Lenape Valley Foundation
Doylestown - Transitional Outpatient Services
Transitional Outpatient Services offers a multi-modal, multi-disciplinary structure for a variety of programs. The program has a variable length of treatment and offers flexibility in scheduling as symptoms are alleviated and the individual is able to resume their typical activities. Transitional Outpatient Services is more intensive than traditional outpatient and is designed to achieve stabilization and resolution of psychiatric and chemical dependency conditions. This level of care is specifically available for those adult clients who do not require the intense level of psychiatric care provided by inpatient or partial hospitalization programs.

Programs available include:
A) Individual Therapy
B) Group Therapy
C) Family Therapy
D) Psycho Education
E) Medication Consultation
F) Discharge Planning
Eligibility: Call for more information; varies by program
Hours: Call for more information
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (215) 345-5300
  • (800) 499-7455 - Hotline/Toll-Free
  • (215) 893-5100 - Fax
Email Address: info@lenapevf.org
Fee Amounts: Call for information
Intake Procedure: Call for information
Geographical Area: Bucks County
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