive long-term care services in their home or community. The program works with individuals, their families and friends, long-term care facility staff, government agencies, and community groups to provide relevant information, answer questions, investigate complaints about the quality of care or treatment from long-term care providers, and offer assistance in resolving problems.
129 DePaul Center Road
Greensburg, PA 15601
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older who are consumers of Westmoreland County
long-term care facilities.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Allegheny County Housing Authority
Administrative Headquarters - Family Self-Sufficiency Program
Helps very low-income, single parent families in Allegheny County to secure and maintain decent, affordable housing and higher levels of self-sufficiency. A counselor helps program participants to develop and implement action plans which contain specific goals and objectives for self-sufficiency and the steps which participants need to take to achieve these goals. The case manager works on an individual basis with each participant, linking them to key services, monitoring their progress, and guiding them on their personally designed paths toward self-sufficiency.
301 Chartiers Avenue
McKees Rocks, PA 15136
Eligibility: Families must currently possess a Section 8 housing certificate or
voucher from the Allegheny County Housing Authority.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Butler County Area Agency on Aging
Administrative Headquarters - Options Program
Provides home and community-based services to enable consumers to remain in their home. Services are provided on a sliding-fee scale to those who qualify.

In order to participate, an individual must be referred to and assessed by the department. After the assessment, a care manager will be assigned to develop a plan of care that meets the needs of the individual.
111 Sunnyview Circle
Building 3, Suite 101
Butler, PA 16001
Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
The New Me
Office and Free Store - Outreach Room
Offers clothing, bedding, personal hygiene items, and small housewares for individuals and families in need. Also offers emergency food assistance.
410 Seventh Street
New Kensington, PA 15068
Eligibility: Serves Arnold and New Kensington.
Hours: Friday and Saturday, 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Lark Enterprises
New Castle - In-Home and Community Supports
Provides services in the home and community to assist individuals in acquiring, maintaining, and improving self-help, domestic, socialization, and adaptive skills.
2665 Ellwood Road
New Castle, PA 16101
Eligibility: Adults age 18 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society - Eastern Great Lakes Region - First Connection
Assists patients with the initial anxieties associated with their diagnosis of leukemia and related cancers. Program provides the patient with a personal visit or phone call from a cancer survivor with a similar diagnosis.
Eligibility: Individuals or parents/guardians of minors with blood cancer diagnoses.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society - Eastern Pennsylvnia and Delaware - First Connection
Assists patients with the initial anxieties associated with their diagnosis of leukemia and related cancers. Program provides the patient with a personal visit or phone call from a cancer survivor with a similar diagnosis.
1300 North Grant Street
Fourth Floor
Wilmington, DE 19806
Eligibility: Individuals or parents/guardians of minors with blood cancer diagnoses.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Administrative Headquarters - Home Based Family Support
The program offers families a unique opportunity to work toward family stability and reduce the risk of out-of-home placement by providing them with personalized, in-home support. The Home-Based Case Manager or Family Resource Specialist meets the "total" needs of the child through guiding and assisting parents or guardians in gaining access to necessary medical, educational, rehabilitative, and social services. Additionally, the program connects families with other community resources and supports.
383 New Castle Road
Butler, PA 16001
Eligibility: Referred by Children and Youth Services
Hours: Weekdays, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Administrative Headquarters - Day Habilitation
Provides personal assistance in completing activities of daily living (ADLs) as well as teaching daily living skills needed to be more independent and active in the community. Skills include learning to prepare a meal, money and time management, and communication skills while at an adult training facility.
383 New Castle Road
Butler, PA 16001
Eligibility: Adult over the age of 21 who have a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as defined in DSM IV
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 3:00pm
Beaver County Program Center - Employment Services
The program offers supports to people with disabilities that impede employability and assists each person individually to prepare for, obtain, and maintain employment by offering community based work assessments, job coaching, job development, social skill development, and behavior training.
138 Friendship Circle
Beaver, PA 15009-2551
LIFE Viecare
Armstrong County - Adult Day Care
Offers adult day programs and care. Provides support and temporarily relief for caregivers. Participants can choose to attend programs as often as they would like. Flexible scheduling like half or full days. Programming includes: Exercise classes, Educational presentations, Medication administration, Bathing assistance, Personal care assistance, etc.
115 Nolte Drive Extension
Kittanning, PA 16201
Eligibility: Adults age 55 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
LIFE Viecare
Beaver County - Adult Day Care
Offers adult day programs and care. Provides support and temporarily relief for caregivers. Participants can choose to attend programs as often as they would like. Flexible scheduling like half or full days. Programming includes: Exercise classes, Educational presentations, Medication administration, Bathing assistance, Personal care assistance, etc.
131 Pleasant Drive
CenterPlace, Suite 1
Aliquippa, PA 15001
Eligibility: Adults age 55 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
LIFE Viecare
Butler County - Adult Day Care
Offers adult day programs and care. Provides support and temporarily relief for caregivers. Participants can choose to attend programs as often as they would like. Flexible scheduling like half or full days. Programming includes: Exercise classes, Educational presentations, Medication administration, Bathing assistance, Personal care assistance, etc.
231 West Diamond Street
Butler, PA 16001
Eligibility: Adults age 55 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
LIFE Viecare
Lawrence County - Adult Day Care
Offers adult day programs and care. Provides support and temporarily relief for caregivers. Participants can choose to attend programs as often as they would like. Flexible scheduling like half or full days. Programming includes: Exercise classes, Educational presentations, Medication administration, Bathing assistance, Personal care assistance, etc.
2911 West State Street
New Castle, PA 16101
Eligibility: Adults age 55 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
Mental Health Association in Butler County
Administrative Office - Support Services Information and Referral
Provides information about and referral to local support services for individuals with mental health and co-occurring disorders and their families.
140 North Elm Street
Butler, PA 16001
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Mental Health Association of Washington County
Ehnanced Personal Care Home - Enhanced Personal Care Home (EPC)
Provides specialized housing for persons with severe mental illness.
Residential care provides assistance with tasks of daily living that includes:
Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Transportation, Shopping, Maintaining Appointments, Recreational Activities, Money Management, Socialization, and Supervision of self-administered medications.
200 Spring Street
Bentleyville, PA 15314
Eligibility: Applicants must:

A) Be 18 years of age or older

B) Reside in Washington County

C) Be in treatment voluntarily and not in need of inpatient hospital or skilled nursing care as certified by the MA-51

D) Complete required DPW standardized screening and assessments

E) Not pose a danger to the self or others at the time of referral and admission

F) Not be appropriate for placement in a forensic psychiatric facility
Hours: 24/7
Mental Health Association of Washington County
Long Term Structured Residence - Long Term Structured Residence (LTSR)
Provides 24 hour highly structured residential service for persons diagnosed with intellectual disabilities.
225 Spring Street
Bentleyville, PA 15314
Eligibility: Adults age 18 and older who experience serious mental illness and reside in Washington or Green counties.
Hours: 24/7
Mercer County Area Agency on Aging
Administrative Headquarters - Caregiver Support Program
Assists families in assessing their needs when taking care of older relatives.
Services include some financial support, benefits advice and counseling where caregivers are advised of benefits that are available to them.
133 North Pitt Street
Mercer, PA 16137
Eligibility: Primary hands-on caregiver to person who is 60 years or older who is a
resident of Mercer County and meets specific Physical/Health
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
ARC of Fayette County
Administrative Office - Residential Program for Persons with Intellectual and Physical Disabilities
Provides residential programs and services to adult intellectually and/or physically disabled. Services include activities of daily living, functional academics and leisure skills
80 Old New Salem Road
Uniontown, PA 15401
Eligibility: Adults who are intellectually and/or physically disabled prior to age 21.
Must be resident of Fayette County.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 3:30pm
Pathways of Southwestern Pennsylvania
Adult Training and Residential Services - Residential Program
Provides licensed homes in the community with 24/7 staff member support. Assistance is provided withmedications, meals, housekeeping, finances, decision-making, health and wellness, and emotional well-being. The Residential Program is offered on a long-term or a short-term basis. Supported Living program enables the individual to remain at home with support from staff to manage personal resources, health, mobility, transportation, and use of community resources to promote independence.
655 Jefferson Avenue
Washington, PA 15301
Eligibility: Adults who are diagnosed with intellectual disabilities and Autism
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm On Call Support:
UPMC Somerset
Wellness Programs
Offers individual and/or group sessions which assist participants to understand how their lifestyle impacts their physical and mental health and to develop personal practices that enhance their total well-being.
225 South Center Avenue
Somerset, PA 15501
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Irregular - call for details
Southwestern Pennsylvania Area Agency on Aging
Administrative Headquarters - Aging Services
Provides opportunities and services to older adults (ages 60 and older, unless otherwise noted) to promote their best possible well-being.
305 Chamber Plaza
Charleroi, PA 15022
Eligibility: Adults 60 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
Southwestern Pennsylvania Area Agency on Aging
Administrative Headquarters - Caregiver Support Program
Provides assistance to an unpaid caregiver who provides hands-on care for a person 60 years of age and older. The caregiver and care recipient may reside in the same household or in different homes, but the care recipient must reside in Fayette, Greene, or Washington County.
305 Chamber Plaza
Charleroi, PA 15022
Eligibility: To be eligible, one must be the primary caregiver for an adult age 60 or
over or an adult with chronic dementia. Primary caregivers for an
individual, ages 19-59, with a disability and relatives providing care
for children may also qualify for the program.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
Southwestern Pennsylvania Area Agency on Aging
Administrative Headquarters - Caregiver Support
The Caregiver Support Program is designed to provide assistance to an unpaid caregiver who provides hands-on care for a person 60 years of age and older.
305 Chamber Plaza
Charleroi, PA 15022
Eligibility: To be eligible, one must be the primary caregiver for an adult age 60 or
over or an adult with chronic dementia. Primary caregivers for an
individual, ages 19-59, with a disability and relatives providing care
for children may also qualify for the program.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
Southwestern Pennsylvania Area Agency on Aging
Administrative Headquarters - Family Caregiver Support Program
Provides financial assistance to an unpaid caregiver who provides hands-on care for a person 60 years of age and over
305 Chamber Plaza
Charleroi, PA 15022
Eligibility: To be eligible, one must be the primary caregiver for an adult age 60 or
over or an adult with chronic dementia. Primary caregivers for an
individual, ages 19-59, with a disability and relatives providing care
for children may also qualify for the program.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm
Southwestern Pennsylvania Area Agency on Aging
Washington County - Aging Services
Provides opportunities and services to older adults (ages 60 and older, unless otherwise noted) to promote their best possible well-being.
150 West Beau Street
Suite 216
Washington, PA 15301
Eligibility: Adults 60 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
Southwestern Pennsylvania Area Agency on Aging
Fayette County Services to Seniors - Family Caregiver Support Program
Provides financial assistance to an unpaid caregiver who provides hands-on care for a person 60 years of age and over
623 Pittsburgh Road
Uniontown, PA 15401
Eligibility: To be eligible, one must be the primary caregiver for an adult age 60 or
over or an adult with chronic dementia. Primary caregivers for an
individual, ages 19-59, with a disability and relatives providing care
for children may also qualify for the program.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm
Southwestern Pennsylvania Area Agency on Aging
Greene County - Aging Services
Provides opportunities and services to older adults (ages 60 and older, unless otherwise noted) to promote their best possible well-being.
93 East High Street
B Level
Waynesburg, PA 15370
Eligibility: Adults 60 and older
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
Southwestern Pennsylvania Human Services
Area Agency on Aging - Grandparents Program
Provides assistance to older persons who are caring for the children of family members, and who reside in the same household. Based on assessed needs and the financial situation of the family, the caregiver may be eligible to receive reimubursement for in-home and center-based respite care services, and for limited supplemental services. Services include caregiver training and education, family-centered benefits counseling, and caregiver support groups.
305 Chamber Plaza
Charleroi, PA 15022
Eligibility: Seniors caring for children of family members who reside in the same
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
Caring Mission
Washington Crown Center - Home Health Aide Services
Provides the supportive services necessary to help individuals maintain their independence at home. Services include personal care, meal preparation, respite care, housekeeping, and a range of specialized programs.
1500 West Chestnut Street, Suite 744
Washington, PA 15301
Eligibility: Residents of Fayette, Green, southern Allegheny, and Washington counties
Hours: 24/7; Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
Primary Health Network
Administrative Headquarters and Corporate Office - Marketplace Enrollment Assistance
Offers free enrollment assistance to those in need of health insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Assisters offer non-biased help with the online application process to help consumers enroll in a plan that meets their needs.
63 Pitt Street
Sharon, PA 16146
Eligibility: Serves individuals and families within the service area.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm.

