Northumberland County Area Agency on Aging & Veterans Affairs
Northumberland County Area Agency on Aging - Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Assess individuals for Geisinger Life Program, Living Independently for Elders
, PDA Waiver Program designed to help people remain at home after they are both medically and financially approved for Medical Assistance. Home and Community-based long term care services can be provided as an alternative to nursing home care through the Waiver Program.
Eligibility: Individuals, who are assessed to need nursing home care, may be eligible. To be eligible for the Aging Waiver, must be 60 years of age or older; meet financial requirements, require the level of care of a nursing home choose community-based services rather than a nursing home.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (570) 495-2395
  • (877) 622-2251 - Hotline/Toll-Free
  • (570) 988-4972 - Fax
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: There is no fee to the participant for the services received through the Waiver Program. However, federal and state laws require recovery of Medical Assistance payments from the probate estate.
Intake Procedure: Call for additional information.
Intake Requirements: Everyone seeking admission to a nursing facility must first have an initial screening for mental illness, mental retardation, or other related conditions regardless of payment source.

Applicants seeking admission to a nursing home, personal care boarding home, Geisinger/Life or Waiver Program and applying for Medical Assistance must be assessed by the AAA to determine eligibility.
Geographical Area: Northumberland
Helpful Tips: After completing a comprehensive needs assessment; Care managers develop a written care plan that identifies all services appropriate for the consumer. Services are arranged and coordinated with on-going case management.
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