Bidwell Training Center
Admissions Office and Main Campus - Admissions and General Information
Provides tuition-free career training for qualified adult residents of Pennsylvania.

Short-term training available: Culinary Arts, Horticultural Technology, Medical Coding/Billing, Medical Assistant, Pharmacy Technician, Chemical Laboratory Technician.
Eligibility: Pennsylvania residents age 18 and older.
Hours: Admissions Office: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm.

Program hours vary.
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (412) 640-9761
  • (412) 402-9761
  • (412) 323-4000
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: Training offered at no cost to qualified Pennsylvania residents.
Intake Procedure: Call or visit the website to learn about the admissions process.
Intake Requirements: High School Diploma or G.E.D. and proof of residence
Geographical Area: Serves all of Pennsylvania

Located in the Manchester neighborhood of Pittsburgh's North Side.
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