Tower Health
Reading Health System - Drug and Alcohol Center - Drug and Alcohol Center
Medically monitored detoxification unit and short-term residential rehabilitation unit
Eligibility: Must meet Pennsylvania Client Placement Criteria as follows:
- Detoxification Level of Care - Use of alcohol and/or other drugs within past 48 hours
- Rehabilitation Level of Care - Medically Stable
Hours: 24/7
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (484) 628-8186
  • (610) 628-8186
  • (484) 628-8187 - Fax
Fee Amounts: Call for details
Intake Procedure: Hotline/Referral calls are accepted 24 hrs. a day. Appropriate level of care determination is screened at this time. If the individual is determined appropriate for a level of care at DAC, an intake is completed as part of admission. This process takes approximately 90 minutes.
Geographical Area: Berks
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