Spectra Support Services, LLC
Broomall - Employment Program
Works with families to understand and maximize the opportunities for supports through the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation and other private and publicly funded local career readiness programs.

Additionally sets up volunteer opportunities with volunteer coaches for resume building.
Private job finding and job coaching as well as providing those services through waiver programs once OVR supports have been exhausted.
Eligibility: Unemployed or underemployed adult residents of Delaware County
Hours: Hours may vary based on appointment; call for more information
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (484) 450-6476
  • (484) 224-3398 - Fax
Email Address: information@spectrapa.com
Fee Amounts: These services are either private pay or paid by school district contract, compensatory education fund, or public waiver programs (once OVR services are exhausted).
Intake Procedure: Call for more information.
Geographical Area: Delaware County
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