Service hours and appointment times may vary. Call for information.
Visiting Nurse Association of Indiana County
Indiana - Extended Home Care
Provides a broad range of in-home care and services for clients of any age. The
emphasis is on personal care assistance and home management in order for individuals in need of assistance to maintain an independent lifestyle. Private duty nursing is also available.
850 Hospital Road
Medical Arts Building, Suite 3000
Indiana, PA 15701
Eligibility: Individuals of any age throughout Indiana County especially the elderly
and disabled. Services are based on your individual needs and
Hours: Monday through Sunday, 7:30am to 9:00pm; 24 Hour on-call, 7 days per week
Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
Allegheny County Assistance Office Headquarters - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Provides money, also known as Cash Assistance, to help:
  • Pregnant women
    • Dependent children and their parents who live with them
    • Dependent children and other relatives who live with them and care for them
  • Piatt Place
    305 Fifth Avenue, Suite 470
    Pittsburgh, PA 15222
    Eligibility: Pennsylvania residents who meet the requirements listed on the website under Am I Eligible. Staff at the County Assistance Office can provide more information on all of the requirements.
    Hours: Office Hours vary by county. Call or visit the website for details.
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Armstrong County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Provides money, also known as Cash Assistance, to help:
  • Pregnant women
    • Dependent children and their parents who live with them
    • Dependent children and other relatives who live with them and care for them
  • 1280 North Water Street
    Kittanning, PA 16201
    Eligibility: Pennsylvania residents who meet the requirements listed on the website under Am I Eligible. Staff at the County Assistance Office can provide more information on all of the requirements.
    Hours: Office Hours vary by county. Call or visit the website for details.
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Beaver County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Provides money, also known as Cash Assistance, to help:
  • Pregnant women
    • Dependent children and their parents who live with them
    • Dependent children and other relatives who live with them and care for them
  • 171 Virginia Avenue
    PO Box 349
    Rochester, PA 15074
    Eligibility: Pennsylvania residents who meet the requirements listed on the website under Am I Eligible. Staff at the County Assistance Office can provide more information on all of the requirements.
    Hours: Office Hours vary by county. Call or visit the website for details.
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Butler County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Provides money, also known as Cash Assistance, to help:
  • Pregnant women
    • Dependent children and their parents who live with them
    • Dependent children and other relatives who live with them and care for them
  • 108 Woody Drive
    Butler, PA 16001
    Eligibility: Pennsylvania residents who meet the requirements listed on the website under Am I Eligible. Staff at the County Assistance Office can provide more information on all of the requirements.
    Hours: Office Hours vary by county. Call or visit the website for details.
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Cambria County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Provides money, also known as Cash Assistance, to help:
  • Pregnant women
    • Dependent children and their parents who live with them
    • Dependent children and other relatives who live with them and care for them
  • 729 Goucher Street
    Johnstown, PA 15905
    Eligibility: Pennsylvania residents who meet the requirements listed on the website under Am I Eligible. Staff at the County Assistance Office can provide more information on all of the requirements.
    Hours: Office Hours vary by county. Call or visit the website for details.
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Fayette County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Provides money, also known as Cash Assistance, to help:
  • Pregnant women
    • Dependent children and their parents who live with them
    • Dependent children and other relatives who live with them and care for them
  • 41 West Church Street
    Uniontown, PA 15401
    Eligibility: Pennsylvania residents who meet the requirements listed on the website under Am I Eligible. Staff at the County Assistance Office can provide more information on all of the requirements.
    Hours: Office Hours vary by county. Call or visit the website for details.
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Greene County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Provides money, also known as Cash Assistance, to help:
  • Pregnant women
    • Dependent children and their parents who live with them
    • Dependent children and other relatives who live with them and care for them
  • 109 Greene Plaza
    Suite 1
    Waynesburg, PA 15370
    Eligibility: Pennsylvania residents who meet the requirements listed on the website under Am I Eligible. Staff at the County Assistance Office can provide more information on all of the requirements.
    Hours: Office Hours vary by county. Call or visit the website for details.
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Indiana County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Provides money, also known as Cash Assistance, to help:
  • Pregnant women
    • Dependent children and their parents who live with them
    • Dependent children and other relatives who live with them and care for them
  • 2750 West Pike Road
    Indiana, PA 15701
    Eligibility: Pennsylvania residents who meet the requirements listed on the website under Am I Eligible. Staff at the County Assistance Office can provide more information on all of the requirements.
    Hours: Office Hours vary by county. Call or visit the website for details.
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Lawrence County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Provides money, also known as Cash Assistance, to help:
  • Pregnant women
    • Dependent children and their parents who live with them
    • Dependent children and other relatives who live with them and care for them
  • 108 Cascade Galleria
    New Castle, PA 16101
    Eligibility: Pennsylvania residents who meet the requirements listed on the website under Am I Eligible. Staff at the County Assistance Office can provide more information on all of the requirements.
    Hours: Office Hours vary by county. Call or visit the website for details.
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Mercer County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Provides money, also known as Cash Assistance, to help:
  • Pregnant women
    • Dependent children and their parents who live with them
    • Dependent children and other relatives who live with them and care for them
  • 2236 Highland Road
    Hermitage, PA 16148
    Eligibility: Pennsylvania residents who meet the requirements listed on the website under Am I Eligible. Staff at the County Assistance Office can provide more information on all of the requirements.
    Hours: Office Hours vary by county. Call or visit the website for details.
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Somerset County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Provides money, also known as Cash Assistance, to help:
  • Pregnant women
    • Dependent children and their parents who live with them
    • Dependent children and other relatives who live with them and care for them
  • 164 Stayrook Street
    Somerset, PA 15501
    Eligibility: Pennsylvania residents who meet the requirements listed on the website under Am I Eligible. Staff at the County Assistance Office can provide more information on all of the requirements.
    Hours: Office Hours vary by county. Call or visit the website for details.
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Washington County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Provides money, also known as Cash Assistance, to help:
  • Pregnant women
    • Dependent children and their parents who live with them
    • Dependent children and other relatives who live with them and care for them
  • 167 North Main Street
    Washington, PA 15301
    Eligibility: Pennsylvania residents who meet the requirements listed on the website under Am I Eligible. Staff at the County Assistance Office can provide more information on all of the requirements.
    Hours: Office Hours vary by county. Call or visit the website for details.
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Westmoreland County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Provides money, also known as Cash Assistance, to help:
  • Pregnant women
    • Dependent children and their parents who live with them
    • Dependent children and other relatives who live with them and care for them
  • 587 Sells Lane
    Greensburg, PA 15601
    Eligibility: Pennsylvania residents who meet the requirements listed on the website under Am I Eligible. Staff at the County Assistance Office can provide more information on all of the requirements.
    Hours: Office Hours vary by county. Call or visit the website for details.
    Butler Area Rural Transit (BART)
    Main Office - Non Emergency Transportation
    Provides shared ride services in Butler County. Also manages Butler County Transportation for Persons with Disabilities, Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP), Welfare-to-Work Transportation (PennDot), and other related transportation services.
    130 Hollywood Drive
    Suite B2
    Butler, PA 16001
    Eligibility: Residents of Butler County age 18 and over. Eligibility varies by specific program.
    Hours: Office Hours:
    Monday through Thursday, 8:00am to 3:00pm
    Friday, 8:00am to 1:00pm

    Service hours vary by program.
    Cambria County Area Agency on Aging
    Administrative Office - Central Park Complex - Aging Services
    Provides comprehensive senior services which include information and referral; protective services, ombudsman, assessments, outreach, case/care management; light housework and chores, personal care, and home delivered meals.
    110 Franklin Street
    Suite 400
    Johnstown, PA 15901
    Eligibility: Older Adults, age 60 and older.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Cambria County Association for the Blind and Handicapped
    Administrative Headquarters - In-Home Assistance
    Program that provides assistance in performing routine household and personal care activities for older adults, people with disabilities, families whose normal routines have been disrupted by an emergency or others who need or want these services. The objective of in-home assistance is to help the recipient sustain independent living in a clean, safe and healthy home environment.
    211 Central Avenue
    Johnstown, PA 15902
    Eligibility: Meets low vision guidelines.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
    Administrative Headquarters - Home and Community Habilitation
    Assists individuals in acquiring, maintaining, and improving self-help, domestic, socialization, and adaptive skills. Services consist of support in the general areas of self-care, communication, fine and gross motor skills, mobility, therapeutic activities, personal adjustment, relationship development, socialization, and use of community resources. When services are provided by agency-based providers, this service also includes transportation services necessary to enable the individual to participate in the home and community habilitation service, in accordance with the individual's ISP.
    831 Harrison Street
    New Castle, PA 16101
    Eligibility: Serves specific physical disorder/disability: Intellectual /
    Developmental Disabilities on PA's Consolidated, Community Living or
    P/FDS Waivers.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Alleghenies Unlimited Care Providers
    Nonmedical In-Home Personal Care
    Provides services and supports to assist individuals with disabilities to live in their own homes. Program includes personal and homemaker services.
    119 Jari Drive
    Johnstown, PA 15904
    Eligibility: Individuals with disabilities
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
    Family Behavioral Resources
    Family Behavioral Resources - Franklin County - Psychiatry and Counseling
    Our psychiatrist completes a full medication evaluation with each new consumer and determines treatment recommendations. Medication check appointments on a time schedule that is determined mutually appropriate by consumer and psychiatrist. Adult: Our adult psychiatric services are provided using tele psychiatry and currently accepts Medical Assistance, and other insurances will need to be verified if they allow tele psychiatry services. Child and Adolescent: Our psychiatric services for children and adolescents accepts Private Insurance and Medical Assistance and our psychiatrist is in our Franklin and Fulton clinics. Service are provided in person and via tele psychiatry.
    77 North 3rd Street
    Suite 201
    Chambersburg, PA 17201
    Hours: Varies by Doctor Availability
    Community Care Connections
    Butler - Attendant Care Service Coordination Program
    Provides service coordination for individuals receiving personal care and housekeeping services through the Attendant Care Program. Service coordination includes: connecting consumers with local agencies who are eligible to provide personal care through the Attendant Care Program; developing an individual service plan outlining the frequency, duration, and quality of the personal care services to be provided; securing assistive technology, adaptive equipment or home modifications for select eligible consumers
    114 Skyline Drive
    Butler, PA 16001
    Eligibility: Adults age 18 to 59 who are mentally alert but have physical disabilites
    who have been determined eligible to receive Attendant Care Program
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Community Care Connections
    Butler - Community Home Program
    Provides residential placement for adolescents and adults who have intellectual disabilies. Staff assists residents with their personal care and with training in the areas of independent living and socialization.
    114 Skyline Drive
    Butler, PA 16001
    Eligibility: Adolescents and adults with intellectual disabilities.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Reading Public Library
    Reading - Digital Literacy Program
    Provides seniors with essential digital skills. Offers interactive workshops, personalized assistance, and comprehensive tech support covering computers, smartphones, etc. Additional computer classes for adults include basic skills, internet usage, Microsoft office product instruction, and career search skills. Library also provides Northstar Digital Literacy for all adults, offering training modules and certificates.
    100 South 5th Street
    Reading, PA 19602
    Eligibility: Older adults
    Hours: Hours vary
    Living Unlimited
    Living Unlimited - North Regional Office - Supported Employment Services
    Serves those with brain injuries and related neurological challenges. Assists individuals with maximizing independence in their home and community. Offers vocational rehabilitation and music therapy services.
    520 West Fourth Street
    Suite 3A
    Williamsport, PA 17701
    Eligibility: Those with functional, psychological, developmental, cognitive, and
    emotional impairments or health conditions
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
    Northampton County Area Agency On Aging
    Northampton County Area Agency on Aging - Northampton County Area Agency On Aging
    Area Agencies on Aging provides local services, act as advocates, and generally assist older
    citizens to remain active in their communities. They operate under guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Aging.
    Services include:
    - Advocacy - Support and representation, administratively and legislatively, for the needs of older adults as a group or individually.
    - PA MEDI - assistance with health insurance benefit concerns, appeals, benefit applications.
    - Employment Services - subsidized employment for training purposes. Available to low income persons age 55 and older.
    - Information and Referral - answers to questions on the availability of services and programs for older adults.
    - Legal Services - provided in non-fee generating cases via a contract with North Penn Legal Services, Inc.
    - Nursing Home Transition - Information about availability of long term care in a variety of settings - in the home, or in assisted living, and planning/coordination in making a move to an alternate setting including arranging for necessary services, for current residents of nursing homes.
    - Ombudsman - receives, investigates and assists in resolving complaints about quality of long term care.
    Provides information on long term care issues.
    - Protective Services - activities, resources and supports to prevent or intervene in abuse, neglect, exploitation and abandonment cases.
    - Specialized Transportation - limited availability of rides to medical appointments and social service agencies.
    - Care Management - casework services for assessment and care planning, and authorization of the following:
    - Adult Day Care - caregiving in an organized setting for less than a 24 hour day. Excellent for caregiver respite.
    - Emergency Energy Assistance - bill payment or provision of fuel to avoid utility shut off or lack of fuel in crisis situations.
    - Caregiver Support Program - educational services and financial assistance to family care providers.
    - Home Delivered Meals - hot/cold meals delivered to maintain necessary nutrition.
    - Home Health Care - skilled nursing, therapy and aide services.
    - Nursing Home Respite Services - respite for overnight absences of caregivers.
    - Personal Care - in-home help with bathing and other personal hygiene, laundry, shopping and meal preparation.
    - Pre-Admission Assessment - level of care determination for those considering admission to a long term care facility.
    - Waiver Services - Medicaid-funded in-home services of the types listed above, and more, to maintain nursing-home eligible older adults in their homes.
    - Senior Farmer Market Nutrition Program - provides food vouchers for residents 60 years old who meet income guidelines

    Information and referral service provides information on the availability of services and programs for older adults. Services may be delivered directly, purchased from a community agency, or available through a cooperative agreement.
    2801 Emrick Boulevard
    Bethlehem, PA 18020
    Eligibility: County residents age 60 years and older
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
    Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
    Diakon Adult Day Services - Adult Day Services at Manatawny
    Click here for Coronavirus Information

