Oakland Planning and Development Corporation
Administrative and Main Office - Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Assistance
Connects eligible Oakland homeowners with financial assistance to address critical home repairs.

Senior Oakland homeowners over the age of 55 and at or below 80% of the area median income may be eligible to receive up to $22,500 for home repairs when they join the CLT.
Eligibility: Oakland homeowners age 55 and older and at or below 80% of the AMI.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (412) 621-7863
  • (412) 621-5920 - Fax
Email Address: questions@opdc.org
Fee Amounts: Financial assistance is provided free of charge. Help available might not cover the entire cost of repairs needed.
Intake Procedure: Call for information and/or application.
Intake Requirements: Call for information and/or application.
Geographical Area: Zip Code: 15213
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