Voices for Independence
Washington Regional Office - Washington County Faith in Action
Provides supportive services and outreach to meet the needs of the elderly and adults with disabilities. Services include transportation to medical appointments, errands and shopping assistance, supportive visiting and telephone reassurance, light housekeeping and meal preparation, minor household maintenance, caregiver relief, and reading or helping to write out checks to pay bills.
Eligibility: Frail elderly; adults with disabilities; individuals with Alzheimer's / dementia.
Hours: Irregular - call for details
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (724) 223-5115
  • (877) 889-0965 - Hotline/Toll-Free
  • (814) 874-3497 - Fax
Intake Procedure: Call for more details
Intake Requirements: Initial call to office; then follow-up with in-home visit for intake
Geographical Area: Washington County
Helpful Tips: Call and leave message
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