Agency for Community Empowerment of NEPA (ACE)
Addresses weatherization, furnace, and other energy conservation services.
Weatherization measures include:
A) Air sealing (caulking, weather stripping, door sweeps, attic insulation and venting
B) Sidewall insulation, window repairs
C) Energy education
D) Furnace measures include: furnace repairs, furnace cleaning, and tune-up

Home energy auditor will evaluate where energy loss is most prevalent and determine prioritization of allowable measures covered by the Department of Energy. Conducts energy education, every-day energy saving practices that will help you lower your heating and cooling costs.
Eligibility: Disadvantaged individuals meeting 150% of the federal poverty guidelines.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (570) 963-6836
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: Services free of charge.
Intake Procedure: Call to apply, or for more information.
Intake Requirements: Application with income eligibility guidelines.
Geographical Area: Serves Lackawanna County
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