    Daytime care for older persons
    Services include:
    - Social service consulting
    - Medication assistance
    - Bathing and grooming
    - Beauty and barber services
    - Podiatry services
    - Physical, occupational and speech therapies
    - Hot noon meal
    - Daily snacks
    - Respite for caregivers
    - Socialization/Recreation

    Maryland location:
    1109 Luther Drive
    Hagerstown, MD 21740
    30 Old Schuylkill Road
    Pottstown, PA 19465
    Eligibility: Older persons or those with disabilities
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
    Pathstone Earn Center - EARN Employment, Advancement & Retention Network
    Offers employment training, job search assistance, on-the-job work experience and supportive services such as child care, transportation costs, ancillary expenses and personal counseling for people who are receiving cash assistance through the TANF program.
    479 Thomas jones Way
    PA CareerLink Chester County
    Exton, PA 19341
    Eligibility: Must be referred by a County Assistance Office caseworker.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
    Tioga County Department of Human Services
    Family Services - The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)
    Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) is a Federal program that helps supplement the diets of low-income persons including the elderly, by providing them with emergency food and nutrition assistance.
    Distributes TEFAP allocations to five food pantries located in Mansfield, Westfield, Wellsboro, Millerton and Tioga. Each person or family is able to make one visit a month to the food pantry closest to their home.
    1873 Shumway Hill Road
    Wellsboro, PA 16901
    Eligibility: Tioga County low-income individuals and families in need. No income
    verification is required and no person can be turned away who
    demonstrates food insufficiency.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Bradford Sullivan County Office of Mental Health
    Towanda - Mental Health Services
    Provides mental health case management services, Assists making referrals to children and adolescent services system program (CASSP), community hospital integration projects, partial hospitalization, inpatient treatment, peer support and any other services available to those suffering with a serious mental illness.
    220 Main Street, Unit 1
    Towanda, PA 18848
    Eligibility: Residents of Bradford and Sullivan counties.
    Hours: 24/7
    Northumberland County Area Agency on Aging & Veterans Affairs
    Northumberland County Area Agency on Aging - Comprehensive Needs Assessment
    Assess individuals for Geisinger Life Program, Living Independently for Elders
    , PDA Waiver Program designed to help people remain at home after they are both medically and financially approved for Medical Assistance. Home and Community-based long term care services can be provided as an alternative to nursing home care through the Waiver Program.
    322 North Second Street
    Sunbury, PA 17801
    Eligibility: Individuals, who are assessed to need nursing home care, may be eligible.
    To be eligible for the Aging Waiver, must be 60 years of age or older;
    meet financial requirements, require the level of care of a nursing
    home choose community-based services rather than a nursing home.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Berks County Intermediate Unit
    Reading - Digital Navigation
    Provides individual or small group assistance to community members who need low-cost home internet service, an affordable computing device, and foundational digital literacy training to make the most of the internet and its opportunities. Assistance is provided in person, by phone, via email, or by text within the context of a full-time position, volunteers, and community partners. The program is designed to meet community members where they are.
    1111 Commons Boulevard
    Reading, PA 19605
    Eligibility: Berks County residents
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
    Mental Health Partnerships
    ACCESS Office - West Philly - ACCESS
    Works to improve the quality of life for chronically homeless people in Philadelphia who have both a severe mental illness and an addiction. Outreach workers encourage those who are homeless to visit the ACCESS offices in West Philadelphia. There, other program staff is available to offer other assistance through various public systems.

    Services available include:
    A) Case-Management
    B) Psychiatric and Psychological Services
    C) Supportive Housing
    4950 Parkside Avenue
    Suite 200
    Philadelphia, PA 19131
    Eligibility: Call for more information
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
    Social Security Wilkes-Barre Office
    Social Security Office
    Processes and makes determination on all types of application for Social Security Retirement, Survivors Disability and Medicare Benefits, Processes claims for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Informs employers, employees and self-employed persons of their rights and responsibilities under the Social Security Program, Assists beneficiaries with necessary reporting of events which may affect continuing eligibility, Accepts applications for original and duplicate social security numbers.
    7 North Wilkes-Barre Blvd.
    Wilkes Barre, PA 18702
    Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm;
    Recorded information available 24/7
    UGI Utilities
    Denver - Gas Division - Customer Assistance Program (CAP)
    Offers qualified low-income customers assistance in managing their utility bill. Offers personalized monthly payment based on income and average bill and past due debt forgiveness with on time monthly payments. In addition, the difference between the CAP payment and the actual usage bill may also be forgiven.
    1 UGI Drive
    Denver, PA 17517
    Eligibility: Must have an active residential service, verified household income at or
    below 150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
    Access Services - Delaware Valley
    In Home Supports
    Provides one-on-one care to support adults and children with intellectual disabilities in their homes and in the community. Assists clients in setting and meeting personal goals and managing daily care routines. Fosters independene and encourages personal growth.
    500 Office Center Drive
    Suite 100
    Fort Washington, PA 19034
    Eligibility: Persons with intellectual disabilities and autism
    Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
    Access Services - Delaware Valley
    Day Programs
    Helps develop functional skills and discover talents through volunteer opportunities and engaging social activities. Activities include visiting parks, swimming, bowling, horseback riding, baseball games, fitness, and more. Instructs clients in a variety of social, community, technology, personal and vocational skills. Offers volunteer opportunities including assisting in delivering meals, at food pantries, local churches, hospitals, community gardening, animal shelters, libraries and more.
    500 Office Center Drive
    Suite 100
    Fort Washington, PA 19034
    Eligibility: Adults who have completed high school with a diagnosis of an intellectual
    disability or autism
    Hours: Hours may vary; visit the to see hours for the service provider location
    in your county/area.
    Access Services - Delaware Valley
    Transition to Independence Program
    Provides services and supports to assist youth and young adults with a mental health diagnosis overcome barriers to independent living. Focuses on living and housing support, educational opportunities, employment and career advisory, community life functioning, and personal effectiveness and well-being.
    500 Office Center Drive
    Suite 100
    Fort Washington, PA 19034
    Eligibility: Residents of Bucks and Lehigh counties, ages 16 to 26, enrolled in
    Medical Assistance (Medicaid), who have had a psychological or
    psychiatric evaluation completed in the last 12 months
    Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
    United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
    Pittsburgh Field Office - Pittsburgh Field Office Services
    HUD / FHA mortgage insurance, low and moderate income and elderly housing programs, community development assistance to local governments, and financial and technical assistance to organizations administering ongoing HUD programs, projects, and developments. Literature and speakers available. In most cases, HUD does not provide direct service to the public. Callers can request the list of HUD - subsidized housing. There are three housing lists, one for families, one for the elderly, and one for persons with disabilities.
    1000 Liberty Avenue, Suite 1000
    Pittsburgh, PA 15222
    Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
    Philadelphia Corporation for Aging
    Philadelphia - Ombudsman Program
    Responds to complaints made by residents, or their family members, of long term care facilities.

    Ombudsman may address issues related to:

    A) Residents’ finances: Access to personal funds, Medicare and Medicaid benefits, charges, and billing
    B) Quality of life: Concerns about food, the physical environment, and social activities
    C) Professional care: Issues concerning medications, nursing care, physician and rehabilitative services and the use of restraints
    D) Residents’ rights: Practices and policies that maintain the resident’s dignity; as well as policies regarding admission, transfer and discharge
    E) Information and education: Referrals to long-term care programs; assistance in making informed decisions about long term care providers and education about residents’ rights
    642 North Broad Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19130
    Eligibility: Serves Philadelphia County residents who reside in long-term care facilities
    Hours: Call for more information
    Angels on Call
    In-Home Care for Community Health Choices (CHC)
    provides non-medical In-home care services to eligible participants in the Community Health Choices(CHC) program. Services include but are not limited to assistance with daily living, such as bathing, grooming, dressing, light housekeeping, companionship and shopping errands. In addition to the CHC/Waiver program, Angels On Call also provides services to participants seeking care with Private Duty, VetAssist, Adult Protective Services and ODP programs. Our agency aides also provide care for participants dealing with disease management, and dementia & Alzheimer’s.
    261 Old York Road
    Suite 604
    Jenkintown, PA 19046
    Eligibility: Must meet both financial and medical requirements. CHC waiver is for
    participants who are 21+, have Medicaid and Medicare.
    Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm
    Veterans Multi-Service Center
    Women Veterans Center - Supportive Services for Veteran Families
    Provides eligible veteran households with outreach, assessment, case management, advocacy and assistance in obtaining VA and other benefits, which may include housing counseling, legal support, credit repair, financial planning services, and time-limited, temporary financial assistance.
    259 North Lawrence Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19106
    Eligibility: Low-income veteran and military families who are currently experiencing homelessness or are at risk of losing their homes.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Veterans Multi-Service Center
    Administrative Headquarters, Philadelphia - Supportive Services for Veteran Families
    Provides eligible veteran households with outreach, assessment, case management, advocacy and assistance in obtaining VA and other benefits, which may include housing counseling, legal support, credit repair, financial planning services, and time-limited, temporary financial assistance.
    213-217 North 4th Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19106
    Eligibility: Low-income veteran and military families who are currently experiencing homelessness or are at risk of losing their homes.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Veterans Multi-Service Center
    Lock Haven Office - Supportive Services for Veteran Families
    Provides eligible veteran households with outreach, assessment, case management, advocacy and assistance in obtaining VA and other benefits, which may include housing counseling, legal support, credit repair, financial planning services, and time-limited, temporary financial assistance.
    8 North Grove Street
    Suite 2
    Lock Haven, PA 17745
    Eligibility: Low-income veteran and military families who are currently experiencing homelessness or are at risk of losing their homes.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Veterans Multi-Service Center
    Suburban Philadelphia Office - Supportive Services for Veteran Families
    Provides eligible veteran households with outreach, assessment, case management, advocacy and assistance in obtaining VA and other benefits, which may include housing counseling, legal support, credit repair, financial planning services, and time-limited, temporary financial assistance.
    797 East Lincoln Highway
    Suite 12
    Downingtown, PA 19335
    Eligibility: Low-income veteran and military families who are currently experiencing homelessness or are at risk of losing their homes.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Veterans Multi-Service Center
    Harrisburg Office - Supportive Services for Veteran Families
    Provides eligible veteran households with outreach, assessment, case management, advocacy and assistance in obtaining VA and other benefits, which may include housing counseling, legal support, credit repair, financial planning services, and time-limited, temporary financial assistance.
    21 South 3rd Street
    Harrisburg, PA 17101
    Eligibility: Low-income veteran and military families who are currently experiencing homelessness or are at risk of losing their homes.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Veterans Multi-Service Center
    Reading Office - Supportive Services for Veteran Families
    Provides eligible veteran households with outreach, assessment, case management, advocacy and assistance in obtaining VA and other benefits, which may include housing counseling, legal support, credit repair, financial planning services, and time-limited, temporary financial assistance.
    645 Penn Street
    Reading, PA 19601
    Eligibility: Low-income veteran and military families who are currently experiencing homelessness or are at risk of losing their homes.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Veterans Multi-Service Center
    VMC Edison 64 Veterans Community - Supportive Services for Veteran Families
    Provides eligible veteran households with outreach, assessment, case management, advocacy and assistance in obtaining VA and other benefits, which may include housing counseling, legal support, credit repair, financial planning services, and time-limited, temporary financial assistance.
    700 West Somerset Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19133
    Eligibility: Low-income veteran and military families who are currently experiencing homelessness or are at risk of losing their homes.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Redeemer Health System
    Home Care and Hospice PA Administrative Office - Support at Home Services
    Provides non-medical assistance with activities of daily living to allow individuals to continue living independently in their own homes.
    12265 Townsend Road
    Suite 400
    Philadelphia, PA 19154
    Eligibility: Serves residents needing assistance with daily living tasks.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:30pm
    Redeemer Health System
    Home Care and Hospice PA Administrative Office - Home Care
    Offers a full range of home care services administered by our skilled professional nurses and therapists in conjunction with a physician's plan of treatment. In the comfort of home, patients can receive personalized care designed to improve their quality of life, restore health, promote independence and reduce hospital readmissions.
    12265 Townsend Road
    Suite 400
    Philadelphia, PA 19154
    Eligibility: Call for more information
    Hours: Call for more information
    Utility Emergency Services Fund
    Philadelphia - Family Empowerment Program
    Offers program to help create stable homes and break the cycle of poverty through budget coaching, job training, financial assistance, and whole-family support. Advocates have a presence at the school district building in the Student Right's department and in these schools: Anderson Elementary, Gideon Elementary, George Washington High School, Hamilton Elementary, Kenderton Elementary, Lamberton Elementary, Lea Elementary, Locke Elementary, Munoz-Marin Elementary, and Webster Elementary.
    1608 Walnut Street
    Suite 600
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    Eligibility: Philadelphia residents with child or children enrolled in the Philadelphia School District grades K-12.
    A) Must meet income eligibility guidelines
    B) Have a documented need for housing stability supports
    C) Are willing to meet program responsibilities.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
    Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
    Norristown - Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services
    Assists Pennsylvanians who are blind or visually impaired gain the skills necessary to live and work independently in their communities. BBVS services are provided throughout the Commonwealth by professional staff in District Offices. However, you do not need to visit an office in order to receive services since our staff will be happy to make an appointment to come to your home and take an application for services.
    1875 New Hope Street
    Norristown, PA 19401
    Eligibility: Adults who are blind or visually impaired
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Victims Intervention Program
    Honesdale - Emergency Shelter
    Provides a 24 hour hotline, short term emergency shelter and crisis intervention for victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, human trafficking and other serious crimes. Offers in person contact at a secure, safe location, emergency transportation, assistance in filing protective orders and accompaniment to court, legal aid, police, medical and social services.
    Eligibility: Men, women and children who are fleeing domestic violence, sexual
    violence, human trafficking and other serious crimes. Serves Wayne &
    Pike Counties. Will serve members of other counties if there is room.
    Hours: 24/7
    Susquehanna County Services for Children and Youth
    Montrose - Residential Placements
    Provides services that include:

    • Juvenile Detention: short-term placement of delinquents in a secure detention facility.

