Northwestern Rural Electric Cooperative
Cambridge Springs - 24 Hour Free Water Heater Service Program
Allows the Co-op to put a demand response unit (DRU) on an individual's water heater that enables the Co-op to shift the times when the water heater uses electricity from a peak time to an off peak time. The member still has hot water whenever they want plus when a new tank is needed, a newenergy efficient model and install it for free.
Eligibility: To participate, you must be a full-time residence or business, Electric Company must be Northwestern Rural Electric Cooperative.
Hours: Call for more information.
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (800) 352-0014
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: No fees apply
Intake Procedure: Call for more information.
Intake Requirements: Tank cannot be used to heat your floor. Member must supply 30 amp double breaker in panel for hot water tank only and run 10/2 wire from panel to hot water tank.
Geographical Area: Erie, Crawford, Warren, Mercer, and Venango Counties
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