3 Matching Service Providers
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City of Pittsburgh
311 Response Center
Accepts calls to report a need for city services such as garbage pick-up, abandoned cars, etc.
414 Grant Street
Suite 512
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Eligibility: City of Pittsburgh residents.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 6:00pm
City of Philadelphia - Philly311
Philadelphia - City Non-Emergency Customer Service Center
Provides access to Philadelphia City government departments and services, delivers updates and information, and serves as the customer service hub for all of the City's non-emergency services. Call 311 to report problems with potholes or street damage, street light outage, fallen trees, etc.
1400 John F. Kennedy Boulevard
Philadelphia City Hall, Room 167
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am - 8:00pm
City of Philadelphia - Philly311
Philadelphia - City Non-Emergency Customer Service Center - For Callers Outside of Philadelphia
Provides access to Philadelphia City government departments and services, delivers updates and information, and serves as the customer service hub for all of the City's non-emergency services. Call 311 to report problems with potholes or street damage, street light outage, fallen trees, etc.
1400 John F. Kennedy Boulevard
Philadelphia City Hall, Room 167
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am - 8:00pm
City of Pittsburgh
311 Response Center
City of Philadelphia - Philly311
Philadelphia - City Non-Emergency Customer Service Center
City of Philadelphia - Philly311
Philadelphia - City Non-Emergency Customer Service Center - For Callers Outside of Philadelphia
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