    • Residential: purchased placement for children/youth who need twenty four hour supervision and care.

    • Secure Residential: purchased placement service for delinquents who need secure residential setting.

    75 Public Avenue
    Montrose, PA 18801
    Eligibility: Families and children in Susquehanna county
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
    Luzerne County Transportation Authority
    Shared Ride Van Service Department - ADA / Special Transportation Efforts Program
    Offers a reduced fare program to assist persons with disabilities in fulfilling their transportation needs. STEP is availabe in the general service area of the Luzerne County Transportation Authority. The program permits approved persons with disabilities to ride on vans operated by LCTA Shared Ride. Out of county trips to Lackawanna County only.
    2009 Wyoming Avenue
    Forty Fort, PA 18704
    Eligibility: Persons with disabilities are eligible to receive a STEP Identification
    Card and ride on the van system if their disability has been certified
    by an administrator of an authorized social service agency or a
    doctor. Eligible trips must have origins and destinations within
    3/4-mile of an LCTA bus routes
    Hours: While LCTA buses are running. Monday through Friday, 5:00am to 7:10pm;
    Saturday, 8:50am to 6:05pm
    Luzerne County Transportation Authority
    Shared Ride Van Service Department - Rural Transportation Program Persons with Disabilities Transportation (PWD)
    Offers reduced fare, shared-ride transportation to persons with disabilities as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Program can be used for medical trips if you are ineligible for the Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP). PWD can also be used for trips to work, social events, shopping and most other trip needs. No out of county trips.
    2009 Wyoming Avenue
    Forty Fort, PA 18704
    Eligibility: Must be between the ages of 18-64, live in Luzerne County,
    Doctor-Diagnosed Disability, and Living Outside a Bus Route (more than
    3/4 mile from a bus route).
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
    STEP, Inc.
    STEP - Williamsport - Work Ready Program
    Assist individuals with stabilizing their barriers to success and with developing skills that prepare them for employment. Program offers successful employment and personal skills development opportunities to help individuals improve their ability to "earn, keep, and grow" a steady family-supporting income. Customers are provided with case management and referred to other services such as skill and behavior assessment, support groups, life skills, GED instruction, counseling, substance abuse treatment, and others.
    2138 Lincoln Street
    Williamsport, PA 17701
    Eligibility: Individuals referred by the Lycoming or Clinton County Assistance Office.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
    STEP, Inc.
    STEP - Lock Haven - Work Ready
    Assists individuals with stabilizing their barriers to success and with developing skills that prepare them for employment. Program offers successful employment and personal skills development opportunities to help individuals improve their ability to "earn, keep, and grow" a steady family-supporting income. Customers are provided with case management and referred to other services such as skill and behavior assessment, support groups, life skills, GED instruction, counseling, substance abuse treatment, and others.
    124 East Walnut Street
    Lock Haven, PA 17745
    Eligibility: Referred by County Assistance Office.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
    STEP, Inc.
    STEP Office of Aging - Clinton County - Information and Referral for Seniors
    Provides information about services available to seniors. Conducts a brief interview to determent the inquirer's needs in order to make an appropriate referral. Provides relevant information about community resources and referral to the needed services.
    Helps to match older persons with nursing homes, personal care boarding homes (assisted living), and independent housing.
    Provides assistance in completing applications for public benefit programs, such as PACE, and Property Tax/Rent Rebates.
    124 East Walnut Street
    Lock Haven, PA 17745
    Eligibility: Those age 60 and older
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
    STEP, Inc.
    STEP Office of Aging - Clinton County - Assessment and Care Management
    Complete assessments to determine what level of care (i.e. nursing home, personal care home or community services) is appropriate for individuals on Medical Assistance to pay for a nursing home stay.
    Long-term care assessments are also completed for those applying for a personal care home Social Security supplement, and for other DPW programs, such as Waiver Services. Facilities and individuals may also request a level of care determination. Casemanagment help older adults to assess their abilities and needs, explore options, develop plans to best utilize their abilities, and arrange for informal and formal supports (in-home services) to meet their needs. With an older adult looking for placement, they can assist older adults who need to enter a nursing home or personal care facility with determining the type of residential placement that will best meet their needs, and with securing such placement. They can also assist those in nursing facilities with returning home with supportive services.
    124 East Walnut Street
    Lock Haven, PA 17745
    Eligibility: Individuals age 60 and older
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
    STEP, Inc.
    STEP Office of Aging - Lycoming County - Information and Referral for Seniors
    Provides information about services available to the elderly. Conducts a brief interview to determent the inquirer's needs in order to make an appropriate referral. Provides relevant information about community resources and referral to the needed services.
    Help to match older persons with nursing homes, personal care boarding homes (assisted living), and independent housing.
    Assistance completing applications for public benefit programs, such as PACE, and Property Tax/Rent Rebates.
    2138 Lincoln Street
    Williamsport, PA 17701
    Eligibility: Those age 60 and older
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
    STEP, Inc.
    STEP Office of Aging - Lycoming County - Senior Community Service Employment Program
    An employment and training program targeted specifically to unemployed, low-income seniors age 55 and over. This program, available to eligible persons in Lycoming and Clinton Counties, provides training in part-time community service assignments and offers assistance in skill development and experience to facilitate transition to unsubsidized employment.
    2138 Lincoln Street
    Williamsport, PA 17701
    Eligibility: Unemployed, low income, over 55 years of age
    Hours: Call for more information
    STEP, Inc.
    STEP Office of Aging - Lycoming County - Nursing Diversion Aging Waiver
    Waiver recipients are provided care in the community; appropriate for those who would otherwise be eligible for nursing home care. Applicants will be assessed to check if sufficient formal and informal services and supports can be developed and implemented so as to safely and adequately meet the person's needs.
    2138 Lincoln Street
    Williamsport, PA 17701
    Eligibility: Those age 60 and older, interested in the Waiver program must meet
    financial eligibility requirements.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
    STEP, Inc.
    STEP Office of Aging - Lycoming County - Assessment and Care Management
    Complete assessments to determine what level of care (i.e. nursing home, personal care home or community services) is appropriate for individuals on Medical Assistance to pay for a nursing home stay. A physician's medical report is needed to start the process.
    Long-term care assessments are also completed for those applying for a personal care home Social Security supplement, and for other DPW programs, such as Waiver Services. Facilities and individuals may also request a level of care determination. Case management help older adults to assess their abilities and needs, explore options, develop plans to best utilize their abilities, and arrange for informal and formal supports (in-home services) to meet their needs. With an older adult looking for placement, they can assist older adults who need to enter a nursing home or personal care facility with determining the type of residential placement that will best meet their needs, and with securing such placement. They can also assist those in nursing facilities.
    2138 Lincoln Street
    Williamsport, PA 17701
    Eligibility: Individuals age 60 and older
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
    Roads to Freedom Center for Independent Living of North Central PA
    Williamsport - Service Coordination (Case Management)
    OBRA WAIVER and ACT 150 PROGRAM only.
    Enables persons with disabilities and their families to find, utilize, and coordinate available resources and opportunities in their communities based on their individual needs. Services available under these waivers include Personal Assistance Services and Personal Emergency Response services.
    24 East Third Street
    Williamsport, PA 17701
    Eligibility: Please contact the Independent Enrollment Broker (IEB) at 1-877-550-4227
    Hours: Weekdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm. Emergency on-call available
    Roads to Freedom Center for Independent Living of North Central PA
    Williamsport - Employment Services for Persons with Disabilities
    Roads to Freedom's Employment Service involves processes/steps that must be followed to insure the best placement possible. Processes/steps to be followed for successful employment in Customized Employment are Discovery, Vocational Profile, Planning Meeting, Job Development, and Job Coaching. Interested consumers can use CILNCP as their Employment Network, funded as a fee for service through Maximus. The Ticket to Work (TTW) incentive is designed to remove the barriers that disability beneficiaries currently face in returning to work. As an Employment Network, CILNCP will coordinate employment, vocational rehabilitation, and other support services for beneficiaries. Ticket holders are offered the following employment services: Job search assistance. Resume preparation. Interview Skills. Job placement. Job postings. Vocational counseling. Past employment support systems. Job coaching support. Social Security Work Incentives Outreach (funded through AHEDD) provides Impairment Related Work Expenses. Plan to
    24 East Third Street
    Williamsport, PA 17701
    Eligibility: General eligibility requirements: Must be a person with a disability.
    Must reside within CILNCP's county area.
    Hours: Weekdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Roads to Freedom Center for Independent Living of North Central PA
    Williamsport - Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services
    The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services of Roads to Freedom Center for Independent Living of North Central PA, offers:Resources/training related to language translation, housing, income benefits, mobility/transportation, education, communication, assistive technology, advocacy, budgeting, household management, mentoring, and socialization/recreation geared toward persons who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Sign Language Instruction. Assistance with obtaining an Interpreter/Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART). Instruction of the Pennsylvania Driver's Manual. Public awareness/sensitivity training regarding persons who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Information about Videophones/Video Relay Interpreting Services and resources on how to go about getting a videophone. Assistance with getting equipment via the TDDP such as a TTY, CapTel, amplified telephone, etc. A New Start program through Roads to Freedom, an Assistive Technology reuse/recycle program, may be able to provide donated equipment.
    24 East Third Street
    Williamsport, PA 17701
    Eligibility: Call for more information
    Hours: Weekdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Monroe County Area Agency on Aging
    Stroudsburg - PA MEDI (formerly "APPRISE")
    Appointment-based service offering free, unbiased, personalized counseling regarding Medicare, Medicare supplemental insurance, Medicare Advantage Plans, prescription drug plans, enrollment assistance, Medicare rules/notices/billing, financial assistance programs, appeals, long-term care assistance, and coordination of benefits
    724 Phillips Street
    Suite 102
    Stroudsburg, PA 18360
    Eligibility: Residents of Monroe County ages 60 and older
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
    Monroe County Area Agency on Aging
    Stroudsburg - Information and Assistance
    Offers the following services:

    - Information and referral
    - Health and wellness programs
    - Older Adult Protective Services
    - Ombudsman service
    - Medical transportation
    - Functional Eligibility Determination (level of care assessment)
    - Senior nutrition centers
    - PA MEDI (health insurance counseling)
    - Friendly visitors
    - Monroe County Seniors’ Express Times (monthly newsletter)
    - Medical transportation
    - AmeriCorps Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
    - PA Caregiver Support Program
    - Legal referrals
    - OPTIONS:
    A) Care management
    B) Home-delivered meals
    C) Personal care and home support
    D) Personal emergency response systems
    724 Phillips Street
    Suite 102
    Stroudsburg, PA 18360
    Eligibility: Residents of Monroe County ages 60 and older
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
    Schuylkill Transportation System
    Schuylkill County - Transportation System
    Provides bus and van transportation through a shared ride program for Senior Citizens who are over sixty five years of age and persons with disabilities, and a paratransit program for locations within a 3/4 mile radius of the fixed bus routes.
    300 Wade Road
    Saint Clair, PA 17901
    Eligibility: Must be registered for Shared Ride and reside in Schulykill county
    Hours: Varies; depends on locations
    Union-Snyder Agency on Aging, Inc.
    Protective Services
    Protects older adults who are at risk of harm because of any type of abuse by insure that the basic health and safety of all older adults are met in the least restrictive setting possible, and that no older adult should remain at imminent risk to person or property. Responsible for investigating any referral regarding safety concerns for an older person within 72 hours.
    If the older adult is being abused, the agency offers services to stop the abuse and prevent it from occurring again.
    116 North Second Street
    Lewisburg, PA 17837
    Eligibility: Individuals 60 years of age or older at risk of abuse, neglect or
    exploitation residing in Union or Snyder Counties.
    Hours: 24/7
    Pike County Area Agency on Aging
    Personal Care Services
    Services include assistance with daily activities that help maintain older persons in their own homes by arranging for an agency that provides aides to assist with bathing, personal care, dressing, grooming, and respite care.
    Services also include adult day care consisting of a supervised day program which includes activities, socialization and nutrition services provided by a state licensed, non-residential facility for older adults.
    150 Pike County Boulevard
    Blooming Grove
    Hawley, PA 18428
    Eligibility: Pike County residents 60 years or oldernwith needs assessment completed.
    (will include home visit, assessment of functionality, need, environment, and financial situation)
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Pike County Area Agency on Aging
    Information and Assistance
    Provides assistance with senior benefit programs, Medicare & Supplementary programs, eligibility for low-income senior programs including home and community services, along with: home-delivered meals, prescription drug programs, health & Wellness programs, person-centered counseling, case management, senior activities, support groups and volunteering opportunities.
    150 Pike County Boulevard
    Blooming Grove
    Hawley, PA 18428
    Eligibility: Pike County residents 60 years or older
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Volunteers of America - Northeast Regional Office
    Wilkes Barre - Master Leasing Program
    Master Leasing offers housing and wrap-around supportive services to individuals who are diagnosed with severe and persistent mental health concerns with co-occurring criminal justice involvement and housing instability. Supported housing through the program is time-limited to two years. A dedicated Case Manager provides tenant support, landlord mediation, and personalized case management services. Participants in the program engage in life skills development to take over the lease for the unit they reside in upon completion of the Master Leasing program and sustain permanent housing of their own.
    25 North River Street
    Wilkes Barre, PA 18702
    Eligibility: Individuals experiencing persistent mental illness in addition to criminal justice involvement. Referrals must be made by a mental health provider.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Volunteers of America - Northeast Regional Office
    Wilkes Barre - Maternal Services
    Serving mothers during pregnancy and post-delivery, their children, and families through in-home support, counseling, and material assistance. Program Services:
    In-home visitation
    Person-centered case management
    Parenting education
    Sibling support
    Unlimited home visitation during pregnancy and post-delivery
    Health care navigation
    Direct support or referrals for childcare, housing, employment searches/application assistance, clothing, and food
    Information and education on GED classes /higher education
    STD education
    Personal finance and budgeting
    Assistance applying for benefit and entitlement programs
    Access to baby, family, and food pantries
    25 North River Street
    Wilkes Barre, PA 18702
    Eligibility: Women who are Medicaid enrolled who are pregnant or families with a child up to 18 months.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm. Operating by appointment.
    Montgomery County Office of Aging Services
    Norristown - Enrollment Unit
    Helps county seniors to access the supports they need.
    1430 DeKalb Street
    2nd Floor
    Norristown, PA 19404
    Eligibility: Residents of Montgomery County
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
    Berwyn - Adult Programs
    The Meadows at Melmark is a work-centered program for adults with mild-to-moderate disabilities. Participants live with friends in staff-supervised, single-family homes, or in the community with their families.

