Luzerne County Government
Luzerne County Veterans' Affairs - Veterans Affairs
Services of this office include burial assistance, records maintenance, providing grave markers, flags and holders for all County veterans graves and financial assistance to county cemeteries holding veterans. State benefits applied for through this office include tax exemption and educational assistance for 100% disabled veterans, emergency assistance, applications for the blind, paralyzed veterans and veterans homes. Federal Veterans Benefits applied for through this office include health care, service connected compensation, pension assistance for disabled unemployable veterans and counseling for surviving family members and returning veterans.
Eligibility: Veterans.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:30pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (570) 706-3960
  • (570) 706-3969 - Fax
Fee Amounts: Call for details.
Intake Procedure: Contact the office.
Geographical Area: Luzerne County
Helpful Tips: Located at the Forty Fort Airport
Additional Services Offered at this Location:
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Luzerne County Government
Luzerne County Veterans' Affairs - Veterans Affairs
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