Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church - Marietta
Marietta - Prime Time
Provides a monthly lunch on the first Tuesday of the month. Includes Bible Study, lunch, fellowship, and Bingo. The bookmobile is available to check out or return books. Attendees are encouraged to bring a bingo prize or two with them when they attend.
Eligibility: Retirees age 60 and older
Hours: 1st Tuesday of the month, 11:45am to 2:00pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (717) 951-3114
  • (717) 426-1884
Email Address: jajwise@gmail.com
Fee Amounts: A free will offering is collected each month to benefit a local agency or organization
Intake Procedure: None
Intake Requirements: None
Geographical Area: Lancaster (Marietta)
Facility/ADA Access: There is a lift to navigate between the buildings three floors
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