Northern Tier Income and Education Consortium
Dimock - Student Summer Work Experience
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Energy and Oilfield Summer Experience:
A three-day summer experience held in August. Students will spend time learning about the endless career opportunities available to them in NEPA. Students will participate in classroom instruction and field trips with representatives of Lackawanna College School of Petroleum & Natural and local energy companies. Designed for students in 9th to 12th grades.
Healthcare Career Summer Experience:
A week-long summer experience held in July. Students explore a range of career options and learn about important issues in health. Students interact with healthcare professionals and receive a hands-on experience. Designed for students in 8th to 12th grades.
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Phone/FAX Numbers
- (570) 278-5038
- (570) 278-2731 - Fax
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Fee Amounts:
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Geographical Area:
Bradford, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga, Wyoming
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