Gaudenzia - Sunbury Outpatient - Sunbury Outpatient
Provides drug and alcohol treatment services on an outpatient and intensive outpatient basis in an environment that is non- threatening, safe and comfortable for adults and adolescents. Gender specific groups provide the opportunities to address concerns regarding responsibilities as parents, self esteem, anger management, marriage, co-dependency, boundaries, assertiveness and letting go of resentments. Services offered include:
Referral, Evaluation, and Intake
Detoxification Referrals
Individualized Treatment Planning
Individual and Group Counseling
Intensive Outpatient
Family Reintegration and Counseling
Vocational and Educational Referrals
Gender Specific Groups
Parent Education/Support Groups
Aftercare Planning and Referral
Follow â Up
Legal, Medical and Psychiatric Services Referral
AA, NA and Double Trouble Involvement
Urinalysis Drug/Alcohol Screens
Chemical Dependency and Mental Health Education
Eligibility: A drug and alcohol evaluation is completed utilizing assessment protocol approved by public and private funding sources. Services are available for adults ages 18 years and older and adolescents ages 12-18 year.
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9:00am to 9:00pm and Friday and Saturday from 9:00am to 5:00pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (717) 238-4200
  • (833) 976-4357 - Hotline/Toll-Free
  • (610) 239-9195 - Fax
Email Address:
Intake Requirements: Current form of identification, insurance or Medical Assistance card, current pay stub or most recent income tax return.
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