Crozer Health
Crozer-Chester Medical Center (Crozer Keystone Health System - Hospital) - Crozer Keystone Health System - First Steps Treatment
Provides a 32-bed residence for detoxification and rehabilitative services in Upland, Pa. Features patient rooms as well as a range of patient-centered amenities.
Eligibility: Individuals struggling with substance abuse
Hours: Access Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00am to 3:00pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (610) 619-7370
  • (610) 447-2000
  • (800) 254-3258 - Hotline/Toll-Free
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: Some fees may apply dependent on insurance coverage
Intake Procedure: Intake assessments will be completed in person
Intake Requirements: Patients are asked to bring the following items with them when presenting for an intake assessment:
A) Picture identification
B) Insurance cards
C) Second proof of residency if uninsured (If you are uninsured, please bring a non-expired photo ID with Delaware County residency along with a second proof of residency, such as a bill, bank statement or notarized letter dated within the past 30 days.),
D) Hospital discharge instructions
E) Documents from any recent treatment,
F) Documents relevant to any recent medical conditions, and List of current medications.
Geographical Area: Delaware County
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