Salvation Army - Sunbury
Salvation Army Sunbury Social Services - Youth Programs
In Sunbeams, heavy emphasis is placed on actively working with the Sunbeam leader and fellow-Sunbeams in order to earn emblems in a plethora of areas. Sunbeam members are in grades 1-5;
In Adventure Corps, youth work with the youth and leaders at local centers for worship and service. Not only do they still take part in emblem work but there are other supplements as well such as summer camping and service projects. Adventure Corps members are broken up into two groups, Explorers (1st - 4th grade) and Rangers (5th grade and up).
In Girl Guards, the focus is on the four aspects of personal growth outlined above in the Girl Guard Aim: spiritual, mental, physical and social. Girl Guards meet once a week and focus on these goals by earning emblems within various areas of interest. Girl Guards study art, find out how to respect and take care of the environment, learn the responsibilities of parenthood, gain computer skills and auto know-how, delve into God's Word, discover how to handle difficult situations,
Eligibility: Youth in grades 1 through 12. The only criteria for joining is regular meeting attendance and parental consent.
Hours: Youth programs: Tuesday with a meal at 4:30pm and programming at 5:00pm; Thursday with programming at 3:00pm.
Office: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (570) 286-4131
  • (570) 286-6691 - Fax
Fee Amounts: Contact for fee structure.
Intake Procedure: Call for more information.
Intake Requirements: Please call to confirm scheduled times.
Geographical Area: Northumberland
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Salvation Army - Sunbury
Salvation Army Sunbury Social Services - Youth Programs
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