Senator Scott Martin
Strasburg - State Senator
State Senator serving the 13th Senatorial District
Services provided by his staff include:
- Legislative updates
- Assistance with resolution of complaints pertaining to state service.
- Obtain copies of House/Senate Bills and Laws
- Can expedite obtaining Birth/Death Certificates
- Notary services
- Distribution of applications for those wishing to become a notary public
- Information about and referral to appropriate services
Eligibility: Residents of the 13th District
Hours: Varies
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (717) 397-1309
  • (717) 299-7798 - Fax
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: None
Intake Procedure: Telephone, mail, walk-in, email
Geographical Area: Lancaster; City of Lancaster, Bart, Colerain, Conestoga, East Drumore, East Lampeter, Eden, Fulton, Lancaster Township, Leacock, Little Britain, Manheim Township, Manor, Martic, Paradise, Pequea, Providence, Sadsbury, Salisbury, Strasburg, Upper Leacock, West Lampeter, Christiana, Millersville, Quarryville, Strasburg
Facility/ADA Access: Full Accessibility
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