Lehigh Valley Drug and Alcohol Intake Unit
Easton - Recovery Support Services
Provide assessment, evaulations, and referrals to appropriate drug/alcohol treatment facilities. Also offers intensive case management services and assessments for DUI offenders. Serves as the liaison to Student Assistance Teams by following up and conducting evaluations of students who may be at risk for alcohol and/or drug abuse. Offer materials on drug and alcohol abuse to local groups and in-service trainings to professionals.
Eligibility: Residents of Northampton County
Hours: Monday, 8:30am to 5:00pm; Tuesday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:30pm; Evening and Weekend Hours Available by Appointment Only
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (610) 923-0394
  • (610) 923-0397 - Fax
Email Address: referralandinfo@lvintake.org
Fee Amounts: Private insurance and/or private payment; Lehigh County Magellan, Northampton County Magellan, Community Care Behavioral Health, and Lehigh County Single County Authority accepted. Contact the office directly regarding out-of-county and private insurance as it is subject to change. Payment plans on a case by case basis.
Intake Procedure: Call, walk-in, visit website to schedule an Assessment appointment.
Geographical Area: Northampton County
Helpful Tips: Located in the Santander Bank building, enter through the front door only, take elevator to the 4 th floor.
Facility/ADA Access: Accessible Parking, Full Accessibility, Handicap Parking Available
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