UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital
Western Behavioral Child Health Services Central Call Line - Merck Child and Adolescent Outpatient Clinic
Specializes in assessing and treating children and adolescents. Provides initial screenings, assessment, and evaluations. A specialty medication clinic provides comprehensive medication evaluation. Comprehensive outpatient treatment services are provided. Treatment may include family, group, and individual therapy. Social skills training groups are available for children and adolescents.
Eligibility: Children and adolescents who have autism spectrum disorder, Children who have developmental disabilities and co-occurring psychiatric or behavioral disorders.
Hours: Open year round: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Evening hours are available by appointment.
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (412) 235-5444
Fee Amounts: Call for details.
Intake Procedure: Call to schedule an intake appointment.
Geographical Area: Allegheny County
Helpful Tips: Clinic is in South Side section of Pittsburgh, PA.
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UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital
Western Behavioral Child Health Services Central Call Line - Merck Child and Adolescent Outpatient Clinic
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