Property and Taxes Office, York County Government
York County Assessment and Tax Claim Office - Home Improvement Program, Planning Commission
Designed to help income eligible resident homeowners in York County by providing financial and technical assistance to obtain necessary home repairs. The funds in the Home Improvement Program are provided in the form of a loan with a deferred payment. This means that a mortgage in the amount of the loan is filed against your property for security. As long as you, the program participant, remains the occupant and owner of the property, no repayment is required and no interest is charged. When the property is sold or transferred in any way or it ceases to be your residence, the full balance on the loan becomes due and payable to the County of York. The deed to your property remains in your name and is not transferred to the County.

To qualify, your property must have conditions defined as substandard by the local housing code or by the program's rehabilitation standards. The goal of the Home Improvement Program is to help you bring your home into standard condition.
Eligibility: Income eligibility.
Hours: Mon - Fri, 8 AM - 4:30 PM
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (717) 771-9232
  • (717) 771-4651 - Fax
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: Call for details
Intake Procedure: Call for an application.
Intake Requirements: See notes.
Geographical Area: York
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Property and Taxes Office, York County Government
York County Assessment and Tax Claim Office - Home Improvement Program, Planning Commission
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