Malibu Wellness Ranch
Malibu Wellness Ranch-Detox - Withdrawal Management Program
Assists with recovery from addiction that starts in a medical detox unit. The detox facility is a medical unit where doctors and nurses monitor the patient 24/7 to keep them safe. The medical detox unit uses numerous different medications to effectively make someone as comfortable as possible and finally give the mind and body the rest and nutrition it needs.
Eligibility: Serves individuals with substance abuse disorders. Adults age 18 and older.
Hours: 24/7
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (800) 862-5428 - Hotline/Toll-Free
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: Most insurance accepted
Intake Procedure: Call to speak with an admission counselor.
Intake Requirements: Photo ID and health insurance card (if any)
Geographical Area: Pennsylvania
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