Excentia Human Services
Excentia Human Services - Early Childhood Services - Mount Joy Preschool - Mount Joy Preschool
Classrooms are inclusive environments where children of all abilities learn and play together. Children with an individualized education plan who attend may receive specialized instruction, physical, occupational, and speech therapies on site.
Eligibility: Ages 3-5 years, who have been referred through the Early Intervention Unit of IU 13; Any child ages 3-5 years with typical learning abilities
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 1:00pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (717) 492-9582
  • (717) 519-6740
  • (717) 519-6746 - Fax
Email Address: soberholtzer@excentiahumanservices.org
Fee Amounts: Call for details
Intake Procedure: Telephone; Call for information
Geographical Area: Lancaster; Mount Joy
Additional Services Offered at this Location:
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Excentia Human Services
Excentia Human Services - Early Childhood Services - Mount Joy Preschool - Mount Joy Preschool
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