Temple University Hospital - Episcopal Campus
Episcopal Campus - Episcopal Hospital Cocaine Outreach Service (ECHOS)
Offers an outpatient treatment program serving pregnant and parenting women who are substance addicted. On-site services include HIV education, literacy education referrals, life skills education, parenting education, housing education, relapse prevention, individual and group counseling, and case management.
Eligibility: Pregnant and parenting women (including teenagers) who are substance addicted; those experiencing homelessness and dual diagnosis clients are accepted.
Hours: Services available 24/7
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (800) 836-7536
  • (215) 427-7000
Email Address: help@temple.edu
Fee Amounts: Call for information.
Intake Procedure: Intake consists of an initial interview in the clinic or bedside on the maternity floor.
Intake Requirements: Referrals are accepted from Episcopal's Ob/Gyn clinic, Temple Maternity, as well as other hospitals, clinics, and treatment programs.
Geographical Area: Southeastern Pennsylvania
Helpful Tips: Though EHCOS provides service primarily to women in the prenatal period, the program provides on-going services beyond that stage to women (partners and children) already in the program, including pregnant and parenting teenagers. Prenatal care is arranged through Episcopal's Ob/Gyn clinic- Temple Maternity. Pregnant women seeking drug treatment who have not received prenatal care may be seen at the clinic or referred for other services. EHCOS refers clients to other programs for inpatient treatment, intensive outpatient treatment or residential treatment
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