2 Matching Service Providers
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Pennsylvania Department of Revenue
PA Department of Revenue Harrisburg District Office - Tax Collection Agencies at Harrisburg District Office
Collects Personal Income Tax, Sales and Use Tax, all corporate taxes, Inheritance Tax, Realty Transfer Tax, Motor and Alternative Fuel Taxes, and all other state taxes. Collects the Local Sales Tax for Allegheny and Philadelphia counties, the Public Transportation Assistance Tax, and funds for the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority. Administers the Property Tax/Rent Rebate program and the Public Utility Realty Tax reimbursement prepares the tax expenditure portion of the Governor's Budget, and licenses distributors and manufacturers of small games of chance. The department's mission is to fairly, efficiently, and accurately administer the tax laws and other revenue programs of the commonwealth to fund necessary government services.
1131 Strawberry Square
Lobby, First Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17128
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Call for information
Berks County Schools
Governor Mifflin School District
Working Papers:
Any student 14-17 years old , prior to high school graduation, must have working papers for employment. Applications are taken at school district administration offices. The student does not have to be present to obtain the papers, parents can fill out the paperwork. To obtain working papers, a copy of the student's birth certificate must be taken to the school administration office. Call local school district for information on location and office hours.

Summer Enrichment (Vacation Education):
Some schools in the County offer non-credit enrichment courses over the summer break. These courses are designed to broaden the students experiences, keep minds and imaginations active, and offer peer interaction. Subjects that may be offered include: computers, cartooning, music, babysitting, chess, foreign languages, photography, etc.

Some schools offer school social worker services. Service may include:
- providing group or individual counseling for the student and family
- working w
10 S Waverly Street
Shillington, PA 19607
Eligibility: Open to the public
Pennsylvania Department of Revenue
PA Department of Revenue Harrisburg District Office - Tax Collection Agencies at Harrisburg District Office
Berks County Schools
Governor Mifflin School District
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