Fairmount Behavioral Health System
Philadelphia - Acute Partial Program
Partial hospitalization program providing acute, short-term treatment during the day for adolescents (14 years of age and older) and adults. Alternative for those who do not require inpatient treatment, need intensive follow-up after inpatient stay, or lack enough support at home to be successful as an outpatient.
Eligibility: Must be age 14 or older
Hours: Hotline available 24/7
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (800) 235-0200
  • (215) 487-4000
  • (800) 235-0200 - Hotline/Toll-Free
  • (215) 483-8187 - Fax
Email Address: gerald.kosmin@uhsinc.com
Fee Amounts: Medicare, medicaid, private insurance and private payment accepted; Please Call
Intake Procedure: To schedule an assessment, call any time day or night. Physician consultation is available at all times.
Geographical Area: Southeastern Pennsylvania
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