    Adult Day Workshops provide services for adults with moderate-to-profound developmental and physical disabilities, based on individual needs and abilities. For adults with lower cognitive levels or those who are non-ambulatory, activities include multi-sensory stimulation, massage therapy, hand-over-hand training, and personal assistance.
    2600 Wayland Road
    Berwyn, PA 19312
    Eligibility: Adults age 21 and older diagnosed with autism our intellectual and
    developmental disabilities
    Hours: Varies
    Delaware County Community College
    Media - New Choices Career Development Program
    Provides a program that helps individuals in transition so they can participate fully in planning and achieving their career, educational and personal goals by improving self-esteem and building self-confidence. Classes in computer basics supplement the program.

    Services include vocational assessment, career counseling, resume preparation and interview skills, skills identification, career planning, job readiness instruction, job search skills, exploration of education and training resources
    , and job placement assistance
    901 South Media Line Road
    Media, PA 19063
    Eligibility: Serves residents in Philadelphia that are:

    A) Single parents
    B) Displaced homemakers
    C) Individuals going through life transitions
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm Friday, by appointment only
    Delaware County Office of Services for the Aging
    Eddystone - Domiciliary Care Services
    Provides a residential program for adults age 18 and older who are unable to live alone because of difficulties with daily living skills, in social or personal adjustment, or because of disabilities. Dom Care providers open up their homes to individuals who need a supervised living arrangement in a home-like environment. Dom Care residents are matched to homes that best meet their needs, preferences and interests.
    1510 Chester Pike
    Suite 250
    Eddystone, PA 19022
    Eligibility: Adults (18 years or older) who cannot live independently. Provider
    applicants must complete a certification process to assure that the
    homes meet fire, health & safety regulations. Providers must have
    satisfactory personal, medical & financial references, as well as a
    criminal history clearance.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Delaware County Office of Services for the Aging
    Eddystone - Ombudsman Program
    The Ombudsman program is designed to support and empower people by resolving individual complaints involving long-term care service, while working to improve and enhance the long-term living system for the residents and their families.
    Ombudsman advocate for and protect the rights of older adults receiving or denied long-term care services in nursing homes, assisted living, adult day centers, domiciliary care homes, personal care boarding homes, or their own homes.
    1510 Chester Pike
    Suite 250
    Eddystone, PA 19022
    Eligibility: A) Delaware county residents
    B) receiving or denied long-term care services in nursing homes, assisted living, adult day centers, domiciliary care homes, personal care boarding homes, or their own homes.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Cerebral Palsy Association of Chester County
    Exton - Nursing Home Transition Program
    Provides coordinated resources and services for adults to live independently in the community. Promotes individual choice in long term living options. Services may include counseling, relocation assistance
    , educational information, networking community resources to facilitate clients' choices
    , enrollment in Community Service Program for Persons with Physical Disabilities (CSPPPD) waivers, and community options.
    749 Springdale Drive
    Exton, PA 19341
    Eligibility: Chester County residents with disabilities under the age of 60
    Hours: Call for information.
    YWCA Greater Harrisburg
    Homeless Veterans Stand Down
    Provides cots, sleeping bags, hygiene care, on-site medical and dental services, clothing, duffle bags, and other items for homeless veterans.
    1101 Market Street
    Harrisburg, PA 17103
    Eligibility: Homeless Veterans - Single Male
    Hours: Call for information
    Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
    Adult Day Program
    Offers adult Daycare. Assists with services provided daily that include: Nursing Supervision, Health monitoring; Therapeutic activities, Individualized Care Plans, Physical exercise, Games, arts and crafts, Entertainment, Nutritious hot meals, Personal Care, and Snacks.
    1100 Claremont Road
    Carlisle, PA 17015
    Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older who are physically or mentally impaired and assessed to be in need of service
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
    Family Care Services
    Franklin - Community Residential Rehabilitation Services (CRRS)
    Community Residential Rehabilitation Services (CRRS)for children are specifically designed and operated to assist persons under the age of 18 with serious emotional disturbances to live as independently as possible in a family setting. While in the CRRS program, the young person will receive treatment for the serious emotional disturbance along with training and assistance in the skills for community living. CRRS are defined, regulated and operated to implement the principle of least restrictive service alternative. An individual shall be served by CRRS when it is medically necessary. A discharge plan is developed from the point of admission to be implemented when the individual no longer meets medical necessity for the CRRS. CRRS have an obligation to work cooperatively with other service agencies and with local coordinating and planning groups toward the development and operation of a comprehensive service system which can meet the needs of children with serious emotional disturbances in a continuous, t
    4835 Edenville Road
    Chambersburg, PA 17202
    Eligibility: Children under the age of 18 with a mental health diagnosis and approved
    by the MCO
    Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
    Lancaster County Office of Aging
    Offers a wide range of support services to older Lancaster County residents with the goal of allowing them to maintain their independence and self-sufficiency. Most services available to persons ages 60 and over, except for the 55+ Job Bank, Job Bank Workshop and Senior Community Services Employment Program which begins at age 55 and older. Domiciliary Care, Long Term Care Assessments, Ombudsman and Caregiver Support Program available for persons 18 years and older.
    150 North Queen Street
    Suite 415
    Lancaster, PA 17603
    Eligibility: Varies with program
    Hours: Office: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm; Program hours vary;
    Protective services: 24-hours/day
    Mifflin-Juniata Regional Services Corporation
    Yeagertown - Long Term Care Ombudsman
    Advocates for the rights of individuals. Investigates and resolves complaints from seniors living in long-term care facilities, including nursing homes, domiciliary homes, assisted living, personal care homes, adult day care, and in-home long-term care services. Offers representatives who visit the residents in their homes and answer questions about billing, concerns about a long-term care service provider, and appeals regarding transfers, discharges, discontinuance, or changes in services.
    25 Rothermel Drive
    Yeagertown, PA 17099
    Eligibility: Adults age 60 and older
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Adams County Office for Aging
    Gettysburg - Community Services
    Connects older adults with the community.
    A) PA MEDI - Medicare Counseling Program: Free one-on-one or telephone assistance to older persons to help them understand Medicare eligibility and benefits, Medicare supplemental insurance, and prescription drug coverage.
    B) Senior Center Information: For those 60+, a center offers meals, social activities, and a range of activities and wellness programming.
    D) Transportation Assistance: Rabbittransit has developed a shared ride program for those 60+ for specific programs and those 65+ for other transportation needs. For more information please call.
    E) Tax Assistance Program: This free service can address tax issues for most middle to low-income taxpayers age 60 and over.
    318 West Middle Street
    Gettysburg, PA 17325
    Eligibility: Residents of Adams County age 60+
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
    Adams County Office for Aging
    Gettysburg - When Staying Alone Doesn't Work Program
    Our compassionate team works with you to create the best, safest plan. Assessments for care and eligibility will be done.
    -Nursing Home Assessment: Any person age 18 and older who desires placement in a nursing facility, personal care home, or domiciliary care home can be assessed by the Care Management staff of the Adams County Office for Aging, Inc.
    -Domiciliary Care (Dom Care): Provides adults 18 years or older, who cannot live independently, with sheltered living in private homes with a family-like atmosphere.
    -Personal Care Homes: Sometimes called assisted living facilities, offer room and board and assistance with daily living activities.
    -Adult Day Services: Provides functionally disabled older persons with an array of activities in a protected environment which will enable them to maintain independence within the community.
    318 West Middle Street
    Gettysburg, PA 17325
    Eligibility: Residents of Adams County
    Care eligibility will vary based on assessment
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
    YWCA Lancaster
    SAPCC - Sexual Assault Prevention & Counseling Center (SAPCC)
    Provides comprehensive services to children and adults who have experienced sexual violence. Direct services to victim-survivors and significant others include:
    Individual and group counseling and therapy
    24 hour Sexual Assault Hotline
    Medical Advocacy: Accompaniment to hospital
    Legal Advocacy: Accompaniment to law enforcement interviews and court proceedings. Support with SVPOS and PFA
    Information and referral to appropriate resources
    Primary prevention programs, presentations and workshops available to the community, schools and other professional organizations
    Act 126 Mandated Reporter Training offered for any agency that interacts with children on a daily basis i.e.: school districts, faith-based organizations, after school programs, etc.

    The Sexual Assault Prevention and Counseling Center provides a Volunteer Advocate Training for individuals interested in becoming hotline volunteers.
    1905 Old Philadelphia Pike
    Lancaster, PA 17602
    Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 10:00am to 6:00pm; hotline available 24/7
    Red Rose Transit Authority (RRTA)
    Lancaster - Red Rose Access
    Provides door-to-door shared ride service for persons with disabilities, senior citizens, and others throughout Lancaster County including:
    * Contracts with numerous social service agencies to provide transportation for their clients
    * Transportation for senior citizens (65 years and older) who are unable to use, based on a doctor's determination, the bus system or who lack bus service near their residence for trips to the doctor, grocery store. Other trips to places like the theater, restaurants or to visit a friend require that the senior citizen pays 15% of the fare

    Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP): Provides transportation to medical appointments for Medical Assistance recipients based on the following guidelines:
    *The appointment is medically necessary and MA reimbursable
    * The client is using the most cost effective means of transportation (bus, mileage reimbursement or taxi)

