Coatesville Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Coatesville VA Medical Center - Coatesville VA Medical Center - Mental Health, Substance Abuse & PTSD Treatment
Provides consultation, evaluation, and treatment for a variety of issues that can impact emotional health and well-being. Services and supporting programs offered at the Coatesville Medical Center include: Community Residential Care, Mental Health Outpatient Clinic, Inpatient Psychiatry, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder treatment, Substance Abuse Treatment Drug/Alcohol, Domiciliary Care, and a Work Restoration program. We also provide outreach to homeless veterans.The Social Work program also offers counseling to veterans with drug, alcohol, and emotional problems, to help veterans and their families understand and adjust to an illness or disability, to veterans and family members who want to prepare advance directives and durable powers of attorney for health care or finances, to help veterans and their families cope with terminal illness,and to family members about legal issues such as commitment and guardianship.
Eligibility: Veterans in Chester County.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:30am to 8:00pm; Saturday and Sunday, 7:30am to 3:30pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (610) 384-7711
Email Address:
Intake Procedure: Mental Health Admission Coordinators can be reached at 610 384-7711, Ext. 2911. For the Social Work Program, contact the Patient Entry Coordinator at 610-384-7711, Ext. 6205. For vocational rehabilitation, contact Susan Wieser at 800-290-6172, ext 5287
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