Year Up Pittsburgh
Administrative Headquarters - Pittsburgh - Year Up Pittsburgh
Offers a free one year program that empowers young adults by ensuring that they gain the skills, experiences, and support necessary to reach their full potential and thrive in professional careers and higher education. Students spend six months learning in-demand technical and professional skills before applying their skills during a six-month corporate internship. Throughout the program, students complete coursework that may be eligible for college credits and receive access to a robust offering of services and supports to promote their success.
Eligibility: Adults age 18 to 30.
Hours: Irregular - call for details.
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (412) 219-4692
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: Fees vary by program.
Intake Procedure: Call for more information and/or application.
Geographical Area: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, and Westmoreland counties
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