Berwick Area YMCA
YMCA Berwick Area
Offers Youth and Adult fitness, sports and swimming programs Activities include: Group exercise, Swimming Pool Parties, Youth Sports Leagues, Aquatic Fitness, Personal Trainers, Health Coach ,and.Active Older Adults "Silver Sneakers" program.
Eligibility: No limitations or restrictions.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 5:00am to 9:30pm; Saturday, 7:30am to 9:00pm; Sunday, noon to 7:00pm
Wellness Center open 24/7

Summer Hours - May 31st through August 30th, Monday through Thursday, 5:00am to 9:30pm; Friday, 5:00am to 7:00pm; Saturday, 7:30am to 7:00pm; Sunday, noon to 6:00pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (570) 752-5981
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: Membership fees. Offers a Scholarship Program based upon individual needs and circumstances.
Intake Procedure: Call or visit website for more information.
Intake Requirements: Membership.
Geographical Area: Serves Columbia, and Luzerne counties (Berwick)
Helpful Tips: Childcare available while you work out at no extra cost.
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