Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit
Milton - Central Susquehanna Licensed Practical Nursing Career Center
Instructional program to prepare adult students for a career as a Licensed Practical Nurse. Graduates are eligible to take the Pennsylvania State licensing exam (NCLEX-PN). The full-time program lasts one year. You attend classes and clinical rotations from August to August. Courses are held weekdays between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Clinical experience at affiliated facilities is usually offered during the day or first shift, but might occasionally be scheduled for evenings. A part-time program spanning two years is also available and starts in January of each year and runs through December of the following year.

Career Center is located at:
1339 St. Mary Street
Suite 2
Lewisburg, PA
Eligibility: .
Hours: CSIU Main Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (570) 523-1155
  • (570) 524-7104 - Fax
Email Address: csiu@csiu.org
Fee Amounts: .
Geographical Area: Northumberland, Columbia, Montour, Snyder and Union
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