Chartiers Center
Administrative Office - Residential Services
Offers a range of mental health residential services depending on the need of the person. Programs options include a 60 to 90 day placement in Chartiers' RTP, an intensive mental health treatment in a residential setting. Referrals to the RTP helps the consumer avoid inpatient hospitalization and provides support while their symptoms stabilize. There is also a Long Term Structured Residence (LTSR) which offers a 16-bed capacity for specialized geriatric residential service.
Chartiers Center's newest program is called Janus. It is for people with a mental health diagnosis and it provides scattered site apartment living. The goal is to help people move to independent housing. For more information call 412 221-3302.
Eligibility: Call for details.
Hours: Program operate 24 hours/day, 7 days/week
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (412) 221-3302
  • (412) 221-4902 - Fax
  • (412) 221-5229 - Fax
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: Based on income; Sliding scale
Intake Procedure: Must go through Allegheny Link.
Geographical Area: Allegheny County
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