United Way of Susquehanna County
Montrose - Pre-K Counts
Provides summer learning literacy kits to children enrolled in PA Pre-K Counts classrooms. Kits aim to help PA Pre-K students from suffering the effects of summer slide during this important time in their development students are given learning materials to help reinforce the skills that they learned throughout the year and continue active learning during the summer.
Eligibility: The program currently serves Pre-K students at Forest City and Mountain View Elementary Schools, and Treasure House Child Development Center with hopes of reaching other PA Pre-K Counts classrooms in the future.
Hours: Varies by location/program
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (570) 432-0901
  • (570) 432-0903 - Fax
Email Address: info@unitedwaysusqco.org
Fee Amounts: Services free of charge.
Intake Procedure: Call for more information.
Geographical Area: Serves Susquehanna County
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