    ADA Services provides transportation for disabled persons who are unable to use RRTA buses. Ser
    45 Erick Road
    Lancaster, PA 17601
    Eligibility: Varies with each special program; Persons not eligible for special
    programs may receive services if they pay the full fare
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:30pm; Saturday an Sunday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Central/Northeastern PA Region - Disability Related Employment Program at Central/Northeastern PA Region
    Provides services to individuals with disabilities. Services include pre-employment activities such as assistance with application, preparing for interviews and developing a resume, on-the-job training, follow-up service, and coordination of, or referral to, other agencies.
    108 North Centre Street
    Pottsville, PA 17901
    Eligibility: Persons age 14 and older with a disability
    Hours: Call for details
    Northeastern PA Region - Disability Related Employment Program at Northeastern PA Region
    Operates a premier human resource organization specializing in the design and delivery of programs to assist persons with disabilities to achieve their greatest levels of independence through employment
    1150 Berkshire Boulevard, Suite 160
    Wyomissing, PA 19601
    Eligibility: Age 14 years or older with a disability
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
    Eastern PA Region - Disability Related Employment Program at Eastern PA Region
    Provides services to individuals with disabilities. Services include pre-employment activities such as assistance with application, preparing for interviews and developing a resume, on-the-job training, follow-up service, and coordination of, or referral to, other agencies.
    1834 Oregon Pike
    Lancaster, PA 17601
    Eligibility: Age 14 years or older with a disability
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
    Fulton Office - Personal Care
    Program that offers the services of paraprofessional aides who provide assistance with personal hygiene (bathing, grooming and mouth care), clothing care, ambulation, seating, toileting, housekeeping (changing bed linens or other chores that are essential to the individual's health and comfort), food preparation and nutritional and environmental support for recently discharged hospital patients, elderly people and people with disabilities in their own homes or other settings. Personal care may also include supervision which involves cueing, reminding, prompting or directing daily activities, as needed, but does not include medical services.
    116 West Market Street
    Suite 201
    McConnellsburg, PA 17233
    Eligibility: Contact agency for more details.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
    Fulton Office - In Home Assistance
    Program that provides assistance in performing routine household, yard and personal care activities for older adults, people with disabilities, eligible low income people, families whose normal routines have been disrupted by an emergency or others who need or want these services. The objective of in-home assistance is to help the recipient sustain independent living in a clean, safe and healthy home environment.
    116 West Market Street
    Suite 201
    McConnellsburg, PA 17233
    Eligibility: Contact agency for more details.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
    Bedford - Personal Care
    Program that offers the services of paraprofessional aides who provide assistance with personal hygiene (bathing, grooming and mouth care), clothing care, ambulation, seating, toileting, housekeeping (changing bed linens or other chores that are essential to the individual's health and comfort), food preparation and nutritional and environmental support for recently discharged hospital patients, elderly people and people with disabilities in their own homes or other settings. Personal care may also include supervision which involves cueing, reminding, prompting or directing daily activities, as needed, but does not include medical services.
    240 Wood Street
    Bedford, PA 15522
    Eligibility: Contact agency for more details.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
    Bedford - In Home Assistance
    Program that provides assistance in performing routine household, yard and personal care activities for older adults, people with disabilities, eligible low income people, families whose normal routines have been disrupted by an emergency or others who need or want these services. The objective of in-home assistance is to help the recipient sustain independent living in a clean, safe and healthy home environment.
    240 Wood Street
    Bedford, PA 15522
    Eligibility: Contact agency for more details.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
    Huntingdon Office - Personal Care
    Program that offers the services of paraprofessional aides who provide assistance with personal hygiene (bathing, grooming and mouth care), clothing care, ambulation, seating, toileting, housekeeping (changing bed linens or other chores that are essential to the individual's health and comfort), food preparation and nutritional and environmental support for recently discharged hospital patients, elderly people and people with disabilities in their own homes or other settings. Personal care may also include supervision which involves cueing, reminding, prompting or directing daily activities, as needed, but does not include medical services.
    307 Tenth Street
    Huntingdon, PA 16652
    Eligibility: Contact agency for more details.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
    Huntingdon Office - In Home Assistance
    Program that provides assistance in performing routine household, yard and personal care activities for older adults, people with disabilities, eligible low income people, families whose normal routines have been disrupted by an emergency or others who need or want these services. The objective of in-home assistance is to help the recipient sustain independent living in a clean, safe and healthy home environment.
    307 Tenth Street
    Huntingdon, PA 16652
    Eligibility: Contact agency for more details.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Altoona
    Altoona - Encompass Health Brain Injury Rehabilitation
    Rehabilitation program that develops an individually tailored treatment plan that combines the resources of physical, occupational and speech/language therapists; physiatrists (physical medicine specialists); neuropsychologists/psychiatrists; cognitive rehabilitation therapists; rehabilitation nurses; vocational counselors; social workers and/or other specialists to help individuals who have been disabled by an acquired brain injury attain their maximum level of functioning and quality of life. Common disabilities experienced by ABI patients following acute treatment and medical stabilization include problems with cognition (thinking, memory, and reasoning), sensory processing (sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell), communication (expression and understanding), and behavior or mental health (depression, anxiety, personality changes, aggression, acting out, and social inappropriateness). Therapy generally focuses on behavioral management, neuropsychological adaptation, environmental structuring, eating
    2005 Valley View Boulevard
    Altoona, PA 16602
    Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
    Hours: Visiting hours are everyday from 11 a.m. â 8 p.m.
    Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interests of the Elderly
    Philadelphia - Philadelphia Long Term Care Ombudsman Program
    Serves long-term care residents in nursing homes, personal care homes, domiciliary care homes, and adult day care centers. Advocate for consumers by educating them about their rights related to admissions, transfer and discharge, personal funds, physician services, nursing and personal care. Answers questions about long term care services and programs such as Medical Assistance and Medicare benefits; and protects the identity of complainants upon request and respect confidentiality.
    1650 Arch Street, Suite 1825
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    Eligibility: A) Adults age 60 and older
    B) Residents of Montgomery and Philadelphia counties
    C) Living in a long-term care facility
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
    Womens Center of Montgomery County
    Wyncote - Information and Educational Services
    Delivers information and educational services through various workshops, trainings, and programs. Services include
    A) Monthly newsletter
    B) Workplace Violence and Financial Literacy workshops
    C) Professional training in domestic violence counseling and identification
    D) Healthy relationships program teaching non-violent behavior to teens and young children
    E) Community education programs in community groups, schools, businesses, churches, and synagogues to teach about abuse dynamics and identify methods to help victims of domestic violence
    8080 Old York Road, Suite 200
    Elkins Park, PA 19027
    Eligibility: Open to the public; no restrictions.
    Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
    Program hours vary.
    Resources for Human Development
    Resources for Human Development - Montgomery; Norristown (Sterigere Street) - Supportive Personal Care
    New Options is a licensed personal care home that promotes clients' independence and integrity by providing a supportive community environment for elderly individuals who are mentally impaired, and who had been institutionalized. Clients are encouraged to function as independently as possible via making decisions and choices on activities of daily living and community participation.
    1001 Sterigere Street
    NSH - Building 9
    Norristown, PA 19401
    Hours: Please Call
    Resources for Human Development
    Resources for Human Development - Philadelphia; East Falls - Information and Counseling
    Provides free health insurance navigator services in Pennsylvania. Provides in-person assistance on applying for insurance through the federal Marketplace(Affordable Care Act or "Obamacare" insurance), Medical Assistance, or the Children's Health Insurance Program.
    90 Rochelle Avenue
    Philadelphia, PA 19128
    Hours: Weekdays, 9:00am to 5:00pm
    Area Agency on Aging - Luzerne and Wyoming Counties
    Family Caregiver Support Program
    Provides relief from normal caregiving duties and to reduce stress. The caregiver may choose the type of service needed and be reimbursed through state and federal funding. Examples of services would be personal care, companionship, or day care. Also reimburses the caregiver for the purchase of supplies used in caring for the care receiver, home modifications and assistive devices.
    111 North Pennsylvania Boulevard
    Suite 100
    Wilkes Barre, PA 18702
    Eligibility: Family Caregivers caring for a family member in the home. Family member
    must be age 60 years or older.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Commission on Economic Opportunity (CEO)
    Homelessness and Homeless Prevention
    Provides case management to assist persons who are homeless or at those at risk of becoming homeless with the supportive services necessary to achieve the highest level of self-sufficient living.
    165 Amber Lane
    Wilkes Barre, PA 18702
    Eligibility: Individuals, families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 12:00pm; 1:00pm to 5:00pm
    Commission on Economic Opportunity (CEO)
    Hazleton Site Office - Homelessness and Homeless Prevention
    CEO's Case Management for the Homeless Program can assist persons who are homeless or at those at risk of becoming homeless with the supportive services necessary to achieve the highest level of self-sufficient living.
    100 West Broad Street
    Lower Level
    Hazleton, PA 18201
    Eligibility: Individuals who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm Closed for Lunch (12:00pm to 1:00pm)
    Commission on Economic Opportunity (CEO)
    Wyoming County Human Services Building - Homelessness and Homeless Prevention
    Provides assistance to persons who are homeless or at those at risk of becoming homeless with the supportive services necessary to achieve the highest level of self-sufficient living. Services provided are based on need and available funding.
    819 Hunter Highway
    Tunkhannock, PA 18657
    Eligibility: Wyoming county residents who are homeless or at risk of becoming
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Victim Services Center of Montgomery County
    Norristown - Advocacy Services
    Acts as a liaison within the criminal justice system to provide support, encouragement, information and assistance to victims of crime and their significant others.

    Educates victim/survivor's of their rights. Provides accompaniment to court, hospital, and police offices. Assists with Victim Impact Statements, filing for Victims Compensation, and Crime Victim Notification Program. Provides crisis intervention and information and referrals to appropriate legal and community resources.
    325 Swede Street, 2nd Floor
    Norristown, PA 19401
    Eligibility: Serves residents in Montgomery County that are victims of crime.
    Hours: Remote or in-person: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm Crisis
    Hotline Services: 24/7
    PA CareerLink - Chester County
    Exton - Financial Stability Center
    Provides service navigators and coaches to clarify financial goals, give support, and connect clients to services. Creates access to a coordinated network of employment and financial stability services. Provides various educational sessions, workshops, and events each month. Services, provided by various partners, include job seeking clinics, legal clinics, computer tutoring, family benefits program, disability resources, credit counseling, adult english language tutoring, and tax preparation.
    479 Thomas Jones Way, Suite 500
    Exton, PA 19341
    Eligibility: Residents of Chester County
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
    Liberty Community Connections
    Allentown - Community Services Program for Persons with Physical Disabilities (CSPPPD)
    Helps coordinate services including personal care assistance, home modifications, transportation, and discharge planning. Also administers the OBRA and Independence, and CommCare Waiver Programs.
    919 South Ninth Street
    Allentown, PA 18103
    Eligibility: * Individuals with disabilities, their families, and friends

    * Residents of Berks, upper Bucks, Carbon, Lehigh, Monroe,
    Northampton, and Schuylkill Counties
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
    Carbon County Area Agency on Aging
    Provides local services, act as advocates, and generally assists older citizens to remain active in their communities. They operate under guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Aging.

    Services include:
    - Senior Centers and other activities
    - Legal Assistance
    - Benefit Counseling/Assistance with applications
    - Volunteer Opportunities
    - Ombudsman Services
    - Level of Care Assessment
    - Transportation
    - Provides Caregiver Support Program
    - Provides daily hands-on care
    - Protective Services for older adults to investigate reports of abuse, neglect, exploitation or abandonment and services to reduce risk for incapacitated persons.
    - Senior Farmer's Market Program distributes free vouchers for residents age 60 or older that meet income guidelines

    Core services offered after a clinical evaluation:
    - In-home services
    - In-home meals
    - Care/Case management
    - Consumer reimbursement
    - Adult Day Care
    - Personal Emergency Response System
    - Personal Care services

    Information and referr
    401 Delaware Avenue
    Third Floor
    Palmerton, PA 18071
    Eligibility: Carbon County residents, age 60 and older
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Housing Authority of the County of Dauphin
    Steelton - Family Self Sufficiency Program
    Assists participants to become financially independent and self-sufficient. The program focuses on education, job training, job placement, and addressing other family needs.
    501 Mohn Street
    Steelton, PA 17113
    Eligibility: All participants in the Section 8/Housing Choice Voucher Program are
    eligible and encouraged to participate.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
    UDS Foundation
    Lancaster - Support Coordination
    Provides coordination of services to people with physical disabilities and seniors through Community HealthChoices. Assists in developing plans that may include the following services that enable individuals to live safely and independently at home: personal care attendants, durable medical equipment, home delivered meals, home modifications and supportive employment.
    2270 Erin Court
    Lancaster, PA 17601
    Eligibility: Adults with physical disabilities 21 years and older who have functional
    limitations (bathing, dressing, toileting, supervision, etc) or
    nursing facility clinically eligible or a chronic diagnosis (expected
    to last 180 days or more). Must have income $2313/month or less (not
    including spouse's income)and $8000 or less assets for single
    participant or $123,600 for a legally married person (excluding 1 car
    and 1 home)
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
    UDS Foundation
    Transition School - Employment Services
    Employment service designed to meet the needs of community-minded employers and individuals with disabilities. Program matches qualified job applicants with employers who are looking for motivated, hard working employees. Job candidates have skills in many areas-production, clerical, professional, sales, medical, retail and other.

    Range of services
    - Skills assessment
    - Career counseling
    - Job skills
    - Resumé creation
    - Interview preparation
    - Employer contacts
    - Job development
    - On-the-job training
    602 West Chestnut Street
    Lancaster, PA 17605
    Eligibility: Any adult with a disability
    Hours: Office: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm; Intake: Monday through
    Friday, 9:00am to 4:30pm
    Senior Day Services
    Scranton - In-Home Personal Care and Homemaker Services
    Provides non-medical programs serving older adults with individualized assistance in their homes. This program is designed to keep seniors from having to enter assisted living and/or nursing facilities. Care team prepare a meal or assist a loved one with daily living and help with reading or writing letters or escorting a loved one to social activities.
    1200 Saginaw Street
    Scranton, PA 18505
    Eligibility: Serves older adults.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 6:30am to 5:30pm
    Veteran's Helping Hands
    York - Services for Veterans Experiencing Homelessness
    Serves and responds to the needs of veterans experiencing homelessness. Offers services that include shelter, hot meals, shower facilities, laundry services, transportation, medical equipment, furniture and household items, hygiene products, and more.
    412 West King Street
    York, PA 17401
    Eligibility: A) Veterans
    B) Experiencing homelessness
    C) Residents of York County
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 10:00am to 9:00pm; Saturday and Sunday, 9:00am to
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - NEPA Counties
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT)
    Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) is a benefit delivery system that provides public assistance recipients with electronic access to their cash and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. Eligible recipients receive a Pennsylvania Access Card and select a personal identification number (PIN) to access authorized benefits.
    EBT Recipient Hotline may be contacted to check account balances, report lost or stolen card, report card does not work, or ask any questions about using EBT card.
    625 Forester Street
    Harrisburg, PA 17126
    Eligibility: Eligible benefit recipients
    Hours: 24/7
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - NEPA Counties
    Bradford County Assistance Office - Food Stamps SNAP
    Help eligible person buy nutritious food. Those eligible receive an Electroniv Benefits Transfer (EBT) Access Card to make food purchases.
    1 Elizabeth Street
    Suite 4
    Towanda, PA 18848
    Eligibility: Based on income and resources
    Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - NEPA Counties
    Bradford County Assistance Office - Emergency Shelter Allowance (ESA)
    Provides an emergency shelter allowance to stop eviction from home/apartment or foreclosure to house. May also help find a long-term or short-term place to live, if necessary. Amount of the one time payment depends on needs, situation, and emergency.
    1 Elizabeth Street
    Suite 4
    Towanda, PA 18848
    Eligibility: Homeless or near homeless family/individuals. Must meet all income,
    resource, and non-financial guidelines. Call for more information.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
    Christmas Gala - Bucks County
    Bristol - E.P.I.C. Program (Extraordinary Problems Immediate Care)
    Provides services such as non-medical care, skilled care, companion/homemaker care, and transportation for medical and personal care.
    1228 Radcliffe Street
    Bristol, PA 19007
    Eligibility: Serves adults age 60 and older.
    Hours: Contact for more information
    Surrey Services for Seniors
    Center for Healthy Living - Devon - Transportation
    Provides discounted transportation for older adults on a shared ride basis throughout our service areas. Surrey takes members to medical appointments, to the grocery store, and to errands. For those who need more assistance, personal driver escort drivers are available to offer door-to-door transportation.
    60 Surrey Way
    Devon, PA 19333
    Eligibility: Adults 55 and older in Chester and Delaware counties.
    Hours: Administrative hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Surrey Services for Seniors
    Center for Healthy Living - Devon - Home Care
    Provides home care for adults, as well as:
    A) Medication Management
    B) Personal care for activities of daily living
    C) Care management
    D) Companions and supportive services
    E) Housekeeping
    F) Rides
    G) Meal preparation and grocery shopping

