Northumberland County Children and Youth Services
Sunbury - Foster Care/Adoption
Provides and coordinate services based on families court order and CPP; monitor children in their resource home to assure compliance with state regulations; facilitate, transport, and supervise visitation; act as liaison between schools, medical, dental, and other service providers; schedule and attend all court proceedings involving the families; make recommendations and inform the court of families' progress regarding court ordered services; investigate non-registered reports of suspected child abuse and/or neglect; referrals to appropriate services/community resources; provide children with a permanent home through adoption; terminate parental rights so a child can be free for adoption; provide and coordinate services for children and their adoptive resource based on the child's CPP; monitor the children in their adoptive placement; provide all legal documentation to the courts and attorneys; attend all court proceedings leading to the adoption; attend SWAN regional and quarterly meetings; and maintain
Eligibility: Families with children adjudicated dependent who are in out of home placement.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (570) 988-4237
  • (866) 667-7929 - Hotline/Toll-Free
  • (570) 988-4241 - Fax
Fee Amounts: Government funding
Intake Procedure: Call for information.
Geographical Area: Northumberland
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