Reading Recreation Commission
RRC - 11th and Pike Recreation Center - 11th and Pike Recreation Center
Provides safe and fun recreation activities to City youth all year long. The center has an elementary-size gymnasium, a game room, homework room, and cafeteria. During the year, daily activities include arts and crafts, board games, sports activities, tutoring, career development workshops and clubs. Also offer special events.
Eligibility: Serves youth in grades 1-5
Hours: During the school year, Sunday-Saturday, 3:30pm-8:00pm; during the summer, playground program, Sunday-Saturday, 12:30pm-5:00pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (610) 655-6068
  • (610) 655-6201
Fee Amounts: Call for details
Intake Procedure: Walk-in
Geographical Area: Berks, Reading
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