    Programs are tailored to meet the individual's budget and needs at home, in a nursing home, or assisted living facility, and are available 24 hours day, live-in or hourly, seven days a week.
    60 Surrey Way
    Devon, PA 19333
    Eligibility: Serves residents in Chester and Delaware County age 55 and older.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
    Surrey Services for Seniors
    Surrey Services for Seniors - Media Center - Transportation
    Provides discounted transportation for older adults on a shared ride basis throughout our service areas. Surrey takes members to medical appointments, to the grocery store, and to errands. For those who need more assistance, personal driver escort drivers are available to offer door-to-door transportation.
    302 South Jackson Street
    Media, PA 19063
    Eligibility: Adults 55 and older in Chester and Delaware counties.
    Hours: Administrative hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Surrey Services for Seniors
    Surrey Services for Seniors - Media Center - Home Care
    Provides home care for adults, as well as:
    A) Medication Management
    B) Personal care for activities of daily living
    C) Care management
    D) Companions and supportive services
    E) Housekeeping
    F) Rides
    G) Meal preparation and grocery shopping

    Programs are tailored to meet the individual's budget and needs at home, in a nursing home, or assisted living facility, and are available 24 hours day, live-in or hourly, seven days a week.
    302 South Jackson Street
    Media, PA 19063
    Eligibility: Serves residents in Chester and Delaware County age 55 and older.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
    Surrey Services for Seniors
    Surrey Services for Seniors - Broomall Center - Transportation
    Provides discounted transportation for older adults on a shared ride basis throughout our service areas. Surrey takes members to medical appointments, to the grocery store, and to errands. For those who need more assistance, personal driver escort drivers are available to offer door-to-door transportation.
    505 Parkway Drive
    Broomall, PA 19008
    Eligibility: Adults 55 and older in Chester and Delaware counties.
    Hours: Administrative hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Lycoming County State Health Center - Immunization Clinic
    Low or no cost public immunizations at Sojourner Truth Ministries, 501 High St., Williamsport, PA 17701. Call for dates and times.
    1000 Commerce Park Drive
    Suite 109
    Williamsport, PA 17701
    Eligibility: If your current health insurance does not cover the vaccine or if you
    have no health insurance.
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Pennsylvania Department of Health - Venango County State Health Center - State Health Center
    To provide public health education, preventive nursing services, emergency preparedness, immunizations, communicable disease surveillance and investigation, HIV testing & counseling, community empowerment, and other nursing services as mandated by PA legislation. Provides adult and child immunizations, HIV/AIDS referrals, and health resources.
    3298 State Route 257
    Seneca, PA 16346
    Eligibility: Call for more information.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Call for more information.
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Pennsylvania Department of Health - Jefferson County State Health Center - State Health Center
    To provide public health education, preventive nursing services, emergency preparedness, immunizations, communicable disease surveillance and investigation, HIV testing & counseling, community empowerment, and other nursing services as mandated by PA legislation. Provides adult and child immunizations, HIV/AIDS referrals, and health resources.
    200 Prushnok Drive
    Suite 202A
    Punxsutawney, PA 15767
    Eligibility: Call for more information.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Call for more information.
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Pennsylvania Department of Health - Elk County State Health Center - State Health Center
    To provide public health education, preventive nursing services, emergency preparedness, immunizations, communicable disease surveillance and investigation, HIV testing & counseling, community empowerment, and other nursing services as mandated by PA legislation. Provides adult and child immunizations, HIV/AIDS referrals, and health resources.
    778 Washington Road
    St. Marys, PA 15857
    Eligibility: Call for more information.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Call for more information.
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Pennsylvania Department of Health - Clarion County State Health Center - State Health Center
    To provide public health education, preventive nursing services, emergency preparedness, immunizations, communicable disease surveillance and investigation, HIV testing & counseling, community empowerment, and other nursing services as mandated by PA legislation. Provides adult and child immunizations, HIV/AIDS referrals, and health resources.
    160 South 2nd Street
    Suite D
    Clarion, PA 16214
    Eligibility: Call for more information.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Call for more information.
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Pennsylvania Department of Health - Crawford County State Health Center - State Health Center
    To provide public health education, preventive nursing services, emergency preparedness, immunizations, communicable disease surveillance and investigation, HIV testing & counseling, community empowerment, and other nursing services as mandated by PA legislation. Provides adult and child immunizations, HIV/AIDS referrals, and health resources.
    847 North Main Street
    Parkside Commons
    Meadville, PA 16335
    Eligibility: Call for more information.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Call for more information.
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Pennsylvania Department of Health - Forest County State Health Center - State Health Center
    To provide public health education, preventive nursing services, emergency preparedness, immunizations, communicable disease surveillance and investigation, HIV testing & counseling, community empowerment, and other nursing services as mandated by PA legislation. Provides adult and child immunizations, HIV/AIDS referrals, and health resources.
    305 South Elm Street
    PO Box 405
    Tionesta, PA 16353
    Eligibility: Call for more information.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Call for more information.
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Pennsylvania Department of Health - Warren County State Health Center - State Health Center
    To provide public health education, preventive nursing services, emergency preparedness, immunizations, communicable disease surveillance and investigation, HIV testing & counseling, community empowerment, and other nursing services as mandated by PA legislation. Provides adult and child immunizations, HIV/AIDS referrals, and health resources.
    2027 Pennsylvania Avenue East
    Warren, PA 16365
    Eligibility: Call for more information.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Call for more information.
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Pennsylvania Department of Health - Clearfield County State Health Center - State Health Center
    To provide public health education, preventive nursing services, emergency preparedness, immunizations, communicable disease surveillance and investigation, HIV testing & counseling, community empowerment, and other nursing services as mandated by PA legislation. Provides adult and child immunizations, HIV/AIDS referrals, and health resources.
    1123 Linden Street
    Clearfield, PA 16830
    Eligibility: Call for more information.
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
    Call for more information.
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Tioga County State Health Center - State Health Center
    Engages in community health assessment and quality assurance activities and provides other public health services, including community integration and outreach programs, to promote healthy behaviors. Program support services include communicable disease reporting and investigation, epidemiology, informational and referral, chronic disease prevention and intervention programs, communicable disease clinical services including sexually transmitted disease and tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment, immunization, HIV counseling/testing, counseling and education, and family health programs, along with environmental health services.
    44 Plaza Lane
    Wellsboro, PA 16901
    Eligibility: Residents
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
    Call for information
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Susquehanna County State Health Center - State Health Center
    Engages in community health assessment and quality assurance activities and provides other public health services, including community integration and outreach programs, to promote healthy behaviors. Program support services include communicable disease reporting and investigation, epidemiology, informational and referral, chronic disease prevention and intervention programs, communicable disease clinical services including sexually transmitted disease and tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment, immunization, HIV counseling/testing, counseling and education, and family health programs, along with environmental health services.
    157 Spruce Street
    Suite 2
    Montrose, PA 18801
    Eligibility: Residents
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
    Call for information
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Division of Drug and Alcohol Program Licensure
    Overseeks standards for licensure, complaints/questions concerning a faciliyt/regulation.
    625 Forster Street
    Health and Welfare Building
    Harrisburg, PA 17120
    Eligibility: Persons, partnerships, corporations, and other legal entities that
    provide drug and alcohol services
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
    Pennsylvania Department of Revenue
    Tax Preparation Assistance
    Provides assistance in completing personal forms. The service does not help with sale of property, inheritance, or corporate tax forms but these forms are available at this office. Questions on tax laws are also answered and form assistance is available.
    1133 Strawberry Square
    Harrisburg, PA 17128
    Eligibility: Taxpayers
    Hours: Vary
    Pennsylvania Department of Revenue
    PA Department of Revenue Harrisburg District Office - Tax Collection Agencies
    Collects all the Pennsylvania personal income tax, inheritance tax, sales and use tax, employee withholding tax, hotel occupancy tax, and all corporate taxes. Offers special programs administered by the Department that include the Property Tax/Rent Rebate which assists in rental or property tax costs in the form of a rebate on rent or property taxes paid during the previous year.
    1131 Strawberry Square
    Lobby, First Floor
    Harrisburg, PA 17128
    Eligibility: Residents of Pennsylvania
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
    Pennsylvania Department of Revenue
    PA Department of Revenue Harrisburg District Office - Tax Collection Agencies at Harrisburg District Office
    Collects Personal Income Tax, Sales and Use Tax, all corporate taxes, Inheritance Tax, Realty Transfer Tax, Motor and Alternative Fuel Taxes, and all other state taxes. Collects the Local Sales Tax for Allegheny and Philadelphia counties, the Public Transportation Assistance Tax, and funds for the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority. Administers the Property Tax/Rent Rebate program and the Public Utility Realty Tax reimbursement prepares the tax expenditure portion of the Governor's Budget, and licenses distributors and manufacturers of small games of chance. The department's mission is to fairly, efficiently, and accurately administer the tax laws and other revenue programs of the commonwealth to fund necessary government services.
    1131 Strawberry Square
    Lobby, First Floor
    Harrisburg, PA 17128
    Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
    Hours: Call for information
    Pennsylvania Department of Revenue
    PA Department of Revenue Reading District Office - Tax Collection Agencies
    Collects all the Pennsylvania personal income tax, inheritance tax, sales and use tax, employee withholding tax, hotel occupancy tax, and all corporate taxes. Offers special programs administered by the Department that include the Property Tax/Rent Rebate which assists in rental or property tax costs in the form of a rebate on rent or property taxes paid during the previous year.
    625 Cherry Street
    Suite 239
    Reading, PA 19602
    Eligibility: Residents of Pennsylvania
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
    Pennsylvania Department of Revenue
    PA Department of Revenue Reading District Office - Tax Collection Agencies
    Collects personal income tax, inheritance tax, sales and use tax, employee withholding tax, hotel occupancy tax, and all corporate taxes. Administers the Property Tax/Rent Rebate program: assists with rental or property tax costs in the form of a rebate on rent or property taxes paid during the previous year.
    625 Cherry Street
    Suite 239
    Reading, PA 19602
    Eligibility: A) 65 years of age or over as of December 31 of previous year
    B) Reside with spouse who is age 65 or over
    C) A widow or widower, age 50-64, as of December 31 of previous year
    D) Be permanently disabled and age 18-64 during previous year
    E) Have income of less than $35,000 for the previous year
    Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
    Jubilee Association
    Administrative Office and Soup Kitchen - Preventing Homelessness Program
    LIFE Pittsburgh
    Pittsburgh - PACE Program
    Literacy Pittsburgh
    Beaver County - Literacy Programs
    Literacy Pittsburgh
    Beaver County - Computer Skills Classes
    Literacy Pittsburgh
    Allegheny County - Literacy Programs
    Literacy Pittsburgh
    Allegheny County - Computer Skills Classes
    Macedonia Family and Community Enrichment Center
    Administrative Office - Accelerated Support for Older Persons (ASOP)
    Mainstay Life Services
    Pittsburgh - Home and Community Support
    Mental Health Association in Beaver County
    Administrative Office - Community Wellness/Recovery Advocacy Program
    UPMC Western Behavioral Health at Mon Yough
    Mon Yough Community Services - Locust Street - Mental Health Residential Programs
    Armstrong County Area Agency on Aging
    Kittanning - Family Caregiver Support Program
    Pennsylvania Property Tax and Rent Rebate Office
    Pittsburgh District Office - Property Tax and Rent Rebate Information
    Pennsylvania Property Tax and Rent Rebate Office
    Greentree - Property Tax and Rent Rebate Information
    Pennsylvania Women Work
    Administrative Headquarters - New Choices Career Development
    Progressive Workshop of Armstrong County
    Oak Avenue - Job Finding Assistance for People with Disabilities
    Beaver County Office on Aging
    Beaver Falls - Information and Assistance
    Beaver County Office on Aging
    Beaver Falls - Aging Services
    Beaver County Office on Aging
    Beaver Falls - Caregiver Support Program
    Blind and Vision Rehabilitation Services of Pittsburgh
    Administrative Headquarters - Deaf Blind Program
    YWCA of Greater Pittsburgh
    Administrative Headquarters - Financial Assistance Programs
    Center of Life
    Administrative Headquarters - Family and Community Engagement
    Center of Life
    Elizabeth Street - Family and Community Engagement
    Allegheny County Area Agency on Aging
    Administrative Headquarters - Caregiver Support
    Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
    Administrative Headquarters and Main Library, Oakland - Special Collections
    Casa San Jose
