John F. Kennedy Behavioral Health Center
Emergency Services and Crisis Intervention
Emergency Services and Crisis Intervention services provide JFK Mobile Emergency Team, Central Intake / Crisis Intervention, Crisis Specialist and Outreach to the Homeless. Crisis intervention at any location is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. An outgrowth of the JFK Mobile Emergency Team is the Crisis Specialist Program. Crisis Specialist professionals meet the consumer at his or her location, stay to stabilize the situation and determine if further care is needed. This service is also available through the same delegate line as the JFK Mobile Emergency Team. Central Intake / Crisis Intervention provides a central access point to help reduce the use of psychiatric hospitalization and connect people to services with the least disruption possible to their everyday lives. Outreach to the homeless is ongoing and takes place in various areas of the city as the need arises.
Eligibility: No eligibility requirements
Hours: Service available 24/7
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (215) 568-0860
  • (215) 568-0769 - Fax
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: Call for information
Intake Procedure: Call for information
Geographical Area: Philadelphia County
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