Berwyn - Adult Programs
The Meadows at Melmark is a work-centered program for adults with mild-to-moderate disabilities. Participants live with friends in staff-supervised, single-family homes, or in the community with their families.

Adult Day Workshops provide services for adults with moderate-to-profound developmental and physical disabilities, based on individual needs and abilities. For adults with lower cognitive levels or those who are non-ambulatory, activities include multi-sensory stimulation, massage therapy, hand-over-hand training, and personal assistance.
Eligibility: Adults age 21 and older diagnosed with autism our intellectual and developmental disabilities
Hours: Varies
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (888) 635-6275
  • (610) 325-2920 - Fax
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: Call for fee schedule
Intake Procedure: Call for information
Geographical Area: Bucks County, Chester County, Delaware County, Montgomery County, Philadelphia County
Facility/ADA Access: Full Accessibility
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