    Latino Community Center - Reentry Services
    Chartiers Center
    Administrative Office - Substance Abuse Outpatient Program
    Community Human Services Corporation
    Administrative Office - Domiciliary Care
    Elizabeth Seton Center
    Monahan Center - Ombudsman Program
    Allegheny County Housing Authority
    Administrative Headquarters - Family Self-Sufficiency Program
    Butler County Area Agency on Aging
    Administrative Headquarters - Options Program
    The New Me
    Office and Free Store - Outreach Room
    Lark Enterprises
    New Castle - In-Home and Community Supports
    Administrative Headquarters - Home Based Family Support
    Administrative Headquarters - Day Habilitation
    Beaver County Program Center - Employment Services
    LIFE Viecare
    Armstrong County - Adult Day Care
    LIFE Viecare
    Beaver County - Adult Day Care
    LIFE Viecare
    Butler County - Adult Day Care
    LIFE Viecare
    Lawrence County - Adult Day Care
    Mental Health Association in Butler County
    Administrative Office - Support Services Information and Referral
    Mental Health Association of Washington County
    Ehnanced Personal Care Home - Enhanced Personal Care Home (EPC)
    Mental Health Association of Washington County
    Long Term Structured Residence - Long Term Structured Residence (LTSR)
    Mercer County Area Agency on Aging
    Administrative Headquarters - Caregiver Support Program
    ARC of Fayette County
    Administrative Office - Residential Program for Persons with Intellectual and Physical Disabilities
    Pathways of Southwestern Pennsylvania
    Adult Training and Residential Services - Residential Program
    UPMC Somerset
    Wellness Programs
    Southwestern Pennsylvania Area Agency on Aging
    Administrative Headquarters - Aging Services
    Southwestern Pennsylvania Area Agency on Aging
    Administrative Headquarters - Caregiver Support Program
    Southwestern Pennsylvania Area Agency on Aging
    Administrative Headquarters - Caregiver Support
    Southwestern Pennsylvania Area Agency on Aging
    Administrative Headquarters - Family Caregiver Support Program
    Southwestern Pennsylvania Area Agency on Aging
    Washington County - Aging Services
    Southwestern Pennsylvania Area Agency on Aging
    Fayette County Services to Seniors - Family Caregiver Support Program
    Southwestern Pennsylvania Area Agency on Aging
    Greene County - Aging Services
    Southwestern Pennsylvania Human Services
    Area Agency on Aging - Grandparents Program
    Caring Mission
    Washington Crown Center - Home Health Aide Services
    Primary Health Network
    Administrative Headquarters and Corporate Office - Marketplace Enrollment Assistance
    Visiting Nurse Association of Indiana County
    Indiana - Extended Home Care
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Allegheny County Assistance Office Headquarters - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Armstrong County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Beaver County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Butler County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Cambria County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Fayette County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Greene County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Indiana County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Lawrence County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Mercer County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Somerset County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Washington County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Southwestern County Assistance Offices
    Westmoreland County Assistance Office - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    Butler Area Rural Transit (BART)
    Main Office - Non Emergency Transportation
    Cambria County Area Agency on Aging
    Administrative Office - Central Park Complex - Aging Services
    Cambria County Association for the Blind and Handicapped
    Administrative Headquarters - In-Home Assistance
    Administrative Headquarters - Home and Community Habilitation
    Alleghenies Unlimited Care Providers
    Nonmedical In-Home Personal Care
    Family Behavioral Resources
    Family Behavioral Resources - Franklin County - Psychiatry and Counseling
    Community Care Connections
    Butler - Attendant Care Service Coordination Program
    Community Care Connections
    Butler - Community Home Program
    Reading Public Library
    Reading - Digital Literacy Program
    Living Unlimited
    Living Unlimited - North Regional Office - Supported Employment Services
    Northampton County Area Agency On Aging
    Northampton County Area Agency on Aging - Northampton County Area Agency On Aging
    Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
    Diakon Adult Day Services - Adult Day Services at Manatawny
    Pathstone Earn Center - EARN Employment, Advancement & Retention Network
    Tioga County Department of Human Services
    Family Services - The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)
    Bradford Sullivan County Office of Mental Health
    Towanda - Mental Health Services
    Northumberland County Area Agency on Aging & Veterans Affairs
    Northumberland County Area Agency on Aging - Comprehensive Needs Assessment
    Berks County Intermediate Unit
    Reading - Digital Navigation
    Mental Health Partnerships
    ACCESS Office - West Philly - ACCESS
    Social Security Wilkes-Barre Office
    Social Security Office
    UGI Utilities
    Denver - Gas Division - Customer Assistance Program (CAP)
    Access Services - Delaware Valley
    In Home Supports
    Access Services - Delaware Valley
    Day Programs
    Access Services - Delaware Valley
    Transition to Independence Program
    United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
    Pittsburgh Field Office - Pittsburgh Field Office Services
    Philadelphia Corporation for Aging
    Philadelphia - Ombudsman Program
    Angels on Call
    In-Home Care for Community Health Choices (CHC)
    Veterans Multi-Service Center
    Women Veterans Center - Supportive Services for Veteran Families
    Veterans Multi-Service Center
    Administrative Headquarters, Philadelphia - Supportive Services for Veteran Families
    Veterans Multi-Service Center
    Lock Haven Office - Supportive Services for Veteran Families
    Veterans Multi-Service Center
    Suburban Philadelphia Office - Supportive Services for Veteran Families
    Veterans Multi-Service Center
    Harrisburg Office - Supportive Services for Veteran Families
    Veterans Multi-Service Center
    Reading Office - Supportive Services for Veteran Families
    Veterans Multi-Service Center
    VMC Edison 64 Veterans Community - Supportive Services for Veteran Families
    Redeemer Health System
    Home Care and Hospice PA Administrative Office - Support at Home Services
    Redeemer Health System
    Home Care and Hospice PA Administrative Office - Home Care
    Utility Emergency Services Fund
    Philadelphia - Family Empowerment Program
    Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
    Norristown - Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services
    Susquehanna County Services for Children and Youth
    Montrose - Residential Placements
    Luzerne County Transportation Authority
    Shared Ride Van Service Department - ADA / Special Transportation Efforts Program
    Luzerne County Transportation Authority
    Shared Ride Van Service Department - Rural Transportation Program Persons with Disabilities Transportation (PWD)
    STEP, Inc.
    STEP - Williamsport - Work Ready Program
    STEP, Inc.
    STEP - Lock Haven - Work Ready
    STEP, Inc.
    STEP Office of Aging - Clinton County - Information and Referral for Seniors
    STEP, Inc.
    STEP Office of Aging - Clinton County - Assessment and Care Management
    STEP, Inc.
    STEP Office of Aging - Lycoming County - Information and Referral for Seniors
    STEP, Inc.
    STEP Office of Aging - Lycoming County - Senior Community Service Employment Program
    STEP, Inc.
    STEP Office of Aging - Lycoming County - Nursing Diversion Aging Waiver
    STEP, Inc.
    STEP Office of Aging - Lycoming County - Assessment and Care Management
    Roads to Freedom Center for Independent Living of North Central PA
    Williamsport - Service Coordination (Case Management)
    Roads to Freedom Center for Independent Living of North Central PA
    Williamsport - Employment Services for Persons with Disabilities
    Roads to Freedom Center for Independent Living of North Central PA
    Williamsport - Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services
    Monroe County Area Agency on Aging
    Stroudsburg - PA MEDI (formerly "APPRISE")
    Monroe County Area Agency on Aging
    Stroudsburg - Information and Assistance
    Schuylkill Transportation System
    Schuylkill County - Transportation System
    Union-Snyder Agency on Aging, Inc.
    Protective Services
    Pike County Area Agency on Aging
    Personal Care Services
    Pike County Area Agency on Aging
    Information and Assistance
    Volunteers of America - Northeast Regional Office
    Wilkes Barre - Master Leasing Program
    Volunteers of America - Northeast Regional Office
    Wilkes Barre - Maternal Services
    Montgomery County Office of Aging Services
    Norristown - Enrollment Unit
    Berwyn - Adult Programs
    Delaware County Community College
    Media - New Choices Career Development Program
    Delaware County Office of Services for the Aging
    Eddystone - Domiciliary Care Services
    Delaware County Office of Services for the Aging
    Eddystone - Ombudsman Program
    Cerebral Palsy Association of Chester County
    Exton - Nursing Home Transition Program
    YWCA Greater Harrisburg
    Homeless Veterans Stand Down
    Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
    Adult Day Program
    Family Care Services
    Franklin - Community Residential Rehabilitation Services (CRRS)
    Lancaster County Office of Aging
    Mifflin-Juniata Regional Services Corporation
    Yeagertown - Long Term Care Ombudsman
    Adams County Office for Aging
    Gettysburg - Community Services
    Adams County Office for Aging
    Gettysburg - When Staying Alone Doesn't Work Program
    YWCA Lancaster
    SAPCC - Sexual Assault Prevention & Counseling Center (SAPCC)
    Red Rose Transit Authority (RRTA)
    Lancaster - Red Rose Access
    Central/Northeastern PA Region - Disability Related Employment Program at Central/Northeastern PA Region
    Northeastern PA Region - Disability Related Employment Program at Northeastern PA Region
    Eastern PA Region - Disability Related Employment Program at Eastern PA Region
    Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
    Fulton Office - Personal Care
    Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
    Fulton Office - In Home Assistance
    Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
    Bedford - Personal Care
    Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
    Bedford - In Home Assistance
    Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
    Huntingdon Office - Personal Care
    Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
    Huntingdon Office - In Home Assistance
    Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Altoona
    Altoona - Encompass Health Brain Injury Rehabilitation
    Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interests of the Elderly
    Philadelphia - Philadelphia Long Term Care Ombudsman Program
    Womens Center of Montgomery County
    Wyncote - Information and Educational Services
    Resources for Human Development
    Resources for Human Development - Montgomery; Norristown (Sterigere Street) - Supportive Personal Care
    Resources for Human Development
    Resources for Human Development - Philadelphia; East Falls - Information and Counseling
    Area Agency on Aging - Luzerne and Wyoming Counties
    Family Caregiver Support Program
    Commission on Economic Opportunity (CEO)
    Homelessness and Homeless Prevention
    Commission on Economic Opportunity (CEO)
    Hazleton Site Office - Homelessness and Homeless Prevention
    Commission on Economic Opportunity (CEO)
    Wyoming County Human Services Building - Homelessness and Homeless Prevention
    Victim Services Center of Montgomery County
    Norristown - Advocacy Services
    PA CareerLink - Chester County
    Exton - Financial Stability Center
    Liberty Community Connections
    Allentown - Community Services Program for Persons with Physical Disabilities (CSPPPD)
    Carbon County Area Agency on Aging
    Housing Authority of the County of Dauphin
    Steelton - Family Self Sufficiency Program
    UDS Foundation
    Lancaster - Support Coordination
    UDS Foundation
    Transition School - Employment Services
    Senior Day Services
    Scranton - In-Home Personal Care and Homemaker Services
    Veteran's Helping Hands
    York - Services for Veterans Experiencing Homelessness
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - NEPA Counties
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT)
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - NEPA Counties
    Bradford County Assistance Office - Food Stamps SNAP
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - NEPA Counties
    Bradford County Assistance Office - Emergency Shelter Allowance (ESA)
    Christmas Gala - Bucks County
    Bristol - E.P.I.C. Program (Extraordinary Problems Immediate Care)
    Surrey Services for Seniors
    Center for Healthy Living - Devon - Transportation
    Surrey Services for Seniors
    Center for Healthy Living - Devon - Home Care
    Surrey Services for Seniors
    Surrey Services for Seniors - Media Center - Transportation
    Surrey Services for Seniors
    Surrey Services for Seniors - Media Center - Home Care
    Surrey Services for Seniors
    Surrey Services for Seniors - Broomall Center - Transportation
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Lycoming County State Health Center - Immunization Clinic
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Pennsylvania Department of Health - Venango County State Health Center - State Health Center
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Pennsylvania Department of Health - Jefferson County State Health Center - State Health Center
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Pennsylvania Department of Health - Elk County State Health Center - State Health Center
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Pennsylvania Department of Health - Clarion County State Health Center - State Health Center
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Pennsylvania Department of Health - Crawford County State Health Center - State Health Center
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Pennsylvania Department of Health - Forest County State Health Center - State Health Center
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Pennsylvania Department of Health - Warren County State Health Center - State Health Center
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Pennsylvania Department of Health - Clearfield County State Health Center - State Health Center
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Tioga County State Health Center - State Health Center
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Susquehanna County State Health Center - State Health Center
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Division of Drug and Alcohol Program Licensure
    Pennsylvania Department of Revenue
    Tax Preparation Assistance
    Pennsylvania Department of Revenue
    PA Department of Revenue Harrisburg District Office - Tax Collection Agencies
    Pennsylvania Department of Revenue
    PA Department of Revenue Harrisburg District Office - Tax Collection Agencies at Harrisburg District Office
    Pennsylvania Department of Revenue
    PA Department of Revenue Reading District Office - Tax Collection Agencies
    Pennsylvania Department of Revenue
    PA Department of Revenue Reading District Office - Tax Collection Agencies
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