Gaudenzia - Vantage - Vantage
A drug free, 6 month residential chemical dependency treatment program for women, pregnant women or mothers who may be accompanied by up to two of their children. Treatment is provided in a home-like environment with mothers remaining the principal caregivers for their children.

Rehabilitation includes:
- Individual/group counseling, TREM counseling
- Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous meetings
- Life skills seminars
- Parenting skills education
- Vocational guidance, housing guidance, recreation
- Development of aftercare treatment plans

In addition to providing a licensed child care program for residents, Vantage offers a prevention/intervention program for children residing at Vantage. Included components of the program are values clarification and prevention sessions, as well as family counseling.

A Drug Affected Infants Program provides infant stimulation to children up to age 3 who were born to
Eligibility: Females age 18 years or older with a chemical dependency; May be single, pregnant and/or accompanied by one or two of their children
Hours: Office: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Program: Monday through Sunday, 24 hours
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (717) 238-4200
  • (833) 976-4357 - Hotline/Toll-Free
  • (610) 239-9195 - Fax
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: Fixed fees; County contracted funding available to qualified applicants
Intake Procedure: Telephone
Intake Requirements: Identification, Insurance
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