Lancaster County Office of Aging
Job Bank
55+ Employment Workshop: Workshop is conducted every first and third Wednesday from 9-11 am at 150 N Queen St, Suite 415, Lancaster. During the workshop, information on the job market, job search and interviewing techniques are presented. Participants are also led through exercises designed to develop the positive attitudes that are necessary for a successful job search. All attendees are enrolled in the 55+ Job Bank and are screened for possible eligibility for the federally subsidized

Senior Community Service Employment Program. 55+Job Bank: This program is a job referral service for older job seekers. People of all skill, experience, income and education levels may participate. They must be 55 years or over and a Lancaster County resident.

Senior Community Services Employment Program (SCSEP): The SCSEP is funded by the US Dept of Labor under Title V of the Older Americans Act. It provides 20 hour a week minimum wage jobs for Lancaster County residents who are over 55 years of age and have inco
Eligibility: Must be 55 years or over and a Lancaster County resident
Hours: Office: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm; Program hours vary; Protective services: 24-hours/day
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (717) 299-7979
  • (800) 801-3070 - Hotline/Toll-Free
  • (717) 293-7234 - Fax
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: Call for details
Intake Procedure: Telephone, walk-in, email
Geographical Area: Lancaster County
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