Human Services Center Mon Valley
Administrative Headquarters - Supports for Success
Provides employment and education supports for adults working toward self-sufficiency. Participants receive one-on-one intensive case management, wrap-around supportive services, resources, and referrals. Works directly with participants to create a detailed goal plan, obtain a credit report, create a monthly budget to increase knowledge of money management. Assists with creating, updating, and maintaining a current professional resume to improve success in obtaining employment opportunities, finding adequate affordable housing options, and finding employment or better employment opportunities.
Eligibility: Individuals working toward an employment or education goal. Income guidelines apply - 200% of federal poverty level or less.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (412) 829-7112
Email Address:
Fee Amounts: Service provided free of charge.
Intake Procedure: Complete the interest form on the Intake Website (linked below) or email.

View Intake Website >
Geographical Area: Mon Valley region in Allegheny County
Helpful Tips: Offers financial counseling, not monetary assistance.
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