Community Shelter Services
Administrative Office - Lighting the Candle
Provides a supported housing program funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development that assists these families once they are ready to move beyond the Emergency Shelter.

Supplies short-term rental subsidies and supportive services to families. Assists participants with services such as housing search, case management, budgeting, and job training, as well as goal planning and guidance toward self-sufficiency for up to two years. Assists clients with appropriate home furnishings to enable them to move forward on the road to independent living.
Eligibility: Homeless families.
Hours: Call or visit website for more information.
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (814) 455-4369
  • (814) 456-4215 - Fax
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: No fees included
Intake Procedure: Call or visit website for more information.
Geographical Area: Erie County
Facility/ADA Access: Information not available
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