Salvation Army - Chambersburg
Chambersburg - Senior Heating Assistance
Offers Heating Assistance for Franklin County Seniors 60 and older. Assistance is available for paying for their heating sources such as electric, kerosene, fuel oil, or propane bill. This program is typically offered from November 1st through April 30th of each year.
Eligibility: Must reside in Franklin County and be age 60 and over for services

Income at or below 150% of the poverty level.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (717) 264-6169
  • (717) 264-9474 - Fax
Fee Amounts: Services free of charge
Intake Procedure: Individuals are required to call for an appointment, as well as complete an application for the service that they are requesting help with.
Intake Requirements: Proof of all household income

Photo ID
Geographical Area: Franklin County
Helpful Tips: This program is funded by the Franklin County Area on Aging.
Facility/ADA Access: Wheelchair accessible
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