River Crossing YMCA
Easton Branch - Sports and Recreation
The Family YMCA of Easton, Phillipsburg and Vicinity has fitness facilities and offers a regular schedule of classes, activities and aquatics for all ages. Facility is open year round. Financial assistance program assures that no one is turned away because of inability to pay. During the summer, Saturday hours change to 7:30am-4pm and Sunday hours change to 9am-1pm all other days stay the same.

Adult sports and fitness programs are offered regularly, including Silver Sneakers, a fitness program for older adults.
Eligibility: Anyone
Hours: Monday through Friday, 5:00am to 9:00pm
Saturday, 7:30am to 6:00pm
Sunday, 9:00am to 6:00pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (610) 258-6158
Email Address: lorimetz@greatervalleyymca.org
Intake Procedure: Telephone, internet, walk-in
Geographical Area: Northampton, Easton, Phillipsburg (New Jersey)
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