Greater Lycoming Habitat for Humanity
Williamsport - Home Preservation Program
Assists homeowners, including veterans, seniors, and disabled homeowners with minor exterior home repairs. Typical projects include exterior painting, accessibility modifications (ramps, handrails, etc.), fence replacement, deck and stair, and overgrown brush removal. WE DO NOT REPLACE/REPAIR ROOFS.
Eligibility: Home must be located in service area of Lycoming County. Applicant must own and occupy the home in need of repairs. Must meet household income (call or visit website for information). Applicant must be current on property taxes, mortgage payments (if applicable), and homeowner's insurance premiums. Application must be willing to complete 'sweat equity' volunteer work (2-10 hours) during the project and must be present during the duration of the repair work. Call or visit website for information.
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:00am to 3:00pm; Friday, 8:00am to 12:00pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (570) 322-2515
  • (570) 322-1683 - Fax
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: $25 non-refundable application fee to process application. If approved, will be required to pay a portion of the material costs using a sliding scale repayment plan. Call to visit website.
Intake Procedure: Once application is received, will schedule a scope work assessment to decide which repairs are feasible and can be completed. Call or visit intake website.

View Intake Website >
Intake Requirements: Completed application with income documentation. Call or visit intake website for information. Applications are available at the Restore.
Geographical Area: Lycoming
Helpful Tips: The repairs will be scheduled subject to weather conditions and construction schedule and could take up to several months to be completed.
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