Center for Families and Relationships (CFAR)
Tustin Recreation Center - Together Through Trauma
Provides therapy, trauma workshops, support groups, and mental health education for children, teens, adults, and families impacted by gun violence. Services provided in-person and through telehealth. Also provides trauma education and training for staff of partner community organizations designed to help staff support one another while working in vulnerable communities impacted by gun violence.
Eligibility: Residents of Philadelphia
Hours: Hours may vary by program and location; call or email for more information.
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (215) 537-5367
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: Services free of charge
Intake Procedure: Drop-ins welcome. Call or email for more information.
Geographical Area: Philadelphia County
Helpful Tips: Provides trauma-informed counseling and mental health education at six city recreation centers and 12 summer camps.
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Center for Families and Relationships (CFAR)
Tustin Recreation Center - Together Through Trauma
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